Diyalektik Materyalizm ve Küresel İlişkilerin Öznesi Olarak Sınıf
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez genelde sınıfın özelde ise işçi sınıfının, kapitalizmin genel
karakteristiğini verdiği küresel ilişkilerin bir öznesi olduğunu ileri sürmektedir.
1960’lı yıllardan itibaren yaşanan endüstriyel-teknolojik gelişmeler, 1970’li yıllardan
itibaren işçi sınıfına yöneltilen neo-liberal saldırı ve bu saldırının sonuçları,
S.S.C.B.’nin dağılması yani reel sosyalizmin büyük denemesinin çözülmesi, son
çeyrek asırda iletişim-bilişim teknolojisinde yaşanan gelişmeler, işçi sınıfının özne
olma konumunu kaybettiği şeklinde yorumlanmıştır. Geçmişin siyaseti olarak tarihin,
bugünün tarihi olarak siyasetin öznesiz olduğunun ileri sürülmesi ise mevcut kapitalist
biçimin mutlaklaştırılma anlamına gelmektedir. Çünkü tarihin ve onun dolayımında
bugünün ve geleceğin öznesiz süreçler olarak kavranması, tarihin sonuna gelindiği
imasını da içermektedir. Bugüne kadar her toplumsal biçim kendisini tarihin son
durağı olarak sunmuş ve kendisinden önceki tarihi kendisine hazırlık olarak
kavramıştır. Tarihin sonunun biri Hegel diğeri örneğin Fukuyama tarafından olmak
üzere ez az iki kez ilan edilmesi bunu doğrulamaktadır. Ancak yine bugüne kadar her
toplumsal biçim, karşılaştığı krizleri çözebilme kapasitesini kaybettiği zaman
çözülmeye başlamıştır.
Dolayısıyla bu tezde işçi sınıfının öznelik konumunu sürdürüp sürdürmediği
üzerinden dolaylı olarak ele alınan meseleler, kapitalizmin geleceği ve tarihin sonu
iddialarının geçerliliğidir. Tezin başlangıçta vurgulanan temel iddiası, işçi sınıfının
hem teorik hem pratik karakterini ifade eden, bu sebeple de bir taraflılık bilimi ve
siyasal bir bilim olan diyalektik materyalizm temelinde incelenmiştir. Çünkü
diyalektik materyalizm, mutlaklaştırılan toplumsal biçimlerin tarihsel çerçevede ve
dönüşüm olanaklarıyla birlikte ele alınmasını sağladığı gibi oluşumu ve onu oluşturan
şartları bir oldu-bittiden ziyade bir süreci gerektiren sınıfı kavramayı mümkün
kılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte mevcut kapitalist biçimin dönüşümü noktasında işçi
sınıfına öznelik atfedilmesi, işçi sınıfının en fazla acı çeken ya da sömürülen sınıf
olması gibi ahlaki, vicdani veya keyfi bir tercihten değil diyalektik materyalizmin
kendisinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Nitekim kapitalizm bir bütünlük olarak
kavrandığında bu bütünlükte bir savaşım sağlayarak tarihi üreten kötü yan ve değişimi
temsil eden antagonistik çelişki işçi sınıfıdır. Bu sebeple tezde, diyalektik
materyalizmin kendisi de kavramsal, tarihsel ve diyalektiksel olarak incelenmiştir.
This theis argues that class in general, and the working class, in particular, is a subject of global relations that gives the general characteristics of capitalism. The industrial-technological developments of the 1960s, the neo-liberal attack on the working class since the 1970s, and its consequences, the dissolution of the great trial of real socialism, the USSR, and the developments in communication-information technology in the last quarter century have been interpreted as the working class losing its position as a subject. Claiming that history, the politics of the past, and politics as the history of today, is subjectless means the absolutization of the existing capitalist form. Because the understanding of history and its mediation of the present and the future as processes without a subject implies that history has come to an end. Until today, every social form has presented itself as the last stage in history and has shown what proceeded it only as a stage of preparation for its existence. The fact that the end of history has been declared at least twice, once by Hegel and another by Fukuyama, for example, confirms this claim. However, until today, every social form starts to dissolve when it loses its capacity to solve the crises it faces. Therefore, the issues addressed indirectly in this thesis, over whether the working class maintains its subject status or not, are the future of capitalism and the validity of the claims of end of history. The main claim of this thesis, which was emphasized at the beginning, was examined on the basis of dialectical materialism, which expresses both the theoretical and practical character of the working class, and therefore is a science of bias and a political science. Because, dialectical materialism not only enables the absolutized social forms to be dealt with in the historical framework together with the possibilities of transformation, but also makes it possible to comprehend the class required process rather than a fait accompli. However, attributing subjectivity to the working class at the point of transformation of the current capitalist form is not based on a moral, conscientious or arbitrary choice such as the working class being the most struggling or exploited class, but rather comes out of dialectical materialism itself. As a matter of fact, when capitalism is conceived as a totality, the evil side that produces history and antagonistic contradiction that represents change and provides a struggle in this totality is the working class. Therefore, in this thesis dialectical materialism itself is studied conceptually, historically and dialectically.
This theis argues that class in general, and the working class, in particular, is a subject of global relations that gives the general characteristics of capitalism. The industrial-technological developments of the 1960s, the neo-liberal attack on the working class since the 1970s, and its consequences, the dissolution of the great trial of real socialism, the USSR, and the developments in communication-information technology in the last quarter century have been interpreted as the working class losing its position as a subject. Claiming that history, the politics of the past, and politics as the history of today, is subjectless means the absolutization of the existing capitalist form. Because the understanding of history and its mediation of the present and the future as processes without a subject implies that history has come to an end. Until today, every social form has presented itself as the last stage in history and has shown what proceeded it only as a stage of preparation for its existence. The fact that the end of history has been declared at least twice, once by Hegel and another by Fukuyama, for example, confirms this claim. However, until today, every social form starts to dissolve when it loses its capacity to solve the crises it faces. Therefore, the issues addressed indirectly in this thesis, over whether the working class maintains its subject status or not, are the future of capitalism and the validity of the claims of end of history. The main claim of this thesis, which was emphasized at the beginning, was examined on the basis of dialectical materialism, which expresses both the theoretical and practical character of the working class, and therefore is a science of bias and a political science. Because, dialectical materialism not only enables the absolutized social forms to be dealt with in the historical framework together with the possibilities of transformation, but also makes it possible to comprehend the class required process rather than a fait accompli. However, attributing subjectivity to the working class at the point of transformation of the current capitalist form is not based on a moral, conscientious or arbitrary choice such as the working class being the most struggling or exploited class, but rather comes out of dialectical materialism itself. As a matter of fact, when capitalism is conceived as a totality, the evil side that produces history and antagonistic contradiction that represents change and provides a struggle in this totality is the working class. Therefore, in this thesis dialectical materialism itself is studied conceptually, historically and dialectically.
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Avcı, Y., (2022). Diyalektik Materyalizm ve Küresel İlişkilerin Öznesi Olarak Sınıf. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.