Glycogen-rich carcinoma of breast: A case report
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Memenin Glikojen rich karsinomu nadir görülen meme tümörlerindendir ve genellikle kötü prognozlu olarak bilinmektedir. Tüm meme karsinomları içe- risinde görülme sıklığı %1,4-3 arasındadır. Glikojen-rich karsinomu nedeniyle mastektomi yapılan 48 yaşında bir bayan hasta olgu sunumu olarak hazırlandı. Lenf nodu metastazı yoktu ve tümörde östrojen ve progesteron reseptörleri pozitifti. Hastaya kemoterapi uygulandı ve aromataz inhibitörü ile tedaviye devam edildi. 48 aylık takibinde nüks ya da metastaz tespit edilmedi.
Glycogen-rich carcinoma of the breast is a rare entity, usually reported with poor prognosis. It has an incidence of between 1.4% to 3% of all breast carcino- mas. We present the case of a 48-year-old woman who underwent mastectomy for Glycogen-rich carcinoma of the breast. There was no lymph node metastasis and the tumour was oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor posi- tive. The patient was treated with a chemotherapy and an aromatase inhib- itor, and has been followed for 48 months with no evidence of recurrence or metastasis.
Glycogen-rich carcinoma of the breast is a rare entity, usually reported with poor prognosis. It has an incidence of between 1.4% to 3% of all breast carcino- mas. We present the case of a 48-year-old woman who underwent mastectomy for Glycogen-rich carcinoma of the breast. There was no lymph node metastasis and the tumour was oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor posi- tive. The patient was treated with a chemotherapy and an aromatase inhib- itor, and has been followed for 48 months with no evidence of recurrence or metastasis.
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