Kırsalda Yerel Kalkınma Açısından Toplum Temelli Turizm ve Kadın: Isparta-Kuyucak Lavanta Kokulu Köy Örneği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye’nin sürdürülebilir turizm çalışmalarına katkıda bulunmak, bu alanda
istihdamı artırmak, girişimciliği teşvik ederek kadınların ekonomik yönden
güçlenmesini sağlamak ve yerel kalkınmaya destek olmak amacıyla “T.C. Kültür ve
Turizm Bakanlığı”, “Birleşmiş Milletler Kalkınma Programı (UNDP)” ve “Anadolu
Efes” ortaklığıyla, “Gelecek Turizmde” sürdürülebilir turizm projeleri başlatılmıştır. Bu
yerel kalkınma modelinden birisi olan “Lavanta Kokulu Köy” projesi lavanta üretiminin
neredeyse tamamının yapıldığı Isparta’nın Keçiborlu İlçesi Kuyucak Köyünde hayata
geçirilmiştir. Proje ile birlikte Kuyucak Köyü’nde kırsal turizmin canlandırılması,
bölgedeki girişimcilik, istihdam potansiyelinin harekete geçirilmesi, yerel halkın gelir
elde etmesi, özellikle kadınların istihdam edilerek, istihdam sorununa katkıda
bulunulması ve lavantanın ürün çeşitliliğinin sağlanması hedeflenmiştir.
Bu çalışmada; Lavanta Kokulu Köy’de yaşayan yerel halkın Toplum Temelli
Turizm gelişimine yönelik algısı, projede kadınların rolünün ne şekilde olduğu ve
projenin kadınlara ne sağladığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada hem nicel hem nitel veriler
toplanarak bütüncül bir bakış açısı geliştirmek amaçlandığından “Açımlayıcı Sıralı
Karma Yöntem Deseni” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel kısmında, yerel halkın turizm gelişimine yönelik algıladıklarını tespit etmek için anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Araştırmanın evrenini Isparta’nın Keçiborlu ilçesine bağlı Kuyucak Köyü’nde yaşayan
tüm bireyler oluşturmaktadır. Nitel kısımda ise, nicel analizlerden sonra elde edilen
sonuçların nedenlerini anlamak, projede kadınların rolünün ne şekilde olduğunu ve
projenin kadınlara ne sağladığını tespit etmek için, nicel veri analizine dâhil edilen 10
kadın katılımcıyla, yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat formları aracılığıyla görüşmeler
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan bu iki analiz aşamasından sonra nicel ve nitel veriler
birleştirilerek bütünleştirilmiştir.
Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda; Lavanta Kokulu Köy’ de
yaşayan yerel halkın yörelerindeki turizm gelişimine yönelik algılarının olumlu olduğu,
yörelerindeki turizmi destekledikleri ve turizmin gelişiminden memnun oldukları
sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Lavanta Kokulu Köy projesi sayesinde kadınların girişimci
olarak, gelir elde ettiği, istihdam sağladığı, özgüvenlerinin arttığı, projeyle beraber
verilen eğitimler sayesinde yeni beceriler elde ettikleri, kendilerini daha mutlu ve güçlü
hissettikleri, yaşam kalitelerinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Lavanta Kokulu Köyde
yürütülen TTT projesinin kadınlar öncülüğünde gerçekleştirildiği, kadınların yörenin
ekonomik anlamda canlanmasına, refah seviyesinin artmasına daha fazla katkıda
bulunduğu, kısaca kadınların yerel kalkınmada aktif rolü üstlendiği sonucuna
Sustainable tourism projects have been initiated with the partnership of the “Turkish Republic’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism”, “United Nations Development Program (UNDP)” and “Anadolu Efes” to contribute to Turkey's sustainable tourism activities and increase employment in this field, empower women economically by encouraging entrepreneurship and support local development. One of these local development models, “The Lavender Scented Village " project was carried out in Kuyucak Village of Keçiborlu District of Isparta, where almost all of the lavender production is made. “The Lavender Scented Village Project” is aimed to vitalize rural tourism in Kuyucak Village, activate entrepreneurship and the employment potential in the region, generate income for the local people, contribute to the employment problem by employing especially women and provide the product variety of lavender. In this study; the perception of the local people living in the Lavender Scented Village towards the development of community based tourism, the role of women in the project and what the project provides to women were searched. Since it was aimed to develop a holistic perspective by collecting both quantitative and qualitative data in the research, the "Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method Design" was used. In the quantitative part of the research, a survey was conducted to determine the perceptions of the local people of Kuyucak Village towards tourism development. The universe of the research consists of all individuals living in Kuyucak Village of Keçiborlu district of Isparta. In the qualitative part, interviews were conducted through semi-structured interview forms with 10 female participants, who were included in the quantitative data analysis to understand the reasons of the results obtained from the quantitative analysis, determine what the role of women in the project was and what the project provided to women. After these two analysis stages, quantitative and qualitative data were combined and integrated. In line with the findings obtained in the research; It has been concluded that the perceptions of the local people living in the Lavender Scented Village towards the tourism development in their region are positive, they support the tourism in their region and they are satisfied with the development of tourism. Thanks to the Lavender Scented Village project, it has been determined that women earn income as entrepreneurs, provide employment, increase their self-confidence, gain new skills with the trainings provided during the project, feel happier and stronger, and increase their quality of life. It has been concluded that the TTT project carried out in the Lavender Scented Village was carried out under the leadership of women, that women contributed more to the economic revival of the region and increased the level of welfare, in short, women played an active role in local development.
Sustainable tourism projects have been initiated with the partnership of the “Turkish Republic’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism”, “United Nations Development Program (UNDP)” and “Anadolu Efes” to contribute to Turkey's sustainable tourism activities and increase employment in this field, empower women economically by encouraging entrepreneurship and support local development. One of these local development models, “The Lavender Scented Village " project was carried out in Kuyucak Village of Keçiborlu District of Isparta, where almost all of the lavender production is made. “The Lavender Scented Village Project” is aimed to vitalize rural tourism in Kuyucak Village, activate entrepreneurship and the employment potential in the region, generate income for the local people, contribute to the employment problem by employing especially women and provide the product variety of lavender. In this study; the perception of the local people living in the Lavender Scented Village towards the development of community based tourism, the role of women in the project and what the project provides to women were searched. Since it was aimed to develop a holistic perspective by collecting both quantitative and qualitative data in the research, the "Exploratory Sequential Mixed Method Design" was used. In the quantitative part of the research, a survey was conducted to determine the perceptions of the local people of Kuyucak Village towards tourism development. The universe of the research consists of all individuals living in Kuyucak Village of Keçiborlu district of Isparta. In the qualitative part, interviews were conducted through semi-structured interview forms with 10 female participants, who were included in the quantitative data analysis to understand the reasons of the results obtained from the quantitative analysis, determine what the role of women in the project was and what the project provided to women. After these two analysis stages, quantitative and qualitative data were combined and integrated. In line with the findings obtained in the research; It has been concluded that the perceptions of the local people living in the Lavender Scented Village towards the tourism development in their region are positive, they support the tourism in their region and they are satisfied with the development of tourism. Thanks to the Lavender Scented Village project, it has been determined that women earn income as entrepreneurs, provide employment, increase their self-confidence, gain new skills with the trainings provided during the project, feel happier and stronger, and increase their quality of life. It has been concluded that the TTT project carried out in the Lavender Scented Village was carried out under the leadership of women, that women contributed more to the economic revival of the region and increased the level of welfare, in short, women played an active role in local development.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Toplum Temelli Turizm, Lavanta Kokulu Köy, Isparta, Kuyucak, Kadın, Yerel Kalkınma, Community-Based Tourism, Woman, Local Development, Lavender Scented Village
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şimşek, Ş., (2022). Kırsalda Yerel Kalkınma Açısından Toplum Temelli Turizm ve Kadın: Isparta-Kuyucak Lavanta Kokulu Köy Örneği. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.