İslam tarihi açısından İsrâ ve Mirac
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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İsrâ ve Mi'râc hadisesi siret-i nebide önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Zira bu hadise çok önemli bir zamanda meydana gelmiştir. Hz. Peygamber (s.a.v.) Mekke döneminde sıkıntılar ve zorluklar içerisinde iken eşi Hz. Hatice ve amcası Ebu Talib vefat etmiştir. En büyük destekçilerini kaybeden Rasûlullah taşlanma ile sonuçlanan Taif seferinden de üzüntülü olarak dönmüştür. Böyle sıkıntılı bir durumda iken Rabbi onu yalnız bırakmamış ve bu mucize ile onu şereflendirmiştir. Cebrail bu gece Rasûlullah (s.a.v.)'i Mescid-i Haram'dan almış Burak vasıtası ile Mescid-i Aksa'ya götürmüş, daha sonra oradan Mi'râc ile semâlara, Beytü'l-mamur'a, Sidretü'l-münteha'ya ve daha birçok yerlere götürmüştür. Bu gecede Rasûlullah birçok olağanüstü hadiseyi müşahede etmiş, Rabbi ile görüşmüş, bir takım hediyelerle geri dönmüş ve beş vakit namaz bu gecede tüm müminlere farz kılınmıştır. İsrâ ve Mi'râc olayı İslam âlimleri arasında tartışıla gelen bir konu olmuştur. Tartışmalar olayın uykuda mı uyanıkken mi gerçekleştiği, bu durumun bir sonucu olarak sadece ruh ile mi yoksa ruh ve beden ile birlikte mi Rasûlullah'ın bu olayı yaşadığı üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Bununla birlikte Rasûlullah'ın Allah'ı görüp-görmediği, olayın kaç kez vuku bulduğu da ihtilaf konularındandır.
The event of the night journey and the ascension of prophet Muhammed (s.a.v.) to heavens has a significant importance in the prophetic life of Muhammed (s.a.v.). For the fact that this event took place at a time while he was going the rough tremendous difficuties, his beloved wife and his uncle Ebu Talib passed away. He had lost two importand supporters wehen he had just returned from Taif expdition where he was not only rejected by the local chiefs but also stones were thrown at him causing more grieves. In such a troubled plight His Lord didn?t forsake him and honoured him with this miraculous event. On that night, angel Cebrail came to the Prophet along with Al Buraq-a mythological steed,described as a creature from the heavens whichtransported the prophets? whinch he mounted and in the company of Cebrail, they tavelled to the ?farhest mosqoe-Al Aqsa mosque?in Jerusalem. Then, from there he was taken to the various heavens. On that night the Prophet witnessed many miraculous scenes and was accepted to the presence of The Almighty and returned with many blessings. On that night the five times daily prayers were made obligatory upon believers. This event has been a matter of discussiun among Muslim scholars. Scholars had been discussing the event whether it took place in his dream while the Prophet was asleep or while he was awake, or the event happened spiritually or in both physical and spirit. Along with his debate, scholars also have been debating whether the Prophet did see The Almighty or not and how many times this phenomenon occurred.
The event of the night journey and the ascension of prophet Muhammed (s.a.v.) to heavens has a significant importance in the prophetic life of Muhammed (s.a.v.). For the fact that this event took place at a time while he was going the rough tremendous difficuties, his beloved wife and his uncle Ebu Talib passed away. He had lost two importand supporters wehen he had just returned from Taif expdition where he was not only rejected by the local chiefs but also stones were thrown at him causing more grieves. In such a troubled plight His Lord didn?t forsake him and honoured him with this miraculous event. On that night, angel Cebrail came to the Prophet along with Al Buraq-a mythological steed,described as a creature from the heavens whichtransported the prophets? whinch he mounted and in the company of Cebrail, they tavelled to the ?farhest mosqoe-Al Aqsa mosque?in Jerusalem. Then, from there he was taken to the various heavens. On that night the Prophet witnessed many miraculous scenes and was accepted to the presence of The Almighty and returned with many blessings. On that night the five times daily prayers were made obligatory upon believers. This event has been a matter of discussiun among Muslim scholars. Scholars had been discussing the event whether it took place in his dream while the Prophet was asleep or while he was awake, or the event happened spiritually or in both physical and spirit. Along with his debate, scholars also have been debating whether the Prophet did see The Almighty or not and how many times this phenomenon occurred.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Miraç, Mirac, İslam dini, Islam religion, İslam tarihi, Islamic history, İsra, Isra
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Akmaz, F. (2011). İslam tarihi açısından İsrâ ve Mirac. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.