Fosfor Çözücü Bakterinin Ahudududa Fosfor Kullanımı, Bitki Büyümesi ve Gelişmesi Üzerine Etkisi
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Selçuk Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Fen Bi̇li̇mleri̇ Ensti̇tüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma Temmuz-Ekim ayları arasında 2021 yılında Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü araştırma ve uygulama parselinde yürütülmüştür.
Ahududu, üzümsü meyveler grubunda önemli bir türdür. Ahududu ile kurulu bahçe alanının artmasıyla birlikte suni gübre kullanımı da artmıştır. Yetiştiricilikte en yaygın uygulanılan gübrelerden biri fosforlu gübrelerdir. Ama bitkiler tarafından kullanımı oldukça azdır. Bitkiler tarafından fosfor alımını artırmak ve fosforlu gübrelerin kullanımını azaltmak için fosfor çözücü bakterilerin uygulanması oldukça önemlidir.
Araştırmada fosfor (P) çözücü Bacillus AE-54 bakteri ırkı kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca beş P dozu ile (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 ve 10.0 g/bitki) bu gübre seviyelerinde bakterinin etkileri ‘Heritage’ ahududu çeşidinde araştırılmıştır. Uygulamaların vejetatif gelişmeye etkilerinin saptanması için sürgün boyu, sürgün çapı, yaprak alanı, bitki yaş ve kuru ağırlık, kök yaş ve kuru ağırlık, özgün yaprak ağırlığı, yaprakta renk madde (klorofil, antosiyanin) miktarları ve verim ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Bitkilerin beslenme durumlarının belirlenmesinde bitki yaprakları analizlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Fosfor kullanım etkinliği de hesap edilmiştir.
Elde edilen sonuçlara göre yaprak alanı 0.0 g P2O5/bitki uygulanmasında 18,89 cm2 iken 5 g P2O5/bitki+ Bacillus AE-54 uygulamasında 32,06 cm2 olarak ölçülmüştür. Bakterinin fosfor ile kombinasyon halinde uygulanmasında bütün bitkilerin kök yaş ağırlığının 0.0 g P2O5/bitki uygulamasına (45,11 g/bitki) göre daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kök kuru ağırlığı açısından tek başına fosfor kullanımının, fosfor ile bakterinin birlikte kullanımından daha etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Fosforun bakteri ile kullanılması toplam klorofil, klorofil a ve b değerlerini 0.0 g P2O5/bitki grubuna veya tek başına fosfor uygulamasına göre artırmıştır. Sonuçlara göre meyve veriminin yapılan uygulamalar tarafından istatistiki olarak önemli seviyede etkilendiği belirlenmiştir. P etkinliği bakımdan en yüksek değerler Bakteri + fosfor kombinasyonunun kullanımında belirlenmiştir. Agronomik P etkinliği 2.5 g P2O5/bitki uygulamasında 0.368 mg kg-1 iken sadece bakteri uygulamasında en yüksek (6.62 mg kg-1) olmuştur. Benzer şekilde fosfor etkinliği tek başına bakteri uygulandığında %83,48 ile en yüksek olmuş ve diğer uygulamalardan istatistiki olarak farklı olduğu görülmüştür. Yaprak makro ve mikro besin elementleri içeriği açısından tek başına bakteri veya fosfor gübresi ile kullanımı pozitif etki göstermiştir.
This study was carried out in the research and application parcel of the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Selcuk University, between July and October 2021. Raspberry is an important species in the group of berry fruits. With the increase in the raspberry planted area, the use of artificial fertilizers has also increased. One of the most widely applied fertilizers in cultivation is phosphorus fertilizers. But phosphorus absorbation by plants is very low. The application of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria is very important in order to increase phosphorus uptake by plants and reduce the use of phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorus (P) solubilizing Bacillus AE-54 bacterial strain was used in the study. In addition, the effects of bacteria at these fertilizer levels with five P doses (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 g/plant) were investigated in 'Heritage' raspberry cultivar. In order to determine the effects of the applications on vegetative development, shoot length, shoot diameter, leaf area, plant fresh and dry weight, root fresh and dry weight, specific leaf weight, leaf color substances (chlorophyll, anthocyanin) amount and weighing were made. Plant leaf analyzes were used to determine the nutritional status of plants. Phosphorus utilization efficiency was also calculated. According to the results obtained, while the leaf area was 18.89 cm2 in the 0.0 g P2O5/plant application, it was measured as 32.06 cm2 in 5 g P2O5/plant+ Bacillus AE-54 application. It was determined that the root fresh weight of all plants was higher than the 0.0 g P2O5/plant (45.11 g/plant) when applied in combination bacter with phosphorus fertilizer. It has been determined that the use of phosphorus alone is more effective than the use of phosphorus + bacteria in terms of root dry weight. The use of phosphorus with bacteria increased the total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b values compared to the 0.0 g P2O5/plant group or phosphorus alone. According to the results, it was observed that the fruit yield was statistically significantly affected by the applications. The highest values in terms of P efficiency were determined in the use of bacteria + phosphorus combination. While the agronomic P efficiency was 0.368mg kg-1 in 2.5 g P2O5/plant application, it was the highest (6.62mg kg-1) in only bacteria application. Similarly, phosphorus efficiency was the highest with 83.48% when bacteria were applied alone, and it was found to be statistically different from other applications. The use of bacteria alone or with phosphorus fertilizer showed a positive effect in terms of the content of macro and micro nutrients of the leaves.
This study was carried out in the research and application parcel of the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Selcuk University, between July and October 2021. Raspberry is an important species in the group of berry fruits. With the increase in the raspberry planted area, the use of artificial fertilizers has also increased. One of the most widely applied fertilizers in cultivation is phosphorus fertilizers. But phosphorus absorbation by plants is very low. The application of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria is very important in order to increase phosphorus uptake by plants and reduce the use of phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorus (P) solubilizing Bacillus AE-54 bacterial strain was used in the study. In addition, the effects of bacteria at these fertilizer levels with five P doses (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 g/plant) were investigated in 'Heritage' raspberry cultivar. In order to determine the effects of the applications on vegetative development, shoot length, shoot diameter, leaf area, plant fresh and dry weight, root fresh and dry weight, specific leaf weight, leaf color substances (chlorophyll, anthocyanin) amount and weighing were made. Plant leaf analyzes were used to determine the nutritional status of plants. Phosphorus utilization efficiency was also calculated. According to the results obtained, while the leaf area was 18.89 cm2 in the 0.0 g P2O5/plant application, it was measured as 32.06 cm2 in 5 g P2O5/plant+ Bacillus AE-54 application. It was determined that the root fresh weight of all plants was higher than the 0.0 g P2O5/plant (45.11 g/plant) when applied in combination bacter with phosphorus fertilizer. It has been determined that the use of phosphorus alone is more effective than the use of phosphorus + bacteria in terms of root dry weight. The use of phosphorus with bacteria increased the total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b values compared to the 0.0 g P2O5/plant group or phosphorus alone. According to the results, it was observed that the fruit yield was statistically significantly affected by the applications. The highest values in terms of P efficiency were determined in the use of bacteria + phosphorus combination. While the agronomic P efficiency was 0.368mg kg-1 in 2.5 g P2O5/plant application, it was the highest (6.62mg kg-1) in only bacteria application. Similarly, phosphorus efficiency was the highest with 83.48% when bacteria were applied alone, and it was found to be statistically different from other applications. The use of bacteria alone or with phosphorus fertilizer showed a positive effect in terms of the content of macro and micro nutrients of the leaves.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ahududu, Fosfor çözücü bakteri, Fosfor, Gübre, Raspberry, Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, Phosphorus, Fertilizer
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Islamı, F., (2022). Fosfor Çözücü Bakterinin Ahudududa Fosfor Kullanımı, Bitki Büyümesi ve Gelişmesi Üzerine Etkisi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.