Geleneksel fıkra - modern fıkra
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Fıkra, hemen her toplumun eğlenme, öğrenme ve eğitme araçlarından biridir. Her fıkranın gül- düreceği düşünülmemelidir. Yüzyıllardan beri her toplumda var olan fıkra için Türkler bazen latife, bazen de nükte gibi adlar vermişler. Günümüzde Batı’dan alınan anecdote/anekdot kelimesi de kulla- nılmaktadır. Günümüze kadar yapılan fıkra incelemelerinde ele alınmayan bir konu, bu makalenin ana konu- su olarak ele alınmıştır. Çeşitli fıkra sınıflandırılmalarında alt dal olarak görülen fıkra grupları en az sayıya indirilerek iki dal belirlenmiştir. Bu terimler/adlar bugüne kadar bu açıklıkla ele alınmamıştır. Bu görüş bir öneridir, tartışmaya açıktır. Eskiden beri anlatılagelen binlerce fıkranın yanına son yüzyıl içinde yenileri eklenmiştir. Gele- neksel fıkraların insan, eşya ve konu kadrosu aşılmış, yeni insan tipi oluşmuş, dün olmayan eşyalar kullanılmıştır. Bu gelişmeler modern fıkrayı oluşturmaktadır. Ancak, son yıllarda üretilen bazı fıkra- lar, her iki türü de içine alacak zenginliktedir. Eskiden, daha çok yaşanılan olaylar fıkrayı oluşturur- ken günümüzde fıkralar uydurulmakta yani üretilmektedir. Bu tür fıkraların bazıları farklı kültürlerden alınıp yeni ortama uyarlanmıştır. Aslında bazı fık- raları uyarlamak anlaşılmaları açısından yararlıdır, ancak özgün şekliyle kullanılması daha uygun olanlar da vardır. Özellikle bir kelimeye / bir cümleye dayanan fıkraların genişletilerek de anlatılması mümkündür. Ayrıca, modern bir fıkranın ilgi görmesi benzer modern fıkraların da üretilmesine yol açabilir. Genel Ağ ortamı bu konuda güzel örnekler sunmaktadır. Konu, yazımızda örnekler ve gerekçeleri ele alınıp bir sonuca ulaşılmaya çalışılacaktır.
The anecdote is one of entertainment, learning and education tools. It should not be thought that every anecdote would make people laugh. Turks sometimes called the anecdote, which has existed in every society since centuries as joke or wit. Today, the word anecdote, which was adopted from the West, has also been used. An aspect that has not been discussed in anecdote researches done until now was discussed as main subject of this article. Anecdote groups that are assessed as sub-branches in different anecdote classifications were minimized and two branches were determined. These terms/names have not been discussed clearly to date. This opinion is a suggestion and disputable. New anecdotes have been added as well as thousands of anecdotes that have been told from of old. Human, object and subject position of traditional anecdotes have been overcome and a new human type has been a formed and new object that have not existed yesterday. These developments create the modern anecdote. However, some anecdotes, which have been produced lately, have the richness to inc- lude both types. While events experienced frequently were forming an anecdote in the past, anecdotes are being romanced, namely produced. Some of this type of anecdotes have been taken from different cultures and adopted into the new environment. Actually, adopting some anecdotes is useful in terms of understanding; however, there are anecdotes that are more appropriate to use authentically as well. It is also possible to tell the anec- dotes which base on a specific word / sentence. Furthermore, attracting attention of an anecdote may cause producing similar modern anecdotes. World Wide Web environment presents nice samples about this subject. Samples and reasons of the subject will be discussed and we will try to conclude.
The anecdote is one of entertainment, learning and education tools. It should not be thought that every anecdote would make people laugh. Turks sometimes called the anecdote, which has existed in every society since centuries as joke or wit. Today, the word anecdote, which was adopted from the West, has also been used. An aspect that has not been discussed in anecdote researches done until now was discussed as main subject of this article. Anecdote groups that are assessed as sub-branches in different anecdote classifications were minimized and two branches were determined. These terms/names have not been discussed clearly to date. This opinion is a suggestion and disputable. New anecdotes have been added as well as thousands of anecdotes that have been told from of old. Human, object and subject position of traditional anecdotes have been overcome and a new human type has been a formed and new object that have not existed yesterday. These developments create the modern anecdote. However, some anecdotes, which have been produced lately, have the richness to inc- lude both types. While events experienced frequently were forming an anecdote in the past, anecdotes are being romanced, namely produced. Some of this type of anecdotes have been taken from different cultures and adopted into the new environment. Actually, adopting some anecdotes is useful in terms of understanding; however, there are anecdotes that are more appropriate to use authentically as well. It is also possible to tell the anec- dotes which base on a specific word / sentence. Furthermore, attracting attention of an anecdote may cause producing similar modern anecdotes. World Wide Web environment presents nice samples about this subject. Samples and reasons of the subject will be discussed and we will try to conclude.
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