Finansal rasyoların katılım bankaları ve geleneksel bankalar arasında bir tasnif aracı olarak kullanımı: Türkiye örneği
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Katılım bankaları geleneksel bankalardan farklı olarak risk paylaşımı ve faiz yasağı gibi İslami kurallara dayalı olarak faaliyet gösterirler. Buna karşılık geleneksel bankalar kar maksimizasyonu hedefiyle faaliyetlerini yürütürler. Eğer bu iki tip banka arasındaki fark sadece sözde kalmıyorsa, İslami ve geleneksel bankalar bilanço ve gelir tablolarından elde edilecek finansal bilgilere dayalı olarak birbirlerinden ayrılabilmelidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren geleneksel ve katılım bankaları arasında finansal karakteristikleri baz alınarak ayrım yapılıp yapılamayacağını belirlemektir. Logit analiz modelinde 23 finansal rasyo kullanılmak suretiyle araştırmacıların iki banka tipi arasında ayrım yapılıp yapılmayacağını belirlemeye çalışılmaktadır.
Islamic banks are organized under and operate upon principles of Islamic law which requires risk sharing and prohibits the payment or receipt of interest. In contrast, conventional banks are guided mainly by the profit-maximization principle. If the differences between the two types of banks are not just semantic, Islamic and conventional banks should be distinguishable from one another on the basis of financial information obtained from company balance sheets and income statements. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether Islamic and conventional banks in Turkey are distinguishable from one another on the basis of financial characteristics alone. We input 23 financial ratios into logit analysis models to determine whether researchers could use these ratios to distinguish between the two types of banks.
Islamic banks are organized under and operate upon principles of Islamic law which requires risk sharing and prohibits the payment or receipt of interest. In contrast, conventional banks are guided mainly by the profit-maximization principle. If the differences between the two types of banks are not just semantic, Islamic and conventional banks should be distinguishable from one another on the basis of financial information obtained from company balance sheets and income statements. The purpose of this paper is to determine whether Islamic and conventional banks in Turkey are distinguishable from one another on the basis of financial characteristics alone. We input 23 financial ratios into logit analysis models to determine whether researchers could use these ratios to distinguish between the two types of banks.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İktisat, İşletme
Ege Akademik Bakış
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