Kolorektal kanserlerde laparoskopik ve laparotomik operasyonların maliyet ve etkinlik açısından karşılaştırılması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kolorektal kanserler, günümüzde kanserler içerisinde ciddi morbidite ve mortaliteye sebep olan en önemli malignitelerdir. Bu sebeple kolorektal kanserlerin erken tanı alması ve tedavisinin multidisipliner bir yaklaşımla yapılması gerekmektedir. Çalışmamızda 2009-2019 yılları arasında kolorektal kanser tanısı alan ve bu sebeple opere edilen hastalar retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda kolorektal kanser sebebiyle opere olan 400 hasta taranmıştır. Retrospektif tarama yaparken ameliyat defterleri, poliklinik ve servis dosyaları, ameliyat raporları, patoloji raporları ve onkoloji izlem raporları değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Çalışmamızda amacımız kolorektal kanserli hastaların laparoskopik ve laparotomik cerrahi teknikleri arasında karşılaştırma yapmaktır. Bu karşılaştıma yapılırken iki cerrahi teknik arasındaki maliyet ve kanser tedavisindeki etkinlik göz önüne alınmıştır. Hastalar çalışmaya dahil edilirken yaş, cinsiyet, kullanılan stapler, ameliyat süreleri, yatış süresi, oral başlama zamanı, patoloji lenf nodu, tümör anatomik yerleşimi, neoadjuvan KRT ve adjuvan KRT alıp almaması, tümör invazyon derinliği, operasyon sonrası patolojik cerrahi sınır pozitifliği, nüks, 1-5 yıllık izlem ve metastazları, 1-5 yıllık survey ve toplam maliyet açısından da karşılaştırılması ele alınmıştır. Kolorektal kanserlerin tedavisinde adjuvan veya neoadjuvan kemoradyoterapi, küratif ya da palyatif cerrahi yer almaktadır. Bu tedavi seçenekleri hastaların kolorektal kanser tanısı konulduktan sonra yapılan evreleme ve hastanın performansına göre şekillendirilir. Kolon kanserinin tanısında çeşitli testler kullanımaktadır. Bunlar gaitada gizli kan (GGK), kolonoskopi, CEA, CA 19-9 gibi kanser markerları, bilgisayarlı tomografi ve MRG'dir. Populasyonda 50 yaşından sonra GGK baktırılması tarama açısından önemlidir. Kolorektal kanserlerin erken evrede tanı alması için tarama faaliyetlerinin daha düzenli yapılması gerekmektedir. Sonuç olarak; yaptığımız çalışmada iki cerrahi teknik arasında cerrahi sınır negatifliği ve nüks takipleri açısından benzer sonuçlar mevcuttu. Metastaz ve survey konusunda ise laparoskopik teknikle opere edilen hastalarda daha iyi sonuçlara ulaştık. Laparotomik teknik ile opere edilen hastalarda erken komplikasyonların daha çok görülmesi, oral alıma daha geç başlanması ve hastane yatış süresinin daha uzun olması sebebi ile laparoskopik teknik ile opere edilen hastalara göre maliyeti daha fazla bulunmuştur. Laparoskopik cerrahi teknik ile opere edilen hastaların maliyeti laparotomik teknikle opere edilen hastaların maliyetinden ortalama 3,027 TL ile daha az bulunmuştur.
Colorectal cancers are the most important malignancies that cause morbidity and mortality. Fort his reason, early diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancers should be performed with a multidisciplinary approach. In this studyi patients who were diagnosed with colorectal canser between 2009-2019 and aperated fort his reason were evaluated retrospectively. In our study, 400 patients operated for colorectal cancer were screened. Surgery records, polyclinic and service files, surgical reports, pathology reports and oncology follow-up reports were evaluated during retrospective scanning. The aim of this study was to compare the laparoscopic ans laparotomic surgical techniques of patients with colorectal cancer. In making this comparison, the cost and efficiency of cancer treatment between the two surgical techniques were taken into consideration. We compared the cost and surgical efficacy of laparoscopic and laparotomic surgery in patients with CRC as the primary objective. Age, sex, stapler, operation time, hospitalization time, oral onset time, pathology lymph node, tumor anatomic location, neoadjuvant CRT and adjuvant CRT, depth of invasion, postoperative pathologic surgical border positivity, recurrence, 1-5 years follow-up metastasis, 1-5 years survey and total cost. Treatment of colorectal cancers includes adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, curative or palliative surgery. These treatment options can be tailored according to the staging of patients after colorectal cancer diagnosis. Various tests are used in the diagnosis of colon cancer. These include colonoscoy, stool occult blood, cancer markers such as CEA, CA 19-9, computed tomography and MRI. Stool occult blood examination after 50 years of age in the population is important for screening. For early diagnosis of colorectal cancers, screening activities should be performed more regularly. As a result; in our study, there were similar result in terms of surgical margin negativitiy and recurrence follow-up between the two surgical techniques. In terms of metastasis and survey, there were better result in patients operated with laparoscopic technique. Because of the higher incidence of early complications, delayed onset of oral intake and longer hospital stay, the cost of surgery was higher in patients operated with laparotomic technique. The cost of patients operated with laparoscopic surgery was found to be less than 3.027 TL less than the cost of patients operated with laparotomic technique.
Colorectal cancers are the most important malignancies that cause morbidity and mortality. Fort his reason, early diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancers should be performed with a multidisciplinary approach. In this studyi patients who were diagnosed with colorectal canser between 2009-2019 and aperated fort his reason were evaluated retrospectively. In our study, 400 patients operated for colorectal cancer were screened. Surgery records, polyclinic and service files, surgical reports, pathology reports and oncology follow-up reports were evaluated during retrospective scanning. The aim of this study was to compare the laparoscopic ans laparotomic surgical techniques of patients with colorectal cancer. In making this comparison, the cost and efficiency of cancer treatment between the two surgical techniques were taken into consideration. We compared the cost and surgical efficacy of laparoscopic and laparotomic surgery in patients with CRC as the primary objective. Age, sex, stapler, operation time, hospitalization time, oral onset time, pathology lymph node, tumor anatomic location, neoadjuvant CRT and adjuvant CRT, depth of invasion, postoperative pathologic surgical border positivity, recurrence, 1-5 years follow-up metastasis, 1-5 years survey and total cost. Treatment of colorectal cancers includes adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, curative or palliative surgery. These treatment options can be tailored according to the staging of patients after colorectal cancer diagnosis. Various tests are used in the diagnosis of colon cancer. These include colonoscoy, stool occult blood, cancer markers such as CEA, CA 19-9, computed tomography and MRI. Stool occult blood examination after 50 years of age in the population is important for screening. For early diagnosis of colorectal cancers, screening activities should be performed more regularly. As a result; in our study, there were similar result in terms of surgical margin negativitiy and recurrence follow-up between the two surgical techniques. In terms of metastasis and survey, there were better result in patients operated with laparoscopic technique. Because of the higher incidence of early complications, delayed onset of oral intake and longer hospital stay, the cost of surgery was higher in patients operated with laparotomic technique. The cost of patients operated with laparoscopic surgery was found to be less than 3.027 TL less than the cost of patients operated with laparotomic technique.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kolorektal, Kanser, Laparoskopi, Laparotomi, Maliyet, Colorectal, Cancer, Laparoscopy, Laparotomy, Cos
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Durucan, S. (2020). Kolorektal kanserlerde laparoskopik ve laparotomik operasyonların maliyet ve etkinlik açısından karşılaştırılması. (Uzmanlık Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Konya.