Cumhuriyet Dönemi afiş sanatında başlangıcından günümüze tipografi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, Cumhuriyetin başlangıcından günümüze, afişlerdeki biçim içerik ilişkisi göz önüne alınarak, görsel sorunlarının incelenmesi, böylece üretilecek afişlerin niteliklerinin artması ve tasarımcının hedef kitlesine doğru ulaşabilmesinin yollarını incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, kültürel afişler(sinema, tiyatro v.b) sosyal içerikli afişler ve ticari afişleri incelemiştir. Grafik tasarımın temel ilkeleri araştırılmış, tipografik kurallar ve estetik kaygılar dâhilinde afişlerin görsel sorunları ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmıştır. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında kullanılan teknoloji ve günümüzde kullanılan teknolojinin afişin gelişimine etkilerine değinilmiştir. Bulguların yorumlanmasından sonra, araştırma probleminin sonuçları saptanmış; bu sonuçlar kullanılarak, biçim-içerik sorunları ve görsel sorunlar ortaya konmuştur. Bu sorunların giderilebilmesine yönelik çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarını şöyle özetleyebiliriz. Cumhuriyetin başlangıcından günümüze baktığımızda ilk başlarda daha çok grafik tasarım(ilk yıllarda afiş eğitimi olarak geçer) eğitimi alan ya da bu konuda yeterli bilgi sahibi kişilerin hizmet verdiği bir alandır. Daha sonraları, teknolojik gelişmeler, artan ihtiyaçlar ve mevcut tasarımcıların artan talebi karşılayamaması, günümüzde belirli alanlar haricinde afişlerde bir bozulmaya, birbirinin taklidi özgünlükten ve işlevsellikten uzak işler haline dönüşmesine neden olmuştur. Afişler yapıldıkları dönemin genellikle sosyo-kültürel yapısını da yansıttığı için aynı zamanda birer belge niteliğindedir.
This study was carried out in order to investigate visual problems, thus to increase the quality of the posters produced and to find the ways for actually reaching of designers to their target groups by taking the form and content relation of posters into consideration from the beginning of Republic to nowadays. This study investigated cultural posters (cinema, theatre, etc.), posters with social content and commercial ones. The fundamental principles of graphical design were investigated and it was tried to put forth for consideration the visual problems of posters within typographic rules and aesthetic anxieties. The effects of technology used n the first years of republic and the technology used nowadays on the development of poster were mentioned. After interpreting the findings, the results of this research problem were determined; the form-content problems and visual problems were put forth for consideration by using these results. The solutions were brought forward a proposal in order to overcome these problems. We can summarize the results of this research as follows: When we consider the period from the beginning of the republic until now, firstly it was an area that the people who were educated in graphical design (in the first years, it was known as poster education) or who had sufficient information about this subject gave service. Then, due to technological developments, increasing requirements and since the present designers could not meet this increasing demand, this caused posters nowadays to be embarrassed except specific areas and to be an imitation of each other and far away from originality and functionality. The posters at the same time have the quality of being a document since they reflect generally the socio-cultural structure of the period they were made in.
This study was carried out in order to investigate visual problems, thus to increase the quality of the posters produced and to find the ways for actually reaching of designers to their target groups by taking the form and content relation of posters into consideration from the beginning of Republic to nowadays. This study investigated cultural posters (cinema, theatre, etc.), posters with social content and commercial ones. The fundamental principles of graphical design were investigated and it was tried to put forth for consideration the visual problems of posters within typographic rules and aesthetic anxieties. The effects of technology used n the first years of republic and the technology used nowadays on the development of poster were mentioned. After interpreting the findings, the results of this research problem were determined; the form-content problems and visual problems were put forth for consideration by using these results. The solutions were brought forward a proposal in order to overcome these problems. We can summarize the results of this research as follows: When we consider the period from the beginning of the republic until now, firstly it was an area that the people who were educated in graphical design (in the first years, it was known as poster education) or who had sufficient information about this subject gave service. Then, due to technological developments, increasing requirements and since the present designers could not meet this increasing demand, this caused posters nowadays to be embarrassed except specific areas and to be an imitation of each other and far away from originality and functionality. The posters at the same time have the quality of being a document since they reflect generally the socio-cultural structure of the period they were made in.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiye, Tipografi, Afiş, Turkey, Typography, Poster, Tipografik dil, Grafik tasarım, Typographic language, Graphic design
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çakır, E. (2008). Cumhuriyet Dönemi afiş sanatında başlangıcından günümüze tipografi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.