Maksiller kaninleri gömülü ve birinci premoları konjenital eksik olan bîr vakanın ortodontik tedavisi
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Oral fonksiyonlardaki ve gülme ve yüz estetiğindeki rollerinden dolayı, maksiller kanin dişlerin gömülü olması konseıvatif bir şekilde tedavi edilmesi gereken Önemli bir problemdir. Bu vaka raporunda her iki tarafta birer maksiller premolar diş konjenital eksik ve iki maksiller kanin dişi gömülü olan bir hastanın (9 yaş, 5 ay) ortodontik tedavisi anlatılmaktadır. Kanin dişler farklı derinlikte ve açıyla gömülü sağ kanin diş nerdeyse oklüzal düzleme paraleldi. Hastanın ilk başvurusundan 6 ây sonra çekilen panoramik radyografiler ile dişilerin sürmediği tespit edildikten sonra hasta sabit ortodontik tedaviye alınmıştır. Süt kanin dişleri çektirilmiştir. Üst molar ve premolar dişlerin rotasyonları düzeltilerek boşluklar düzenlemiştir. Maksiller kanin dişlere herhangi bir çekme uygulanmamasına karşın, alınan panoramik radyografide dişlerin sürmeye başladığı görülmüştür. Dişler tamamen sürünce bondlanmışlardır. Tedavi üç yıl yedi aylık bir sürede tamamlanmıştır. Bu vaka gömülü maksiler kaninleriti erken teşhisinin önemini ve yerleri hazırlandığı zaman upright olarak sürebilin yeteneklerini göstermektedir. (Türk Ortodonti Dergisi 20090;155-165)
Depending on their roles in oral functions and smile and face esthetic, impaction of maxillary canines is an important problem that should be treated by a conservative approach. In this case report, orthodontic treatment of a patient (9-year 5- months) with congenitally missing one maxillary premolar on both side and impacted two maxillary canines were introduced. The canines were impacted in different depth and angulations; right canine was almost parallel to occlusal plane. Following the determination of the teeth were not erupting by a panoramic radiograph laken in the sixth month after first application, patient was accepted to fixed orthodontic therapy. Primary canines were extracted. Rotations of upper premolars and molars were corrected and spaces were organized. However no traction was applied to maxillary canines, it was determined that they were erupting in the following panoramic radiograph. When they are fully eruptecl they were bonded. The treatment finished in three years and seven months time. This case shows the importance of early diagnose of impacted maxillary canines and their ability to erupt by uprighting when their spaces are prepared. (Turkish I Orthod 2009;22:155-165)
Depending on their roles in oral functions and smile and face esthetic, impaction of maxillary canines is an important problem that should be treated by a conservative approach. In this case report, orthodontic treatment of a patient (9-year 5- months) with congenitally missing one maxillary premolar on both side and impacted two maxillary canines were introduced. The canines were impacted in different depth and angulations; right canine was almost parallel to occlusal plane. Following the determination of the teeth were not erupting by a panoramic radiograph laken in the sixth month after first application, patient was accepted to fixed orthodontic therapy. Primary canines were extracted. Rotations of upper premolars and molars were corrected and spaces were organized. However no traction was applied to maxillary canines, it was determined that they were erupting in the following panoramic radiograph. When they are fully eruptecl they were bonded. The treatment finished in three years and seven months time. This case shows the importance of early diagnose of impacted maxillary canines and their ability to erupt by uprighting when their spaces are prepared. (Turkish I Orthod 2009;22:155-165)
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Türk Ortodonti Dergisi
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