Kışlık Kanola (Brassica Napus L.) Çeşitlerinde Farklı Azot Dozlarının Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, kışlık kanola (Brassica napus L.) çeşitlerinde farklı azot dozlarının verim ve kalite
üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla, 2019-2020 vejetasyon döneminde Konya sulu koşullarında
yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada; materyal olarak üç kışlık kanola çeşiti (Linus, PR44W29, Es Neptune)
kullanılmış ve altı farklı azot dozu (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 kg N/da) denenmiştir.
Araştırma, Tesadüf Bloklarında Bölünmüş Parseller deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak
kurulmuştur. Azotlu gübre dozlarının yarısı amonyum sülfat (% 21 N) formunda ekimle birlikte, kalan
yarısı çiçeklenme başlangıcında üre (% 46 N) gübresi olarak verilmiştir.
Çalışmada; çıkış süresi (gün), ilk çiçeklenme süresi (gün), kıştan çıkış oranı (%), vejetasyon
süresi (gün) gibi fenolojik özelliklere ait gözlemler yanında, bitki boyu (cm), ana sapa bağlı yan dal sayısı
(adet), bitki başına kapsül sayısı (adet), kapsül boyu (cm), kapsülde tohum sayısı (adet), bin tane ağırlığı
(g), tohum verimi (kg/da), ham yağ oranı (%), ham yağ verimi (kg/da) ve ham protein oranı (%) gibi
verim, verim unsurları ve bazı kalite özellikleri ele alınmıştır.
Araştırmada fenolojik gözlemlere ait istatistiki analizler yapılmamış olup, ele alınan diğer
özelliklerin tamamında azot dozları ve çeşitler arasındaki farklılıklar ve kapsülde tohum sayısı hariç diğer
özellikler için çeşitxazot dozu interaksiyonu istatistiki açıdan önemli bulunmuştur.
Çalışma sonucunda, artan azot dozlarına bağlı olarak kışlık kanola çeşitlerinde bitki boyu, ana
sapa bağlı yan dal sayısı, kapsül sayısı, kapsül boyu, bin tane ağırlığı, tohum verimi, yağ verimi, protein
oranında artış belirlenirken, ham yağ oranında azalmalar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nitekim, kullanılan
çeşitlere göre ele alınan azot dozlarında belirlenen; bitki boyu 92.6-128.5 cm (LinusxN5 -PR44W29xN25),
ana sapa bağlı yan dal sayısı 2.4-5.7 adet (LinusxN0-PR44W29xN25), kapsül sayısı 103.9-218.9 adet/bitki
(Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN15), kapsül boyu 5.3-6.6 cm (Es-NeptunexN0-LinusxN25), kapsülde tohum
sayısı 23.7-29.4 adet (Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN25), bin tane ağırlığı 3.2-4.7 g (PR44W29xN0-
LinusxN20), tohum verimi 136.1-537.3 kg/da (Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN25), ham yağ verimi 54.7-
246.6 kg/da (Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN15) ve ham protein oranı değerleri %16.2-23.9 (Es-NeptunexN0-
LinusxN20) arasında değişmiş, genel olarak artan azot dozları ile bu özelliklere ait değerlerde artışlar
olduğu saptanmıştır. Ham yağ oranı bakımından ise en düşük değer %39.2 ile PR44W29xN0, en yüksek
%46.3 ile PR44W29xN5 interaksiyonunda belirlenmiştir. Artan azot dozlarıyla birlikte ham yağ
oranlarında nispeten azalmalar olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Yağ bitkileri yetiştiriciliğinde esas amaç, birim alandan alınan yağ veriminin arttırılmasıdır. Bu
açıdan bakıldığında çalışmanın yürütüldüğü koşullara benzer yöreler için, araştırmada ele alınan çeşitler
arasında PR444W29 çeşidi, azot dozları bakımından dekara 15 kg azot uygulaması şeklinde yapılacak
ekimin yağ verimi açısından daha uygun olacağı kanısına varılmıştır.
This research was carried out in Konya location during the winter canola growing vegetation period of 2019-2020 in order to determine the effect of different nitrogen doses on seed and oil yield of winter canola varieties. Three winter canola cultivars (Linus, PR44W29, Es Neptune) were used as material and six different nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 kg N/ha) were applied. The research was carried out the according to the experimental design of Randomized Split Blocks. Half of the nitrogen fertilizer applications were given in the form of ammonium sulfate (21% N) at planting and the remaining half was given as urea (46% N) fertilizer at the beginning of flowering. In this study; emergence and flowering time (days), flowering time (days), winter survival rate (%), maturation period (day), plant height (cm), number of branches on the main stem, number of capsules per plant, capsule length (cm), capsules on the main stem, number of seeds per capsule (g), seed yield (kg ha-1 ), crude oil ratio (%), crude protein ratio (%) and crude oil yield (kg ha-1 ) were investigated and analyzed. Statisticals of phenological observations were not made in the study, and the interaction of varietyx nitrogen dose was found to be statistically significant for all other characteristics except nitrogen doses and differences between varieties and the number of seeds in the capsule. As a result of the study, it was determined that plant height, number of lateral branches attached to the main stem, number of capsules, capsule length, thousand-seed weight, seed yield, oil yield, protein ratio increased, while crude oil ratio decreased in winter canola varieties due to increasing nitrogen doses. As a matter of fact, the nitrogen doses determined according to the varieties used; plant height 92.6-128.5 cm (LinusxN5 - PR44W29xN25), number of lateral branches attached to the main stem 2.4-5.7 (LinusxN0 - PR44W29xN25), number of capsules 103.9-218.9 per plant (Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN15), capsule length 5.3-6.6 cm (Es-NeptunexN0-LinusxN25), number of seeds in capsule 23.7-29.4 (Es-NeptunexN0 - PR44W29xN25), thousand-seed weight 3.2-4.7 g (PR44W29xN0 - LinusxN20), seed yield 1361.0-5373.0 kg ha-1 (Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN25), crude oil yield 547.0-2466.0 kg ha-1 (Es-NeptunexN0 - PR44W29xN15) and crude protein ratio values ranged between 16.2 23.9% (Es-NeptunexN0 - LinusxN20), it was determined that there were increases in the values of these properties with increasing nitrogen doses in general. In terms of crude oil ratio, the lowest value was determined at PR44W29xN0 with 39.2%, and the highest value was determined at PR44W29xN5 with 46.3%. It has been determined that there are relatively decreases in crude oil ratios with increasing nitrogen doses. The main purpose of cultivation of oil seed crops is to increase the oil yield per unit area. From this point of view, it was concluded that PR444W29 cultivar among the cultivars considered in the study would be more suitable in terms of oil yield in terms of 150 kg N application per ha for the regions similar to the conditions in which the study was conducted.
This research was carried out in Konya location during the winter canola growing vegetation period of 2019-2020 in order to determine the effect of different nitrogen doses on seed and oil yield of winter canola varieties. Three winter canola cultivars (Linus, PR44W29, Es Neptune) were used as material and six different nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 kg N/ha) were applied. The research was carried out the according to the experimental design of Randomized Split Blocks. Half of the nitrogen fertilizer applications were given in the form of ammonium sulfate (21% N) at planting and the remaining half was given as urea (46% N) fertilizer at the beginning of flowering. In this study; emergence and flowering time (days), flowering time (days), winter survival rate (%), maturation period (day), plant height (cm), number of branches on the main stem, number of capsules per plant, capsule length (cm), capsules on the main stem, number of seeds per capsule (g), seed yield (kg ha-1 ), crude oil ratio (%), crude protein ratio (%) and crude oil yield (kg ha-1 ) were investigated and analyzed. Statisticals of phenological observations were not made in the study, and the interaction of varietyx nitrogen dose was found to be statistically significant for all other characteristics except nitrogen doses and differences between varieties and the number of seeds in the capsule. As a result of the study, it was determined that plant height, number of lateral branches attached to the main stem, number of capsules, capsule length, thousand-seed weight, seed yield, oil yield, protein ratio increased, while crude oil ratio decreased in winter canola varieties due to increasing nitrogen doses. As a matter of fact, the nitrogen doses determined according to the varieties used; plant height 92.6-128.5 cm (LinusxN5 - PR44W29xN25), number of lateral branches attached to the main stem 2.4-5.7 (LinusxN0 - PR44W29xN25), number of capsules 103.9-218.9 per plant (Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN15), capsule length 5.3-6.6 cm (Es-NeptunexN0-LinusxN25), number of seeds in capsule 23.7-29.4 (Es-NeptunexN0 - PR44W29xN25), thousand-seed weight 3.2-4.7 g (PR44W29xN0 - LinusxN20), seed yield 1361.0-5373.0 kg ha-1 (Es-NeptunexN0-PR44W29xN25), crude oil yield 547.0-2466.0 kg ha-1 (Es-NeptunexN0 - PR44W29xN15) and crude protein ratio values ranged between 16.2 23.9% (Es-NeptunexN0 - LinusxN20), it was determined that there were increases in the values of these properties with increasing nitrogen doses in general. In terms of crude oil ratio, the lowest value was determined at PR44W29xN0 with 39.2%, and the highest value was determined at PR44W29xN5 with 46.3%. It has been determined that there are relatively decreases in crude oil ratios with increasing nitrogen doses. The main purpose of cultivation of oil seed crops is to increase the oil yield per unit area. From this point of view, it was concluded that PR444W29 cultivar among the cultivars considered in the study would be more suitable in terms of oil yield in terms of 150 kg N application per ha for the regions similar to the conditions in which the study was conducted.
Anahtar Kelimeler
kışlık kanola, azot dozları, tohum verimi, kalite, winter rapeseed, nitrogen doses, seed yield, quality
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yılmaz, E., (2021). Kışlık Kanola (Brassica Napus L.) Çeşitlerinde Farklı Azot Dozlarının Verim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkisi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.