Katlar arası rijitlik düzensizliği bulunan betonarme yapıların güçlendirilmesi üzerine deneysel bir çalışma
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Dünyanın aktif kuşaklarından Alp-Himalaya deprem kuşağı üzerinde yer alan ülkemiz, her yıl büyük küçük ortalama 20 bin depreme maruz kaldığı için adeta doğal bir laboratuvara dönüşmüştür. Özellikle 1999 Gölcük depremi ve yaşanan diğer depremler sonrasında, betonarme taşıyıcı sisteme sahip hasar görmüş binalar üzerinde yapılan incelemeler, binalardaki taşıyıcı sistem düzensizliklerinin olumsuz etkilerinin deprem yükünün tesiriyle ortaya çıktığını göstermiş olup, depreme dayanıklı betonarme taşıyıcı sistem tasarımındaki en önemli hususlardan birinin yapının düzenli olması gerekliliği olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu amaçla mevcut yapılarda deprem davranışının ve performansının iyileştirilmesi üzerine gidilmiş ve bu husus inşaat mühendislerinin önemli çalışma alanı haline dönüşmüştür. Bunun neticesinde birçok güçlendirme projesi oluşturulup uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca 2012 yılında çıkan kentsel dönüşüm yasası ile birlikte de güçlendirme uygulamaları hızla artmıştır. Yapılan bu güçlendirme projelerinde yönetmeliklerde belirtilen şartların göz önünde bulundurulması ve taşıyıcı sistem düzensizliklerinin bu şekilde önüne geçilmesi hayati önem taşımaktadır. Güçlendirme uygulamalarının deprem anındaki performansı ve davranışı net olarak bilinmediğinden dolayı, yapılan uygulamaların güvenliği ve verimliliği konusundaki endişeler devam etmektedir. Bu endişeler düşünüldüğünde, öncelikli olarak yapılması gerekenler, güçlendirme projelerinin yeterli dikkat ve özenle yönetmeliklere uygun bir şekilde hazırlanması ve uygulama aşamasında da projelerin yerinde doğru şekilde tatbik edilmesidir. Ayrıca laboratuvar ortamında yapılacak olan deneysel çalışmalarla, uygulanması planlanan güçlendirme projelerinin performansının belirlenmesi ile uygulamadaki eksiklikler görülüp can ve mal güvenliğinin üst seviyelere çıkarılabileceği düşünülmektedir. Yapılan bu tez çalışmasında, TDY-2007'ye göre katlar arası rijitlik düzensizliği (yumuşak kat düzensizliği) bulunan ve deprem dayanımı yetersiz, 1/3 ölçekli, iki katlı-tek açıklıklı betonarme deney numuneleri bazı güçlendirme yöntemleri uygulanarak test edilmiştir. Güçlendirme uygulamasının amacı yapılardaki yumuşak kat düzensizliğinin olumsuz etkilerinin giderilmesidir. Deney numunelerine depremi benzeştiren tersinir-tekrarlanır yatay yük uygulaması yapılmıştır. 1. çerçeve, üst katı dolgu duvarlı, alt katında duvar yerine (<>) şeklinde K-Tipi çelik çapraz elemanlarla güçlendirilmiş numunedir. 2. ve 3. çerçeveler ise üst katı dolgu duvarlı ve sırasıyla, alt katı (V) şeklinde düz V-Tipi ve (>) şeklinde yan V-Tipi çelik çapraz elemanlarla güçlendirilmiş numunelerdir. Güçlendirilmiş bu 3 deney numunesine referans olarak, diğer bir çalışmada deney tabi tutulmuş olan, her iki katı dolgu duvarlı numune ve üst katı dolgu duvarlı alt katı duvarsız yumuşak kat düzensizliğine sahip numune kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, deneyleri yapılan 3 adet güçlendirilmiş betonarme çerçeve numunesine ait yük ve deplasman geçmişleri, histerezis ve zarf eğrileri ve enerji tüketimi grafikleri elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca güçlendirilmiş numunelere, diğer çalışmadan alınan referans numunelerin sonuçları da eklenip, tüm deney sonuçları ve elde edilen grafikler karşılaştırılarak yorumlanmıştır. Yapılan karşılaştırmaların neticesinde en uygun güçlendirme tipi belirlenmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirilerek çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Turkey is one of the earthquake-prone countries. Our country is located on Alpine-Himalayan seismic belt. The country has transformed into a natural seismic laboratory, because nearly twenty thousand small and large earthquakes have occurred every year. Especially after the 1999 Gölcük earthquake and other earthquakes in the past, the studies on the damaged buildings with reinforced concrete structural system showed that the negative effects of the structural irregularities in the buildings come to light by the impact of earthquake load and also revealed that the necessity of being regular of the structure is one of the main principles in the design of earthquake resistant reinforced concrete structural systems. For this purpose, existing structures are handled to improve their earthquake performance and this issue has become an important work area of civil engineers. Thereby, many strengthening projects have been created and implemented. Also, with the urban transformation law that have come into effect in 2012, strengthening applications have increased rapidly. It is vital that in these strengthening projects the conditions set out in the regulations have to be taken into account and that structural irregularities must be avoided in this way. Since the performance and behavior of strengthening applications in earthquake are not known clearly, the concerns about the safety and efficiency of the applications are still ongoing. When these worries are considered, things need to be done firstly are; preparing the strengthening projects according to regulations with due diligence and care, and implementing the projects correctly on site. It is also thought that with experimental works to be held in laboratory, via determining the performance of the projects that planned to be implemented the deficiencies in practice can be seen and so the safety of life and property can be increased. In this thesis study, two storey-single span and 1/3 scale reinforced concrete test specimens which have interstorey stiffness irregularity (soft storey irregularity) and insufficient earthquake resistance have been tested by applying some strengthening methods. The purpose of strengthening applications is to eliminate the adverse effects of the soft storey irregularity. Reverse-cyclic horizontal load application was performed on the test specimens to simulate the earthquake. The first frame is the specimen with infill walls on the upper storey, and on the lower storey strengthened with K-type steel diagonal elements shaped (<>) instead of infill walls. 2. and 3. frames are the specimens with infill walls on the upper storey, and on the lower storey strengthened by steel diagonal elements with the shape of straight V-type (V) and turned sideways V-type (>) respectively. For reference to these three strengthened frames, following two frames which were tested in another study were used; a frame with both storeys infill walls and a frame with soft storey irregularity having infill walls on upper storey and no infills on lower storey. As a result of the study, load and displacement histories, hysteresis and envelope curves and energy dissipation graphs of these three strengthened reinforced concrete frames were obtained. Besides, the results of the reference samples which have taken from another study were added to the strengthened frames, and all the experimental results and obtained graphs were compared and interpreted. In consequence of comparisons, the most appropriate type of strengthening was determined and obtained results were commented and various suggestions were made.
Turkey is one of the earthquake-prone countries. Our country is located on Alpine-Himalayan seismic belt. The country has transformed into a natural seismic laboratory, because nearly twenty thousand small and large earthquakes have occurred every year. Especially after the 1999 Gölcük earthquake and other earthquakes in the past, the studies on the damaged buildings with reinforced concrete structural system showed that the negative effects of the structural irregularities in the buildings come to light by the impact of earthquake load and also revealed that the necessity of being regular of the structure is one of the main principles in the design of earthquake resistant reinforced concrete structural systems. For this purpose, existing structures are handled to improve their earthquake performance and this issue has become an important work area of civil engineers. Thereby, many strengthening projects have been created and implemented. Also, with the urban transformation law that have come into effect in 2012, strengthening applications have increased rapidly. It is vital that in these strengthening projects the conditions set out in the regulations have to be taken into account and that structural irregularities must be avoided in this way. Since the performance and behavior of strengthening applications in earthquake are not known clearly, the concerns about the safety and efficiency of the applications are still ongoing. When these worries are considered, things need to be done firstly are; preparing the strengthening projects according to regulations with due diligence and care, and implementing the projects correctly on site. It is also thought that with experimental works to be held in laboratory, via determining the performance of the projects that planned to be implemented the deficiencies in practice can be seen and so the safety of life and property can be increased. In this thesis study, two storey-single span and 1/3 scale reinforced concrete test specimens which have interstorey stiffness irregularity (soft storey irregularity) and insufficient earthquake resistance have been tested by applying some strengthening methods. The purpose of strengthening applications is to eliminate the adverse effects of the soft storey irregularity. Reverse-cyclic horizontal load application was performed on the test specimens to simulate the earthquake. The first frame is the specimen with infill walls on the upper storey, and on the lower storey strengthened with K-type steel diagonal elements shaped (<>) instead of infill walls. 2. and 3. frames are the specimens with infill walls on the upper storey, and on the lower storey strengthened by steel diagonal elements with the shape of straight V-type (V) and turned sideways V-type (>) respectively. For reference to these three strengthened frames, following two frames which were tested in another study were used; a frame with both storeys infill walls and a frame with soft storey irregularity having infill walls on upper storey and no infills on lower storey. As a result of the study, load and displacement histories, hysteresis and envelope curves and energy dissipation graphs of these three strengthened reinforced concrete frames were obtained. Besides, the results of the reference samples which have taken from another study were added to the strengthened frames, and all the experimental results and obtained graphs were compared and interpreted. In consequence of comparisons, the most appropriate type of strengthening was determined and obtained results were commented and various suggestions were made.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sismik güçlendirme, Seismic strengthening, Yanal rijitlik, Lateral rigidity, Betonarme çerçeve, Deprem, Güçlendirme, Strengthening, Reinforced concrete frame, Earthquake
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Nakipoğlu, A. (2018). Katlar arası rijitlik düzensizliği bulunan betonarme yapıların güçlendirilmesi üzerine deneysel bir çalışma. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.