Bisikletin Türkiye'ye Gelişi ve Konya'ya Etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bisikletin icat edildiği tam tarih bilinmemekle birlikte 12. yüzyılda Çin’de
görülmüş ve patentini 1645’te Fransız Jean Theson almıştır. İlerleyen zamanlarda
insanlar bisikleti çeşitli isimlerle anmış ve ihtiyaçlarına göre şekil değiştirerek
geliştirmiştir. Bisiklet ulaşım, yük taşıma ve spor alanında ilk olarak 19. yüzyılın son
yarısında Avrupa’da görülmüştür. Osmanlı Tanzimat Dönemi’nde Avrupa’yı
yakından izlenmesine rağmen 1890 yılında ilk bisiklet ithalini yapmış ve 1893
yılında kayıtlı ilk bisiklet yarışını düzenlemiştir. Konya’ya ilk bisiklet 1920 yılında
gelmiş ve halkın ilk tepkisi “şeytan vapuru” olarak adlandırma olmuştur. Zamanla bu
algı zayıflayarak bisiklet spor, ticaret ve ulaşımda kullanılmıştır. 1950 yılında
Türkiye’nin ilk veledromu Konya’da yapılmasıyla ve çeşitli bisiklet kulüplerin
kurularak yetenekli bisiklet sporcuların yetiştirilmiş olmasıyla bu şehir “bisiklet
şehri” olarak ün kazanmıştır.
Bu çalışmada bisikletin tarihi serüveninden başlayarak Konya özelinde spor
tarihinden bahsedilmiş ve belediyecilik, çevre, turizm, sağlık, sosyal ve ekonomik
etkileri anlatılmaya çalışılmıştır.
The exact date when the bicycle was invented is unknown, but it was seen in China in the 12th century and patented by French Jean Theson in 1645. In the future, people called the bicycle by various names and developed it by changing its shape according to their needs. Cycling was first seen in Europe in the last half of the 19th century in the field of transportation, freight transport and sports. Although Europe was closely followed in the Ottoman Tanzimat Period, it imported the first bicycle in 1890 and organized the first registered bicycle race in 1893. The first bicycle came to Konya in 1920 and the first reaction of the people was to call it "devil's ferry". Over time, this perception weakened and bicycles were used in sports, trade and transportation. With the construction of Turkey's first velodrome in 1950 in Konya and the establishment of various cycling clubs and the training of talented cyclists, this city gained a reputation as a "bicycle city". In this study, starting from the historical adventure of the bicycle, the history of sports in Konya is mentioned and the municipality, environment, tourism, health, social and economic effects are tried to be explained.
The exact date when the bicycle was invented is unknown, but it was seen in China in the 12th century and patented by French Jean Theson in 1645. In the future, people called the bicycle by various names and developed it by changing its shape according to their needs. Cycling was first seen in Europe in the last half of the 19th century in the field of transportation, freight transport and sports. Although Europe was closely followed in the Ottoman Tanzimat Period, it imported the first bicycle in 1890 and organized the first registered bicycle race in 1893. The first bicycle came to Konya in 1920 and the first reaction of the people was to call it "devil's ferry". Over time, this perception weakened and bicycles were used in sports, trade and transportation. With the construction of Turkey's first velodrome in 1950 in Konya and the establishment of various cycling clubs and the training of talented cyclists, this city gained a reputation as a "bicycle city". In this study, starting from the historical adventure of the bicycle, the history of sports in Konya is mentioned and the municipality, environment, tourism, health, social and economic effects are tried to be explained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bisiklet, Bisikletin Konya’ya Etkileri, Konya’da Bisiklet Sporu, Cycling, Cycling Sport in Konya, Effects of Cycling on Konya
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Atasoy, H., (2022). Bisikletin Türkiye'ye Gelişi ve Konya'ya Etkileri. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.