Abdulhamîd El-Kâtib ve Arap nesrindeki yeri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Abdulhamîd b. Yahya el-Kâtib, hayatı hakkında fazlaca bilgi sahibi olmadıgımız ancak eserleri, özellikle risâleleri meshur bir sahıstır. Abdulhamîd, daha önceden var olan fakat bir sanat degeri olmayan klasik kitâbetin kaidelerini yeniden düzenlemis, kuralları olan bir sanat haline getirmistir. Kitâbete getirdigi yeniliklerle ve koydugu kurallarla kendisinden sonra gelenlere ısık tutmustur. Bu gayret ve basarılarından dolayı Arap risâle uslûbunun kurucusu olarak bilinir. Çesitli alanlarda yazdıgı risâleleri, egitici ve ögretici mahiyettedir. Abdulhamîd, risalelerini bölümlere ayırmıs, her bölümde farklı bir konuyu ele almıstır. Bölümlerde konuya baglı kalmıs ve her bölüm basında tahmîdâtı kullanmıstır. Risâleleri giris, gelisme ve sonuç bölümlerinden olusturmaktadır. Gençlik yıllarına kadar hakkında bir bilgiye rastlanmayan Abdulhamîd neredeyse hayatının tamamını ilme ve kitâbet sanatına adamıstır. Sadakatiyle de tanınan Abdulhamîd, zamanla halifenin yanında görev almıs ve Abdulhamîd el-Ekber ünvanına sahip olmustur. Bin adet risâlesinin oldugu rivayet edilse de günümüze kadar ulasan risâleleri çok azdır. Arap diline ciddi katkısı olan Abdulhamîd H. 132 yılında vefat etmistir.
Abdulhamid b. Yahya el-Katib is a person whom we do not have too much knowledge about his life, however, who is famous especially with his epistles. Abdulhamid rearranged the methods of classical literature that were existing previously, but did not have any artistic value, and made them an art having some rules. He lighted the way for those following him with innovations and rules he made for literature. He is known as the founder of method of Arabic epistle due to these effort and achievements of him. His epistles written in various fields have instructive and educational nature. Abdulhamid divided his epistles into parts and discussed a different subject in each part. He sticked to the subject in the parts and used gratitute at the beginning of each part. His epistles consisted of introduction, development and result parts. Abdulhamit that?s nearly no knowledge is found about his life until his youth years dedicated all his life to the science and literature. Abdulhamit who is also known with his loyalty served with the caliph of the time and had the title of Abdulhamid el- Akbar. Although it?s rumoured that he had one thousand of epistles, there are very few that reached until today. Abdulhamid who seriously contributed to the Arabic language died in 132 year of Hegira.
Abdulhamid b. Yahya el-Katib is a person whom we do not have too much knowledge about his life, however, who is famous especially with his epistles. Abdulhamid rearranged the methods of classical literature that were existing previously, but did not have any artistic value, and made them an art having some rules. He lighted the way for those following him with innovations and rules he made for literature. He is known as the founder of method of Arabic epistle due to these effort and achievements of him. His epistles written in various fields have instructive and educational nature. Abdulhamid divided his epistles into parts and discussed a different subject in each part. He sticked to the subject in the parts and used gratitute at the beginning of each part. His epistles consisted of introduction, development and result parts. Abdulhamit that?s nearly no knowledge is found about his life until his youth years dedicated all his life to the science and literature. Abdulhamit who is also known with his loyalty served with the caliph of the time and had the title of Abdulhamid el- Akbar. Although it?s rumoured that he had one thousand of epistles, there are very few that reached until today. Abdulhamid who seriously contributed to the Arabic language died in 132 year of Hegira.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Abdulhamîd El-Kâtib, Arap nesri, Arab nesy
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çelik, Y. (2007). Abdulhamîd El-Kâtib ve Arap nesrindeki yeri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.