İğde çekirdeğinden elde edilen aktif karbon kullanılarak sulu çözeltilerden pb(ıı) adsorpsiyonun incelenmesi: izoterm ve kinetik
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Bu çalışmada, önceki çalışmamızda ZnCI2 aktifleştiricisi kullanılarak kimyasal aktivasyon yöntemi ile iğdeçekirdeğinden elde edilen 1836 m2/g BET yüzey alanına sahip aktif karbon kullanılarak sulu çözeltilerden Pb(II)adsorpsiyonu incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, çözelti pH’ı, aktif karbon miktarı, çözelti başlangıç derişimi ve işlemsıcaklığı parametrelerinin Pb(II) adsorpsiyonuna etkileri ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. Artan sıcaklık ve aktif karbonmiktarı ile Pb(II) giderim yüzdesinin arttığı belirlenmiştir. Adsorpsiyon denge verilerinin Langmuir izotermineuyduğu tespit edilmiş olup, maksimum adsorpsiyon kapasitesi (qmaks) çözelti başlangıç pH değeri pH4’de 86,207mg.g-1 olarak bulunmuştur. Sulu çözeltiden Pb(II) adsorpsiyon kinetiğinin Elovich kinetik model ile uyumluolduğu tespit edilmiştir. Partikül içi difüzyon modeli sonuçlarına göre adsorpsiyon işleminin birden fazlabasamakta gerçekleştiği ve difüzyonu kontrol eden basamağın en küçük difüzyon katsayısına (1,455) sahip olan3. basamak olduğu belirlenmiştir
In our previous study, activated carbon with a BET surface area of 1836 m2 / g was obtained by the chemicalactivation method from elaeagnus seed. ZnCl2was used as a activator in the synthesis of actived carbon. In thisstudy, Pb (II) adsorption from aqueous solutions was investigated using this activated carbon. For this purpose,the effects of some parameters such as solution pH, amount of activated carbon, solution initial concentration andtreatment temperature Pb (II) adsorption were separately investigated. It was determined that the percentage of Pb(II) removal increases with increasing temperature and amount of activated carbon. It was found that adsorptionequilibrium data are consistent with Langmuir isotherm. Thus, the maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) was foundas 86.207 mg.g-1at pH 4. The adsorption kinetics of the aqueous solution Pb (II) were found to be consistentwith the Elovich kinetic model. According to the results of the particle diffusion model, it was determined that theadsorption process is performed in more than one step and the third step has the smallest diffusion coefficient(1,455) of the diffusion controlling step.
In our previous study, activated carbon with a BET surface area of 1836 m2 / g was obtained by the chemicalactivation method from elaeagnus seed. ZnCl2was used as a activator in the synthesis of actived carbon. In thisstudy, Pb (II) adsorption from aqueous solutions was investigated using this activated carbon. For this purpose,the effects of some parameters such as solution pH, amount of activated carbon, solution initial concentration andtreatment temperature Pb (II) adsorption were separately investigated. It was determined that the percentage of Pb(II) removal increases with increasing temperature and amount of activated carbon. It was found that adsorptionequilibrium data are consistent with Langmuir isotherm. Thus, the maximum adsorption capacity (qmax) was foundas 86.207 mg.g-1at pH 4. The adsorption kinetics of the aqueous solution Pb (II) were found to be consistentwith the Elovich kinetic model. According to the results of the particle diffusion model, it was determined that theadsorption process is performed in more than one step and the third step has the smallest diffusion coefficient(1,455) of the diffusion controlling step.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mühendislik, Kimya, Pb(II), adsorpsiyon, izoterm, kimyasal aktivasyon, ZnCl2
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Baytar, O., Ceyhan, A. A., Şahin, Ö. (2018). İğde Çekirdeğinden Elde Edilen Aktif Karbon Kullanılarak Sulu Çözeltilerden Pb (II) Adsorpsiyonun İncelenmesi: İzoterm ve Kinetik. Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 256-267.