Marka İletişiminde Marka Gazeteciliğinin Yeri: Konya Örneği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ekonomik hayatın vazgeçilmezi markalar, rekabet ortamının arttığı günümüzde
bir yandan rakiplerinin önüne geçip diğer yandan tüketici ile iletişimini artırmak için
farklı yollar denemektedir. Markanın kendini ve ürününü tanıtıp pazar payını
yükseltmesi, sadık müşteriler kazanmasına giden yolda rakipleri ile verdiği savaşın ön
cephesinde hiç şüphesiz iletişim faaliyetleri yer almaktadır. Marka iletişiminde yeni
bir uygulama olan marka gazeteciliği son yıllarda tercih edilen bir seçenek olarak
karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Marka gazetecileri gazetecilik mesleki kriterlerini göz önünde
bulundurarak hazırladıkları içerikler sayesinden yayın mecralarının editoryal ilgisini
çekip medyada markanın yer bulmasını sağlamaktadır. Kendi internet siteleri ve sosyal
medya hesaplarını bir yayıncı gibi kullanıp marka gazetecilerinin hazırladığı içerikleri
bütçe düşüncesi olmadan bu alanda ücretsiz yayınlayan markalar aynı zamanda
geleneksel medya kanallarına da bu içerikleri servis ederek yer almasını önemli bir
iletişim faaliyeti olarak görmektedir.
Marka gazeteciliğinin marka iletişimindeki yerini konu edinen bu çalışma,
Konya ili özelinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma, marka gazeteciliğinin tanımının
yapılması, temel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, içeriklerin geleneksel medya kanallarında
yayın sürecinde yeterliliği, haber ve reklam ajanslarının bu alandaki rolünün
tanımlanması yönünden önem arz etmektedir. Nitel yöntem kullanılan çalışmada,
kamu kurumları ve özel ticari kuruluşlarda çalışan, gazetecilik mesleki deneyimine
sahip 13 kişi ile mülakat yapılmıştır. Marka gazeteciliğinin yaptıkları görevle
örtüştüğünü söyleyen görüşmeciler bu isim yerine ‘Kurum Habercisi’ ya da ‘Sektör
Habercisi’ gibi unvanların kullanılabileceğini belirterek kavramın tanımlanmasına
katkıda bulunmuşlardır. Yayıncılarla reklam ya da abonelik anlaşmalarının geleneksel
ve dijital yayın mecralarında yer almalarında önemli bir faktör olduğunu aktaran
görüşmeciler içeriklerinin ulaştırılmasında ajansların aracılık görevine değinmişlerdir.
Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda, marka gazetecilerince hazırlanan içeriklerin
dışsal bir müdahaleye uğramadan istenilen ölçülerde yayınlanabilmesi için markaların
medya kanallarıyla yapacakları ikili anlaşmaların marka iletişimine avantaj
sağlayacağı görülmektedir.
Brands that are indispensable for economic life are trying different ways to prevent going on the one hand and to reduce communication with the other way, on the other hand, in today's competitive environment. There is no doubt that the end of communication is at the forefront of the battle you will fight with, with the brand promoting itself and its interests, increasing its market share, and sticking to the road to reach it faithfully. Maintaining brand journalism, which is a new practice in brand communication, as a preferred option in recent years. With the content prepared by brand journalists considering the journalistic consumer criteria, to ensure that the broadcasting channels find an editorial distance and the brand find a place. Brands that use their own websites and social media accounts as a publisher and publish them free of charge in this field, without considering the content budgets prepared by brand journalists, also see this content as an important communication activity in the ground warehouse by serving traditional media channels. This study, which deals with the place of brand journalism in brand communication, was carried out in the province of Konya. The study is important in terms of defining brand journalism, determining its basic features, adequacy of content in the broadcasting process in traditional media channels, and defining the role of news and advertising agencies in this field. In the study, in which the qualitative method was used, interviews were conducted with 13 people working in public institutions and private commercial organizations and having professional experience in journalism. The interviewees, who said that brand journalism coincided with their task, contributed to the definition of the concept by stating that titles such as 'Corporate Reporter' or 'Sector Reporter' could be used instead of this name. The interviewees, who stated that advertising or subscription agreements with publishers are an important factor in their participation in traditional and digital broadcasting channels, mentioned the intermediary role of the agencies in the delivery of their content. In line with the findings, it is seen that the bilateral agreements that the brands will make with the media channels will provide an advantage to the brand communication so that the contents prepared by the brand journalists can be published in the desired dimensions without any external intervention.
Brands that are indispensable for economic life are trying different ways to prevent going on the one hand and to reduce communication with the other way, on the other hand, in today's competitive environment. There is no doubt that the end of communication is at the forefront of the battle you will fight with, with the brand promoting itself and its interests, increasing its market share, and sticking to the road to reach it faithfully. Maintaining brand journalism, which is a new practice in brand communication, as a preferred option in recent years. With the content prepared by brand journalists considering the journalistic consumer criteria, to ensure that the broadcasting channels find an editorial distance and the brand find a place. Brands that use their own websites and social media accounts as a publisher and publish them free of charge in this field, without considering the content budgets prepared by brand journalists, also see this content as an important communication activity in the ground warehouse by serving traditional media channels. This study, which deals with the place of brand journalism in brand communication, was carried out in the province of Konya. The study is important in terms of defining brand journalism, determining its basic features, adequacy of content in the broadcasting process in traditional media channels, and defining the role of news and advertising agencies in this field. In the study, in which the qualitative method was used, interviews were conducted with 13 people working in public institutions and private commercial organizations and having professional experience in journalism. The interviewees, who said that brand journalism coincided with their task, contributed to the definition of the concept by stating that titles such as 'Corporate Reporter' or 'Sector Reporter' could be used instead of this name. The interviewees, who stated that advertising or subscription agreements with publishers are an important factor in their participation in traditional and digital broadcasting channels, mentioned the intermediary role of the agencies in the delivery of their content. In line with the findings, it is seen that the bilateral agreements that the brands will make with the media channels will provide an advantage to the brand communication so that the contents prepared by the brand journalists can be published in the desired dimensions without any external intervention.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Marka, Marka İletişimi, Gazetecilik, Marka Gazeteciliği, Brand, Brand Communication, Journalism, Brand Journalism
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Parlak, H. İ., (2023). Marka İletişiminde Marka Gazeteciliğinin Yeri: Konya Örneği. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.