2016 Sultanahmet terör eylemi: Yerelin küreselleşmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
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Mesajın şiddet dolayımıyla aktarıldığı terör eylemleri, son yüzyılda yaşanan teknolojik gelişmeler ve kitle iletişim araçlarının sunduğu imkânlar ile hedeflediği etkiyi yaratan toplumsal olaylardır. Türkiye’de son beş yılda yaşanan yirmiye yakın terör saldırısı ülkede terör eylemlerine karşı korku ve paniğe yol açarken, medyanın olayı haberleştirme pratiğinde de değişimler gözlenebilmektedir. 12 Ocak 2016 tarihinde İstanbul Sultanahmet medyanında Suriyeli bir intihar bombacısının düzenlediği ve turistlerin yaşamını yitirdiği terör eylemi, ölenin ve öldürenin yabancı ülkelerden olduğu ilk saldırı olması bakımından incelemeye değerdir. Gündem belirleme kuramı ışığında toplumsal gündemi belirleyen bu olayın ulusal ve uluslararası medya tarafından nasıl ele alındığının niceliksel ve niteliksel içerik analizi ve çerçeveleme yöntemleri ile analiz edildiği bu çalışma, terörün haber dilinin küreselleşmekte olduğunu göstermesi bakımından önemli ipuçları sağlamaktadır. Cumhuriyet, Hürriyet, Zaman, Sabah, El Jezire, New York Times, Euronews ve BBC medya kaynaklarından toplam 148 haber makalesi üzerinde gerçekleştirilen analizde, teröristin etnik kimliğinin uluslararası güvenlik endişesi kadar öne çıktığı, din ve kardeşlik çerçevesi yerine ekonomi çerçevesinin belirgin olduğu saptanmıştır. Ulusal medyaya getirilen yayın yasağına benzer şekilde uluslararası medyanın da olayı sıklıkla resmi kaynaklara dayandırması, terörün küreselleşen bir haber dili yarattığını ortaya koymaktadır.
As a social issue in which the message is transmitted via violence, the terror acts are able to create the intended effect with the technological developments and opportunities offered by mass media. Around 20 terror attacks hit Turkey in the last five years and that resulted in fear and panic across the county. In that sense the language of media could differ whilst covering the stories. The attack by an ISIS-affiliated Syrian suicide bomber killed tourists in Istanbul Sultanahmet district on January 12, 2016, was important, since it was the first terror attack in Turkey that all victims and the assailant were foreigners. In this study, a qualitative and quantitative content analysis and framing analysis were conducted to Turkish and international media to understand the way different media cover terror acts. The results provided a better understanding of the globalization of the news language on terror. 148 news articles were collected and analyzed from the websites of Cumhuriyet, Hürriyet, Zaman, Sabah, Al Jazeera, the New York Times, Euronews and the BBC. The results demonstrate that the identity of the assailant was as salient as the international security concerns. Also, it is determined that the discussions on economics were more salient than the religion frame. In conclusion, international media coverage did not differ from Turkish media, even though a media ban was imposed on Turkish media, since both media depended mainly on the official sources which reveals a globalized language on terror acts on global media.
As a social issue in which the message is transmitted via violence, the terror acts are able to create the intended effect with the technological developments and opportunities offered by mass media. Around 20 terror attacks hit Turkey in the last five years and that resulted in fear and panic across the county. In that sense the language of media could differ whilst covering the stories. The attack by an ISIS-affiliated Syrian suicide bomber killed tourists in Istanbul Sultanahmet district on January 12, 2016, was important, since it was the first terror attack in Turkey that all victims and the assailant were foreigners. In this study, a qualitative and quantitative content analysis and framing analysis were conducted to Turkish and international media to understand the way different media cover terror acts. The results provided a better understanding of the globalization of the news language on terror. 148 news articles were collected and analyzed from the websites of Cumhuriyet, Hürriyet, Zaman, Sabah, Al Jazeera, the New York Times, Euronews and the BBC. The results demonstrate that the identity of the assailant was as salient as the international security concerns. Also, it is determined that the discussions on economics were more salient than the religion frame. In conclusion, international media coverage did not differ from Turkish media, even though a media ban was imposed on Turkish media, since both media depended mainly on the official sources which reveals a globalized language on terror acts on global media.
URL: http://josc.selcuk.edu.tr/article/view/5000185743
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye, Sultanahmet, Turist, Terör, Terörist, İçerik analizi, Çerçeveleme, Gündem belirleme, Turkey, Tourist, Terror, Terrorist, Content analysis, Framing, Agenda setting
Selçuk İletişim
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Melek, G., Toker, H. (2016). 2016 Sultanahmet terör eylemi: Yerelin küreselleşmesi. Selçuk İletişim, 9, (3), 178-203.