Hakîm es-Semerkandî'nin es-Sevâdü'l-a'zam isimli eserindeki hadislerin tahriç ve değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Hadisler İslam'ın temel kaynağıdır. Bu nedenle her mezhep kendi oluşturduğu sistemini hadislere onaylatmak amacıyla sünnetten referans aramış hatta bu amaçla hadis uyduranlar bile olmuştur. IV. asırda yaşamış, Ebû Hanife çizgisinde bulunan Hakîm es-Semerkandî, kelâm, fıkıh ve tefsirde bilgi sahibidir. Buna karşın -her ne kadar hadis şeyhlerinden hadis dinlemişse de- bu ilmin inceliklerine vâkıf meslekten bir hadisçi değildir. Müellifin kelâm sahasında yazdığı ve bir dönem Sâmânîlerin resmî akîdesi olarak kabul edilmiş eseri es-Sevâdü'l-a'zam'da ilâhiyât, nübüvvet, irâde-kazâ-kader ve sem'iyyât ile diğer bazı konulara dair incelenen yetmiş iki rivâyetin % 36,6'sı sahîh, % 7,04'ü hasen, % 23,9'u zayıf, 9,8'i de mevzûdur. Bunun dışında % 19,7 oranında rivâyetin kaynağı da tespit edilememiştir. Sahîh ve hasen nitelikli haberleri birlikte düşündüğümüzde, bunlar toplamdaki rivâyetlerin % 43,64'lük bir oranını teşkil eder ki bu da rivâyetlerin yarıya yakınının sağlam olduğu anlamına gelir.
The hadiths are in the main source of Islam. In this respect, all of the cults have searced for reference from Sunna due to be certified their system by traditions, moreover, there have been persons who invented tradition for his aim. Hakîm es-Semerkandî in the linc of Ebû Hanife, who lived in the 4th century was well-informed in the field of Kelam, Islamic law and Interpretation. On the ather hand, even though he had listened hadiths from shciks, he wasn?t a muhaddith who was aware of the tacts of hadith science. The case of seventy-two rumors about theology, prophethood, volition, adjucation, destiny, sam?iyyat and the other topics in the es-Sevâdü?l-a?zam of the author, which he reconciled in the field of Kelam and has been received as the official faith of Samans in a term, is as fallows: % 36,6 of the rumours which have been mentioned in this work are salubrious, % 7,04 of them are hasan, %23,9 of the rumours are infirm and % 9,8 of them are invented. Besides, the source of them % 19,7 rumours couldn?t has been attached. If we eveluate the salubrious and hasan together we see that both constitute % 43,64 of the total, and that means approximately % 50 of the rumours in this work are trustworthy.
The hadiths are in the main source of Islam. In this respect, all of the cults have searced for reference from Sunna due to be certified their system by traditions, moreover, there have been persons who invented tradition for his aim. Hakîm es-Semerkandî in the linc of Ebû Hanife, who lived in the 4th century was well-informed in the field of Kelam, Islamic law and Interpretation. On the ather hand, even though he had listened hadiths from shciks, he wasn?t a muhaddith who was aware of the tacts of hadith science. The case of seventy-two rumors about theology, prophethood, volition, adjucation, destiny, sam?iyyat and the other topics in the es-Sevâdü?l-a?zam of the author, which he reconciled in the field of Kelam and has been received as the official faith of Samans in a term, is as fallows: % 36,6 of the rumours which have been mentioned in this work are salubrious, % 7,04 of them are hasan, %23,9 of the rumours are infirm and % 9,8 of them are invented. Besides, the source of them % 19,7 rumours couldn?t has been attached. If we eveluate the salubrious and hasan together we see that both constitute % 43,64 of the total, and that means approximately % 50 of the rumours in this work are trustworthy.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Fidan, İ. (2008). Hakîm es-Semerkandî'nin es-Sevâdü'l-a'zam isimli eserindeki hadislerin tahriç ve değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.