Elektronik Ticaret ve Grafik Tasarım
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Grafik tasarım birçok farklı disiplinle etkileşim halinde olan görsel bir iletişim
alanıdır. Kültürel ve teknolojik gelişmeler grafik tasarım alanının genişlemesini ve
farklı disiplinlerde yer almasını sağlamıştır. Bu disiplinler arasında elektronik ticaret
siteleri de gösterilebilir. 1994 yılı itibarıyla ilk elektronik ticaret sitesi kurulmuş ve her
geçen gün bu sitelerin sayısı artmıştır. Rekabetin elektronik ortama taşınması, site
kullanıcılarının dikkatini çekme ve site içerisinde daha fazla zaman geçirmelerini
sağlama ihtiyaçlarını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu ihtiyaçlar sonucunda estetik kaygıların
giderilmesi ve bununla beraber kullanıcı deneyimlerinin göz önünde bulundurularak
tasarım ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması gerekliliğini beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu
gereksinimlerin giderilmesinin site içerisinde var olan görsel ögelerin belirli tasarım
ilke ve elemanlarının dikkate alınarak tasarlanmasıyla mümkün olacağı öne
Bu araştırmanın amacı web sitelerinin nasıl oluştuğunu incelemek ve gelişmekte
olan Amazon, eBay, Hepsiburada, N11 elektronik ticaret sitelerinin tasarımında
kullanılan görsel ögeleri ayrı ayrı ele alarak kullanım amaçlarını ortaya koymak ve
incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda nitel araştırma tekniği kullanılarak sanal
kaynaklarla beraber makale, kitap, ilgili tezlerden yararlanılmış ve görsel tarama
yapılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerle beraber bu sitelerin grafik tasarım kriterlerine göre
incelemeleri gerçekleştirilmiştir.
İncelemeler sonucunda, sitelerde bulunan görsel ögelerin kullanım şekillerinde
gelişmeler gözlemlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, logo tasarımlarının dönemlerin tasarım
anlayışları dikkate alınarak modernize edildiği, logo evrimleri görselleriyle ortaya
konmuştur. İncelenen sitelerin son yıllarda geliştirilen site tasarımlarında, logo ile
bütünlük sağlayacak renklerin seçildiği ve fazla renk kullanımlarından kaçınıldığı
fark edilmiştir. Kuruluş yıllarında Amazon ve eBay sitelerinde serifli font
kullanımları görülmüştür. Sonraki dönemlerde gelişimleri incelenen Amazon, eBay,
Hepsiburada ve N11 sitelerinde, serifsiz fontların yaygın olarak kullanıldığı
görülmüştür. Bunun yanında, site kullanıcılarının ürünleri daha kolay incelemesini
sağlayacak gelişimler de gözlemlenmiştir.
Graphic design is a visual communication field that interacts with various disciplines. Cultural and technological developments paved the way for graphic design to expand and play a role in different disciplines. Electronic commerce websites are among such disciplines. The first e-commerce website was created in 1994 and their numbers have increased significantly since then. As the competition shifted to the digital environment, the need for attracting users and making them spend more time on the website has emerged. Such needs brought along the need of eliminating aesthetic concerns and meeting the design demands, taking into account the user experience. It has been suggested that meeting such needs will be possible through designing the visual elements existing in the website by adopting certain design principles. The purpose of this study is to examine the foundation of the websites and analyze the visual elements used in the design of the developing e-commerce websites such as Amazon, eBay, Hepsiburada, N11 one by one, in order to reveal their purpose of use. For this purpose, using the qualitative research methods, articles, books, online sources and relevant theses have been used and visual scanning has been carried out. These websites were analyzed in terms of graphic design criteria with the data obtained. iv As a result of the examinations, improvements have been observed in the use of visual elements on websites. Accordingly, it is presented by logo evolution visuals that logo designs are modernized by taking into account the design concepts of the periods. It has been noticed that in the recently developed designs of the examined websites, colors that will provide integrity with the logo are preferred and excessive use of colors is avoided. During the establishment years, serif fonts were used on Amazon and eBay websites. It has been seen that sans serif fonts are widely used on Amazon, eBay, Hepsiburada, and N11 websites, whose developments were examined in the following periods. In addition, developments that will enable site users to examine of the products more easily have been observed.
Graphic design is a visual communication field that interacts with various disciplines. Cultural and technological developments paved the way for graphic design to expand and play a role in different disciplines. Electronic commerce websites are among such disciplines. The first e-commerce website was created in 1994 and their numbers have increased significantly since then. As the competition shifted to the digital environment, the need for attracting users and making them spend more time on the website has emerged. Such needs brought along the need of eliminating aesthetic concerns and meeting the design demands, taking into account the user experience. It has been suggested that meeting such needs will be possible through designing the visual elements existing in the website by adopting certain design principles. The purpose of this study is to examine the foundation of the websites and analyze the visual elements used in the design of the developing e-commerce websites such as Amazon, eBay, Hepsiburada, N11 one by one, in order to reveal their purpose of use. For this purpose, using the qualitative research methods, articles, books, online sources and relevant theses have been used and visual scanning has been carried out. These websites were analyzed in terms of graphic design criteria with the data obtained. iv As a result of the examinations, improvements have been observed in the use of visual elements on websites. Accordingly, it is presented by logo evolution visuals that logo designs are modernized by taking into account the design concepts of the periods. It has been noticed that in the recently developed designs of the examined websites, colors that will provide integrity with the logo are preferred and excessive use of colors is avoided. During the establishment years, serif fonts were used on Amazon and eBay websites. It has been seen that sans serif fonts are widely used on Amazon, eBay, Hepsiburada, and N11 websites, whose developments were examined in the following periods. In addition, developments that will enable site users to examine of the products more easily have been observed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Elektronik Ticaret, Grafik Tasarım, Web Tasarım, Electronic Commerce, Graphic Design, Web Design
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Akçaoğlu, S., (2022). Elektronik Ticaret ve Grafik Tasarım. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.