Taekwon-docuların Antrenörleri? I?le I?li?şki?leri? Açısından Moti?vasyonel Faktörleri?ni?n Algı Boyutunda I?ncelenmesi?
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada Türkiye genelindeki taekwon-docuların antrenörleriyle ilişkileri ile ilgili motivasyonel faktörlerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada Türkiye Taekwon-do şampiyonasında ilk sekize giren 143 sporcu incelenmiştir. Sporculara antrenörleriyle ilişkilerindeki motivasyonel faktörlerine yönelik ve sosyo-kültürel düzeylerini belirlemeye yönelik toplam 18 soruluk anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçların analizinde frekans yüzdelik ağırlığı ortalama x2 kullanılmıştır. Bulgulara göre branşını seçmede etken %4,90 maddi kazanç, %72,03 şampiyon olmak, %12,59 saygınlık kazanmak, %10,49 aile isteği olduğunu belirmektedir. Antrenörünün kişiliği ile ilgili soruya %54.5 otoriter sert, %23.1 sevecen duygusal, %1.4 sessiz-sakin, %21 başarılı ve sporcuyu koruyan özellikte olmasını istemektedir. Kişisel problemlerini antrenörleriyle paylaşma durumu soruldu; %30.1 evet, %51 kısmen, %18.9 hayır cevabını vermişlerdir. Ağırlık ortalaması1.88’dir. Kişisel problemlerinin çözümünde antrenörün %30.1 arkadaş gibi, %7.7 babacan, %62.2 yol gösterici gibi davranmasını istemektedir.
The aim of this study was to search the motivational factors related to their trainers in Turkey. In this study, 143 sportsmen, entered the first eight in Turkey’s Taekwon-do Championship were evaluated. A total of 18 questions, consisting of motivational factors of trainers and socio-cultural levels of sportsmen were prepared. Frequency percentage weight average x2 was used to analyze the data. According to the findings, the factors considered to be effective in choosing an occupation were 4,90% financial earnings, 72,03% becoming a champion, 12,59% gaining prestige and 10,49% families’ preference. The answers given to a question of how you trainers’ personality should be were 54,5% authoritative-hard, 23,1% compassionate-sentimental, 1,4% silent-quiet, 21% successful and protective. The answers given to a question if they share their personal problems with their trainer were 30,1% yes, 51% partially, 18.9% no. Frequency percentage weight average was 1,88. They would like their trainers in solving their personal problems to be like a friend 30,1%, 7,7% father-like, 62,2% like a professor. When they loose a competition they expected their trainers to be understandable to them as 18,2%, being silent or angry as 2,1% and telling them their shortcomings softly as 77,7%.
The aim of this study was to search the motivational factors related to their trainers in Turkey. In this study, 143 sportsmen, entered the first eight in Turkey’s Taekwon-do Championship were evaluated. A total of 18 questions, consisting of motivational factors of trainers and socio-cultural levels of sportsmen were prepared. Frequency percentage weight average x2 was used to analyze the data. According to the findings, the factors considered to be effective in choosing an occupation were 4,90% financial earnings, 72,03% becoming a champion, 12,59% gaining prestige and 10,49% families’ preference. The answers given to a question of how you trainers’ personality should be were 54,5% authoritative-hard, 23,1% compassionate-sentimental, 1,4% silent-quiet, 21% successful and protective. The answers given to a question if they share their personal problems with their trainer were 30,1% yes, 51% partially, 18.9% no. Frequency percentage weight average was 1,88. They would like their trainers in solving their personal problems to be like a friend 30,1%, 7,7% father-like, 62,2% like a professor. When they loose a competition they expected their trainers to be understandable to them as 18,2%, being silent or angry as 2,1% and telling them their shortcomings softly as 77,7%.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Taekwon-do, motivasyonel faktörler, antrenör, motivational factors, trainers
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Canbaz, M., Kaya, Y., (2005). Taekwon-docuların Antrenörleri̇ İle İli̇şki̇leri̇ Açısından Moti̇vasyonel Faktörleri̇ni̇n Algı Boyutunda İncelenmesi̇. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14, 377-392.