The role of the Arabic language in India through the scientific efforts of Indian scholars

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Selçuk Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



This article discusses the role of the Arabic language through the efforts of prominent Indian scholars who had played a tangible role in enriching the Islamic heritage in India by writing books in various fields in the Arabic language. From this standpoint, this article provides knowledge about the eras that Islam passed through with the most prominent scholars of these eras to this day. First of all the article presents the era of the Delhi Sultanate, which was founded as the first Muslim government in the Indian subcontinent, and the article talks about its most prominent scholars, such as Imam Razi al-Din al-Saghani, who wrote valuable books in the Arabic language in different fields such as; language, hadith, literature, and so on, and Imam Ahmed bin Omar Al-Zawi, who made valuable literary and scientific contributions to the Islamic heritage, and Jamal al-Din bin Nasir al-Din al-Hanafi, and other scholars of this era, and then the article discusses The Mongols Era, in which the Arabic language gains an important role especially in writing books because the Arabic language was the language of most of the religious books in that era. The article presents prominent scholars of this era as well, such as the Mujaddid of the second millennium, Shah Abd al-Haqq al-Muhaddith al-Dahlawi, and so on Who had great contributions to the Islamic heritage with their scientific writings in India. This article finishes by shedding light on the British colonial era and its aftermath. The article submits the scholars of this era who contributed to scientific circles with their scientific efforts, such as; Sharif Siddiq Hassan Al-Husseini Al-Qanuji and Fayd Al-Hassan Al-Saharanpuri, and Sayyed Abdul-Hay Al-Hasani and the other prominent scholars of this era.
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Anahtar Kelimeler

Arabic Language, Indian Scholars, Islamic Heritage, Delhi Sultanate, Indian Subcontinent, Mongols Era, Arap Dili, Hintli Bilginler, İslam Mirası, Delhi Sultanlığı, Moğollar Dönemi


International Journal of Language and Translation Studies

WoS Q Değeri

Scopus Q Değeri






Candemir, N. (2023). The Role of The Arabic Language in India Through The Scientific Efforts of Indian Scholars. International Journal of Language and Translation Studies, 3(2), 130-146.