Bazı domates (Solanum lycopersicum) genotiplerinin melezlenmesi, ebeveyn ve melezlerin morfolojik karakterizasyonu
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Yerel genetik kaynakların korunması için yerel genotiplerin gen havuzlarında muhafaza edilmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma ile yerel domates popülasyonları ülkemizin farklı illerinden survey yapılarak toplanmış ve deneme materyallerinde melezlemeler yapılmıştır. Bu melez ve ebeveynlerin UPOV kriterlerine uygun olarak bazı bitkisel özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda domates fidelerinin gövdelerinde antosiyanin oluşumu 17 ebeveyn hattın 14'de tespit edilmiştir. Aynı şekilde 136 melezin 128 adedinde antosiyanin gözlenmiştir. Ebeveyn hatların 15 adedinde bitki büyüme gücü 'orta', 2 ebeveyn hatta (% 11,76) 'çok' olarak tespit edilmişken, melezlerde 121 adedinde orta ve 15 adedinde çok olarak gözlenmiştir. Gövde boğum arası uzunluğu melezlerde ortalama 6,35 cm ölçülmüşken, ebeveynlerde 5.64 cm olarak belirlenmiştir. Gövde boğum arası kalınlıkları melezlerde ortalama 11.54 mm, ebeveynlerde ortalama 10,97 mm olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaprak uzunluğu; melezlerde ortalama 10.68 cm olarak ölçülmüşken, ebeveynlerde 10.52 cm olarak belirlenmiştir. Çiçek salkım tipi; ebeveynlerin 11'i (%64.7) basit ve 6 (%35.29) adeti karışık olarak bulunmuştur. Melezlerin 104 (%76.47) tanesi basit ve 32 (%23.52) adedi karışık salkım olarak belirlenmiştir. Ortalama meyve ağırlığı melezlerde 147.8g olarak tartılmışken, ebeveynlerde ortalama ağırlık 156.4g olmuştur. En fazla meyve ağırlığına sahip olan 5x15 melez olup ortalama 244g meyve ağırlığına sahip olurken, en az ağırlığa sahip olan ise 24 g ile 7 numaralı ebeveyn olmuştur. Meyve yüksekliği ebeveynlerde ortalama 57. 9 mm olarak ölçülmüşken, melezlerde 52 mm olarak saptanmıştır. Meyve genişliği ebeveynlerde ortalama 64.86 mm olarak belirlenirken, melezlerde 58. 7 mm bulunmuştur. Meyve kabuğu rengi ebeveynlerde 11 kırmızı, 5 açık kırmızı ve 1 pembe olarak gözlenmişken, melezlerde 93 kırmızı, 3 pembe ve 40 açık kırmızı tespit edilmiştir. Meyve suyundaki pH melezlerde ortalama 4.30 bulunmuşken, ebeveynlerde 4.42 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Çalışmada 17 ebeveyn ve 136 adet bunlara ait melezin S1 kademesindeki bazı morfolojik özellikleri belirlenmiş olup, Anadolu yerel kaynaklarından nitelikli çeşit veya çeşitlerin eldesinde zengin bir yarı yol materyallerine sahip olunmuştur. Bu materyaller üzerinde çalışmalar devam etmekte olup kimi kalite özellikleri öne çıkarılmış F1 domates çeşitlerinin geliştirilmesi hedeflenmektedir.
Local genotypes are required to maintain in the gene pool for the protection of local genetic resources. In this study hybridization were made on local tomato populations obtained from different provinces in Turkey. Some plant properties of this hybrids and parents were determined according to the UPOV criteria. As a result of studies, formation of anthocyanin is identified in the stems of the 14 lines out of 17 parent lines. Likewise anthocyanin was observed in 128 out of the 136 hybrid. Among the parent lines, plant growth power were found as "medium" in 15 plants, two parents lines (11.76%) were found as "high". Among the hybrids, plant growth power were found as "medium" in 121 plants, 15 hybrid lines were determined as "high". While the length of internodes average was measured as 6.35 cm in hybrid, this length was determined as 5.64 cm in the parents. The average thickness of the body internodes was determined as11.54 mm in hybrid genotypes and 10.97 mm in parent. Average leaf length was measured as 10.68 cm in hybrids, 10.52 cm in the parent. Type of inflorescences; 11 parents (64.7%) were found as simple and 6 (35.29%) were found to be mixed. Hybrid of the 104 (76.47%) were simple and 32 (23.52%) were designated as mixed clusters. Average fruit weight was determined as 147.8 g and 156.4 g in hybrids and parents respectively. Maximum average fruit weight of 244 g was determined for hybrid 5x15, while parents 7 was the least with a weight of 24 g. Average fruit heights in parents and hybrids were determined as 57.9 and 52 mm respectively. Average fruit widths in parents and hybrids were found as 64.86 mm and 58.7 mm respectively. Fruit colors in parents were red in 11, light red in 5 and pink in 1 individual. Fruit colors in hybrids were red in 93, light red in 40 and pink in 3 individual. While pH value was 4.30 for hybrid, pH value of the parents was determined as 4.42. In the present study, some morphological characteristics of 17 parents and 136 hybrids at S1 level were determined. As a result, quality varieties or cultivars have acquired from local Anatolian sources. Further studies is continued on these materials, some quality characteristics of tomato F1 highlighted aims to develop.
Local genotypes are required to maintain in the gene pool for the protection of local genetic resources. In this study hybridization were made on local tomato populations obtained from different provinces in Turkey. Some plant properties of this hybrids and parents were determined according to the UPOV criteria. As a result of studies, formation of anthocyanin is identified in the stems of the 14 lines out of 17 parent lines. Likewise anthocyanin was observed in 128 out of the 136 hybrid. Among the parent lines, plant growth power were found as "medium" in 15 plants, two parents lines (11.76%) were found as "high". Among the hybrids, plant growth power were found as "medium" in 121 plants, 15 hybrid lines were determined as "high". While the length of internodes average was measured as 6.35 cm in hybrid, this length was determined as 5.64 cm in the parents. The average thickness of the body internodes was determined as11.54 mm in hybrid genotypes and 10.97 mm in parent. Average leaf length was measured as 10.68 cm in hybrids, 10.52 cm in the parent. Type of inflorescences; 11 parents (64.7%) were found as simple and 6 (35.29%) were found to be mixed. Hybrid of the 104 (76.47%) were simple and 32 (23.52%) were designated as mixed clusters. Average fruit weight was determined as 147.8 g and 156.4 g in hybrids and parents respectively. Maximum average fruit weight of 244 g was determined for hybrid 5x15, while parents 7 was the least with a weight of 24 g. Average fruit heights in parents and hybrids were determined as 57.9 and 52 mm respectively. Average fruit widths in parents and hybrids were found as 64.86 mm and 58.7 mm respectively. Fruit colors in parents were red in 11, light red in 5 and pink in 1 individual. Fruit colors in hybrids were red in 93, light red in 40 and pink in 3 individual. While pH value was 4.30 for hybrid, pH value of the parents was determined as 4.42. In the present study, some morphological characteristics of 17 parents and 136 hybrids at S1 level were determined. As a result, quality varieties or cultivars have acquired from local Anatolian sources. Further studies is continued on these materials, some quality characteristics of tomato F1 highlighted aims to develop.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Domates, Yerel genetik kaynaklar, Melezleme, Kalite, Tomatoes, Local genetic resources, Hybridization, Quality
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Keskin, L. (2014). Bazı domates (Solanum lycopersicum) genotiplerinin melezlenmesi, ebeveyn ve melezlerin morfolojik karakterizasyonu. Selçuk üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.