Kesilerde kullanılan Bistüri, Elektrokoter ve Peak Plasmablade'in yara iyileşmesine etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Amaç: İnsizyonlarda kullanılan bistüri, elektrokoter ve plasmakinetik enerji kullanan peak plasmablade koterin yara iyileşmesi üzerine olan etkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Materyal ve Metod: Deney hayvanı olarak 10 haftalık Wistar Albino türü 36 adet dişi rat kullanıldı. Her grupta 12 adet olmak üzere toplam 3 grup oluşturuldu. Grup 1'e: bisturi ile laparatomi, kolona transseksiyon, anastomoz, Grup 2'ye, elektrokoter ile laparatomi, kolona transseksiyon ve anastomoz, Grup3'e Plasmakinetik koter ile laparatomi, kolona transseksiyon ve anastomoz yapıldı. Postoperatif 7. günde ratlar sakrifiye edildi. Sakrifikasyondan sonra kardiak ponksiyonla 1 ml kan alındı ve relaparatomi yapıldı. Çalışma gruplarında anastomoz hattını içeren yaklaşık 4 cm'lik barsak segmentleri çıkarıldı. Patlama basınçları daha önce bu işlem için hazırlanan sfigmomanometrili düzenek aracılığı ile ölçüldü. Ayrıca fasya sütürlerinin 2 cm lateralini içerecek şekilde 4x4 cm genişliğinde batın duvarı çıkarıldı. İnsizyonun germe- kopma basıncı özel bir düzenekle ölçüldü. Çalışma gruplarına ait kesi ve anastomoz hattını içeren piyesler histopatolojik olarak incelendi. Sonuçlar tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) ile analiz edildi. Tüm değerler için P<0.05 anlamlı olarak kabul edildi. Bulgular: Klasik elektrokoter grubundaki (grup2) anastomoz patlama basınçlarında, diğer 2 gruba göre belirgin olarak düşüklük bulundu Aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.05). Klasik elektrokoter grubunda (grup2) karın duvarı germe kopma basınçlarında, diğer 2 gruba göre belirgin bir düşüklük gözlenmiştir. Bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu(p<0.05). MDA değerleri açısından, her 3 grupta istataiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark görülmedi. Hem barsak hem de karın duvarından elde edilen kesitlerde; Peak, Bisturi ve Koter gruplar arasında, histopatolojik olarak araştırılan yedi kriter açısından belirgin bir farklılık görülmedi. Sonuç: Bu verilere dayanarak, bistüri ve peak plasmablade koterin kesi yapmak amacıyla güvenle kullanılabileceği, ayrıca plasmablade koterin hemostaz sağlayabilmesinedeniyle, zaman kazanma yönünden daha avantajlı olduğu kanaatindeyiz.
Objective: We aimed to research the affections of scalpel that is used at incisions, electrocautery and peak plasmablade cautery that uses plasma kinetic energy to wound healing. Material and Method: Wistar Albino type 36 pieces 10 weeks old female rats were used at experiment animal. Each group included 12 pieces rats, totally 3 groups were composed. Group 1 was applied scalpel and laparatomy transsection to colon and anastomosis; Group 2 was applied to electrocautery and laparatomy, transsection to colon and anastomosis; Group 3 was applied plasmakinetic cautery and laparatomy, transsection to colon and anastomosis. At the postoperative 7th day the rats were sacrificed. After sacrification, 1 ml blood was received from cardiac ponction and relaparatomy was applied. Approximately 4 cm bowel segment including anastomosis line at the working groups were extracted. Explosion pressures were measured by sphygmomanometry that was previously prepared for this application. Also, 4 x 4 cm width abdominal wall including 2 cm lateral fascia sutures were extracted. The distention rupture pressure of incision was measured by a special arrangement. The spectacles of working groups including cut and anastomosis line were examined histopathologically. The results were analyzed and availed through single sided variance analysis (ANOVA). P<0.05 for all values was accepted meaningful. Findings: The anastomosis explosion pressure of classic electrocautery group (group2) was significantly found lower than other 2 groups. The difference between them was found statically meaningful (p<0.05). The abdominal wall distention rupture pressure of classic electrocautery group (group2) was significantly found lower than other 2 groups. The difference between them was found statically meaningful (p<0.05). In respect of MDA values, statically meaningful difference was not seen each three groups. No significantly difference was seen among the Peak, scalpel and electrocautery groups at the availed cut at both bowl and abdominal walls, regarding to seven criteria that are researched histopathologically. Conclusion: Based to those data, we think that scalpel and peak plasmablade cautery can be used safely to perform cut, also plasmablade cautery is more advantageous regarding saving time because it provides hemostasis.
Objective: We aimed to research the affections of scalpel that is used at incisions, electrocautery and peak plasmablade cautery that uses plasma kinetic energy to wound healing. Material and Method: Wistar Albino type 36 pieces 10 weeks old female rats were used at experiment animal. Each group included 12 pieces rats, totally 3 groups were composed. Group 1 was applied scalpel and laparatomy transsection to colon and anastomosis; Group 2 was applied to electrocautery and laparatomy, transsection to colon and anastomosis; Group 3 was applied plasmakinetic cautery and laparatomy, transsection to colon and anastomosis. At the postoperative 7th day the rats were sacrificed. After sacrification, 1 ml blood was received from cardiac ponction and relaparatomy was applied. Approximately 4 cm bowel segment including anastomosis line at the working groups were extracted. Explosion pressures were measured by sphygmomanometry that was previously prepared for this application. Also, 4 x 4 cm width abdominal wall including 2 cm lateral fascia sutures were extracted. The distention rupture pressure of incision was measured by a special arrangement. The spectacles of working groups including cut and anastomosis line were examined histopathologically. The results were analyzed and availed through single sided variance analysis (ANOVA). P<0.05 for all values was accepted meaningful. Findings: The anastomosis explosion pressure of classic electrocautery group (group2) was significantly found lower than other 2 groups. The difference between them was found statically meaningful (p<0.05). The abdominal wall distention rupture pressure of classic electrocautery group (group2) was significantly found lower than other 2 groups. The difference between them was found statically meaningful (p<0.05). In respect of MDA values, statically meaningful difference was not seen each three groups. No significantly difference was seen among the Peak, scalpel and electrocautery groups at the availed cut at both bowl and abdominal walls, regarding to seven criteria that are researched histopathologically. Conclusion: Based to those data, we think that scalpel and peak plasmablade cautery can be used safely to perform cut, also plasmablade cautery is more advantageous regarding saving time because it provides hemostasis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Abdominal duvar, Abdominal wall, Cerrahi aletler, Surgical instruments, Koterle yakma, Cautery, Yara iyileşmesi, Wound healing, Yaralar ve yaralanmalar, Wounds and injuries
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Baysal, B. (2010). Kesilerde kullanılan Bistüri, Elektrokoter ve Peak Plasmablade'in yara iyileşmesine etkileri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, Konya.