Çocuklarda akut hepatit A enfeksiyonunda serum immunglobulin E yüksekliğinin önemi
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Amaç: Çocukluk çağı akut hepatit A enfeksiyonundahastalık kliniği ile serum IgE düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Yöntem: Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı polikliniğine başvuran, akut hepatit A enfeksiyonu geçiren ve alerji ve parazit öyküsü olmayan çocuk hastalar çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Hastaların tanı anında viral serolojik incelemesi, dışkıda parazit incelemesi, serum transaminaz düzeyleri ile serum IgE düzeyleri araştırıldı. Hastalar serum SGPT, SGOT ve toplam bilirübin düzeylerine göre serum IgE düzeyleri karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya yaşları 5-14 yıl arasında değişen (ortanca, 8 yıl) 24 akut hepatit A’lı çocuk hasta dâhil edildi. Erkek/kız oranı 1/1 idi. Hastaların 10’unda serum IgE düzeyi yüksek bulundu. Hastaların serum IgE düzeyleri 17,7-1120 IU/L arasında değişiyordu (ortanca, 69 IU/L). Hastaların serum IgE düzeyleri ile serum SGOT, SGPT ve toplam bilirübin düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel bir ilişki saptanmadı. Sonuç: Literatürde çocuklarda akut hepatit A enfeksiyonunda serum IgE düzeyleri artmış olarak rapor edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte belki de çalışma grubumuzdaki az sayıdaki olgu nedeniyle karaciğer fonksiyonları ile bu yüksekliğin korelasyonunu gözlemedik. Akut hepatit A enfeksiyonunun klinik seyri ve serum IgE düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi doğrulamak için daha ileri çalışmalar gereklidir.
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between clinical features of hepatitis A infection and serum levels of immunoglobulin E in childhood. Methods: The patients diagnosed as acute hepatitis A infection at outpatient clinic of Department of Pediatrics, Selcuk University, Meram Faculty of Medicine without any evidence of allergic and parasitic disease were enrolled into this study. Viral serological tests, testing of stool samples for parasites, serum levels of transaminases and IgE were investigated at study population. Serum levels of IgE were compared with the serum levels of SGOT, SGOT, total bilirubin. Results: Twenty four patients were enrolled into this study. The patients’ ages varied from 5 years to 14 years (median age 8 years). Male/female ratio was 1/1. Serum levels of IgE were increased in 10 patients. Serum levels of IgE were found between 17.7 IU/L to 1120 IU/L (median 69 IU/L). Serum levels of IgE of patients were not related with serum levels of SGOT, SGPT, bilirubin. Conclusion: In the literature, serum levels of IgE had been reported to be increased in acute hepatitis A in children. However we did not observe this correlation with liver functions perhaps because of the relatively small number of cases in our study. Further studies are necessary to confirm the relationship between serum IgE levels and the clinical course of acute hepatitis A Infection.
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between clinical features of hepatitis A infection and serum levels of immunoglobulin E in childhood. Methods: The patients diagnosed as acute hepatitis A infection at outpatient clinic of Department of Pediatrics, Selcuk University, Meram Faculty of Medicine without any evidence of allergic and parasitic disease were enrolled into this study. Viral serological tests, testing of stool samples for parasites, serum levels of transaminases and IgE were investigated at study population. Serum levels of IgE were compared with the serum levels of SGOT, SGOT, total bilirubin. Results: Twenty four patients were enrolled into this study. The patients’ ages varied from 5 years to 14 years (median age 8 years). Male/female ratio was 1/1. Serum levels of IgE were increased in 10 patients. Serum levels of IgE were found between 17.7 IU/L to 1120 IU/L (median 69 IU/L). Serum levels of IgE of patients were not related with serum levels of SGOT, SGPT, bilirubin. Conclusion: In the literature, serum levels of IgE had been reported to be increased in acute hepatitis A in children. However we did not observe this correlation with liver functions perhaps because of the relatively small number of cases in our study. Further studies are necessary to confirm the relationship between serum IgE levels and the clinical course of acute hepatitis A Infection.
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