İlköğretim 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Değer Yönelimleri

dc.contributor.authorYiğittir, Süleyman
dc.contributor.authorÖcal, Adem
dc.departmentBaşka Kurumen_US
dc.description.abstractÖğretim programlarında öğrencilere birtakım değerlerin kazandırılması hedeflenmektedir. Birçok ülkede olduğu gibi, ülkemizde de, öğrencilere kazandırılacak değerler konusunda ciddi tartışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu bakımdan bireylere kazandırılması gereken değerler ve insanların değer yönelimlerinin tespit edilmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Avrupa Birliği’ne giriş sürecinde değerler eğitiminin hedef kitlesi olan öğrencilerin görüşlerine değer yönelimlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla müracaat edilmiştir. Çalışma, Ankara iline bağlı Altındağ, Mamak, Keçiören, Çankaya, Yenimahalle, Sincan ilçelerinden rastgele seçilen 9 farklı ilköğretim okulunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Öğrencilerin çevrelerindeki insanlarda görmek istedikleri değerlerin belirlenmesinde, uzman görüşleri doğrultusunda hazırlanan görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerden elde edilen yazılı dönütler içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında 6.sınıf öğrencilerine ait 1232 adet form değerlendirilmiştir. Öğrencilerin 97 farklı değeri tercih ettikleri ancak bunlar içinden sırasıyla çevre temizliği, saygı, güzel söz ve davranış, dürüstlük, çalışkanlık, çevre duyarlılığı, yardımseverlik, iyi insan olma, hoşgörü, doğa sevgisi, temizlik, sevgi ve güvenilirlik değerlerini daha çok tercih ettikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu değerler, Akbaş ve Rokeach tarafından geliştirilen değer sınıflandırmaları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada en fazla tercih edilen yukarıdaki 13 değerden, Rokeach’ın sınıflandırmasındaki değerlerden sadece 5 değerin (dürüstlük, yardımseverlik, hoşgörülü olma, temizlik ve sevgi) olduğu tespit edilmiştir.en_US
dc.description.abstractValue education enables individuals to gain their own social and cultural judgments together with the universal values, and it also makes individuals be ready for the problems that may occur. In order to prevent value crises, researches are being made throughout the world, especially in Europe and America. Value education consists of fields such as citizenship education, character education, moral education, law education, sex education, addiction education, religion education and has a special impact on formal education. There may be various views towards values in society, because there are superiority and priority relationships between values. For instance, dominant values have become values that concerns not only individuals but also societies. Values are beyond-situation goals which are desired, guided light to the individuals that having different importance levels. They reflect the preferences and wishes, that is, values are beliefs about something/somebody can be desired or not. Individuals’ value tendencies represent thoughts that managing society and home life, effecting human activities in long time periods. There are lots of classifications on values. Rokeach’s classification (1973) is considerably comprehensive and shed light on following researchers. To this categorization, values are handled as terminal values and instrumental values (necessary qualifications to reach terminal values). The researches have shown that value tendencies differ from society to society. Until the revision of elementary school program in 2004, values existed as “latent acquisitions” in the curriculum. However, in new curriculum they are stated directly and students were aimed to gain these values. As in many countries, also in Turkey, it is not clear which values should be taught to the students. For this reason, it is of great importance to determine individuals’ value tendencies in elementary education period. The aim of this study is to determine sixth grade students value tendencies. In this study, students’ values stated and the value classification of Rokeach (1973) and Akbaş (2004) were also compared. Survey method was used in the study to determine value preferences of students. Study was conducted in nine elementary schools which were randomly selected from districts of Ankara which are Altındağ, Mamak, Keçiören, Çankaya, Yenimahalle, Sincan. In order to identify students’ value judgments the question of “Which features should exist in the people around you?” were asked. The question was controlled by the academicians who are experienced in the field of social studies education and educational sciences. Students responded the question by writing the answer on a paper. They stated their preferences with only one or more than one value statement. Interview forms were distributed to 1315 students in the scope of the study; however, 83 forms were eliminated due to not being concerned with values or because of emptiness. In total, a number of 1232 student interview forms (651 males and 664 males) were evaluated. The statements recorded by the students were put through to content analyses. Firstly data were organized for each individual separately and were documented. Later, they were compared according to value classifications used by Akbaş (traditional, democratic, job related, scientific and basic) and Rokeach (terminal and instrumental). The results were depicted via using frequency tables and percentages. Vital findings were obtained as a result of determining the value tendencies of students. The students expressed the features they wanted to see in the people around and they were able to prefer more than one value. While these statements were determined students words recorded to forms were taken into consideration. They totally mentioned about 97 value statements. The number of statements existing in the interview forms differed from 1 to 414. It has been found out that students especially gave more importance to values concerning environment (environment cleanup, environmental sensity and nature love) and values that takes an important role in interpersonal relationships (love, respecting, tolerance, helpfulness, honesty). The tendencies towards refraining from bad words and behaviors and the value of wanting to be a good person showed that students were against the concepts such as violence, being immoral and being unqualified. It is interesting to see that sixth grade students emphasize national values very little. In the view of this, students should be also made to gain values that reinforce national, democratic and social unity except for the objectives of the curriculum. In this study, it was seen that preferred statements differed from Rokeach’s classification. It was found that students’ most favorite values didn’t exist in Rokeach’s classification. Of 13 value statements which preferred in this study, only 5 value statements (honesty, charity, having tolerance, cleanliness and love) are compatible with Rokeach’s classification (terminal and instrumental values). According to obtained findings, it was understood that students paid to instrumental values more importance than terminal values. While students preferred honesty value mostly (%22, 6), imaginativeness value was stated in minimal proportions. The most preferred (%11,7) terminal value is love. These findings can be interpreted that Rokeach’s classification is not compatible with the structure of Turkish contemporary society and inter-societal cultural differences may be effective on value tendencies. In this study, it was clarified that value classifications were not functional enough. Findings depicted that values were disjoint that is, a value finding in one classification didn’t exist in another classification. Because, students may tend to different values and they may express values differently due to the effects of media, school and their family. With these types of studies it may be decided which values to teach to students and new generations. When student tendencies are examined, if it is taken into consideration that students emphasized values concerning environment, it can be concluded that textbooks and media are effective in environmental values. Accordingly, this idea should be more comprehensive and it is inevitable to conduct these types of studies in different socio-economical settlements. As it can be understood from student tendencies, it should be given importance that values aimed to have students learn will not be sufficient when they learn values with their own selves. For this there should be collaboration among families, schools and society. In these activities media institutions should take an active role and contribute positively to the process.en_US
dc.identifier.citationYiğittir, S., Öcal, A., (2010). İlköğretim 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Değer Yönelimleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24, 407-416.en_US
dc.publisherSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.ispartofSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US
dc.subjectdeğer eğitimien_US
dc.subjectdeğer yönelimlerien_US
dc.subjectsosyal bilgileren_US
dc.subjectvalue educationen_US
dc.subjecttendency of valueen_US
dc.subjectelementary educationen_US
dc.subjectsocial studiesen_US
dc.titleİlköğretim 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Değer Yönelimlerien_US
dc.title.alternativeValue Tendency of 6th Grade Elementary School Studentsen_US


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