XII. ve XIII. yüzyılda Türk-Gürcü münasebetleri: Türkiye Selçukluları ve Doğu Anadolu Türk Beylikleri Döneminde
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türkler, tarih boyunca değişik bölgelere yayılmış ve farklı milletlerle çeşitli
münasebetlerde bulunmuşlardır. Bu milletlerden biri de hiç şüphesiz Kafkasya’nın en köklü
milletlerinden biri olan Gürcülerdir. Gürcülerle ilişkilerin çok eski devirlere kadar dayandığı
görülmekle birlikte, asıl yoğun ilişkiler, Büyük Selçukluların ortaya çıkışından sonra
başlamış ve Türklerin Anadolu’ya gelişinden sonra da devam etmiştir. Özellikle XII. ve XIII.
yüzyılda Türkler ile Gürcüler arasında siyasi-askeri münasebetlerin yanında sosyoekonomik,
kültürel ve dini münasebetlerin de olduğu görülmektedir.
XII. ve XIII. yüzyılda, özellikle Doğu Anadolu’da faaliyet gösteren ilk Türk Beylikleri
(Saltuklular, Danişmendliler, Mengücekliler, Artuklular ve Ahlatşahlar), bazen bağımsız
olarak bazen de birlikte hareket ederek sınırdaşları olan Gürcüler ile mücadelelerde
bulunmuşlardır. Bu mücadeleler Türkiye Selçukluların Anadolu’ya hakim olmasından sonra
da devam etmiştir. Türkiye Selçuklu hükümdarları Rükneddin Süleymanşah ve Alâeddin
Keykubad dönemlerinde Gürcistan üzerine seferler düzenlenmiştir. Fakat daha sonra her iki
ülkenin de kaderini etkileyecek olan Moğol İstilası başlamış ve her iki ülke de bundan
fazlasıyla etkilenmiştir.
Bu dönemde yapılan siyasi-askeri mücadelelere rağmen yapılan ticari faaliyetler,
kurulan akrabalık ilişkileri ve Gürcistan’dan gelen devlet ve ilim adamları ile sanatkârlar, bu
iki milletin birbirine yaklaşmasını ve aralarında kültürel bir bağ da kurmasını sağlamıştır.
Gürcüler ile Türkler arasındaki ilişkiler Osmanlı döneminde de devam etmiş ve günümüze
kadar süregelmiştir.
Throughout the history, the Turks have spread out in different regions and have had a variety of relations with different nations. One of these nations has been, no doubt, the Georgian which is one of most rooted nations of Caucasia. Though it is seen that the relations with the Georgian date back to ancient times, main intensive relations started after the onset of the Great Seljuks and continued after the arrival of the Turks into Anatolia. Especially in the 12 th and 13 th centuries, it is seen that there were socio-economical, cultural and religions as well as political-military relations between the Turks and the Georgians. In the 12th and 13th centuries, especially the first Turk Principalities dominating in the Eastern Anatolian ( Saltukids, Danişmendids, Mengücekids, Artukids and Ahlatshahs) struggled with their border neighbour, Georgians sometimes acting independently or together. These struggles also continued after the Turkey Seljuks dominated the Anatolia. During the reign of Rükneddin Süleyman and Alâeddin Keykubad who the sultans of Turkey Seljuks, expeditions were organized on Georgia. But later, the Mongolian Invasion which would affect both the two countries’ fate started and both of them were also affected greatly by this situation. The commercial affairs which were made despite the political-military struggles, kinship relations established and statesmen, scientists and the artisans from Georgia enabled the two nations to come closer and also establish a cultural link between them. The relations between the Turks and the Georgians also continued during the reign of Ottoman Empire and have lasted up to the present.
Throughout the history, the Turks have spread out in different regions and have had a variety of relations with different nations. One of these nations has been, no doubt, the Georgian which is one of most rooted nations of Caucasia. Though it is seen that the relations with the Georgian date back to ancient times, main intensive relations started after the onset of the Great Seljuks and continued after the arrival of the Turks into Anatolia. Especially in the 12 th and 13 th centuries, it is seen that there were socio-economical, cultural and religions as well as political-military relations between the Turks and the Georgians. In the 12th and 13th centuries, especially the first Turk Principalities dominating in the Eastern Anatolian ( Saltukids, Danişmendids, Mengücekids, Artukids and Ahlatshahs) struggled with their border neighbour, Georgians sometimes acting independently or together. These struggles also continued after the Turkey Seljuks dominated the Anatolia. During the reign of Rükneddin Süleyman and Alâeddin Keykubad who the sultans of Turkey Seljuks, expeditions were organized on Georgia. But later, the Mongolian Invasion which would affect both the two countries’ fate started and both of them were also affected greatly by this situation. The commercial affairs which were made despite the political-military struggles, kinship relations established and statesmen, scientists and the artisans from Georgia enabled the two nations to come closer and also establish a cultural link between them. The relations between the Turks and the Georgians also continued during the reign of Ottoman Empire and have lasted up to the present.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Selçuklu, Anadolu, Gürcistan, Münasebet, The Turks, The Georgian, Seljuks, Anatolia, Georgia, Relations, Türkler, Gürcüler
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özdemir, V. (2011). XII. ve XIII. yüzyılda Türk-Gürcü münasebetleri: Türkiye Selçukluları ve Doğu Anadolu Türk Beylikleri Döneminde. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.