SCI-Expanded kapsamındaki 27 mikoloji dergisinde çıkan Türkiye adresli yayınların analizi, 1.1.1900-5.8.2015

dc.contributor.authorAsan, Ahmet
dc.description.abstractBu çalışmada, 05.08.2015 tarihi itibariyle SCI-Expanded kapsamında yer alan ve mikoloji alanında olan 27 dergideki Türkiye adresli yayınlar analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler, Thomson-Reuters tarafından geliştirilen Web of Science kapsamındaki SCI-Expanded veritabanından alınmıştır (İnternet siteleri: <>;>). Bu dergilerde, verilen tarih itibariyle Türkiye kaynaklı 529 yayın çıkmış (473 tam makale, tam makale oranı % 89.40) ve bu dergilerde çıkan tüm yayınlara, Türkiye kaynaklı yayınların katkı oranı % 1 olmuştur. Tam makale dikkate alındığında ise katkı oranı % 1.07'dir. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD), Almanya, Hollanda, Fransa ve İngiltere’nin yayın sayısı ve katkı oranları ise şöyledir: ABD (10,725 yayın-9357 tam makale, tam makale oranı % 87.24, tüm yayın katkı oranı % 20.25, tam makale katkı oranı % 21.08); Almanya (4126 yayın-2878 tam makale, tam makale oranı % 69.75, tüm yayın katkı oranı % 7.79, tam makale katkı oranı % 6.48); Hollanda (2258 yayın-1763 tam makale, tam makale oranı % 78.08, tüm yayın katkı oranı % 4.26, tam makale katkı oranı % 3.97); İngiltere (2854 yayın-2314 tam makale, tam makale oranı % 81.08, tüm yayın katkı oranı % 5.39, tam makale katkı oranı % 5.21). Fransa (2806 yayın – 2223 tam makale, tam makale oranı % 79.22, tüm yayınlara katkı oranı % 5.30, tüm tam makalelere katkı oranı % 5.01. ABD + Almanya + Hollanda + + Fransa + İngiltere = toplam 22769 yayınla katkı oranı % 42.99; 18535 tam makale ile katkı oranı % 41.75. 5 ülke için tam makale oranı: % 81.40. Türkiye adresli yayınların en fazla çıktığı ilk 5 dergi sırasıyla Mycoses (184 yayın, 121 tam makale), Mycotaxon (128 yayın, 127 tam makale), Mycopathologia (65 yayın, 61 tam makale), Medical Mycology (53 yayın, 48 tam makale) ve Yeast (23 yayın, 12 tam makale) adlı dergilerdir. ABD, İngiltere ve Hollanda kaynaklı dergiler, 27 derginin % 74.07’sini (20 dergi) oluşturmalarına rağmen, 27 dergide çıkan tüm yayınların sadece % 29.90’nı bu ülkelerden kaynaklanmıştır. Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports (JCR) kapsamında olan ve 2014 yılı impakt faktör değeri en yüksek olan ilk 3 mikoloji dergisi şunlardır: Studies In Mycology (13.25), Fungal Diversity (6.22) ve Persoonia (5.30). Bu dönem için 24 derginin (3 derginin 2014 yılı için etki faktörü değeri yayınlanmamıştır) ortalama impakt faktör değerinin 2.70 olduğu dergiler arasında, Studies In Mycology 13.25 ile ortalamanın en üzerinde yer almıştır. Bu kapsamda Türkiye kaynaklı bir dergi bulunmamaktadır.en_US
dc.description.abstractAs of the date of 05.08.2015, articles originated from Turkey and published in twenty-seven mycology journals covered by SCI-Expanded Database were analysed in our study. Data used in this study were obtained from SCI-Expanded Database as part of Web of Science developed by Thomson Reuters Company (Links: <>;>). Totally 529 publications (473 full articles, percentage of full article is 89.41 %) originated from Turkey published in mentioned journals and percentage totally contribution of Turkey is 1 % and percentage of full article is 1.07 %. Number of publications and percentage of articles originated from USA, Germany, The Netherlands, France and England are below. USA: Number of all publications are 10725, only full articles are 9357, percentage contribution is for all publications is 20.25 %,en_US
dc.description.abstractAs of the date of 05.08.2015, articles originated from Turkey and published in twenty-seven mycology journals covered by SCI-Expanded Database were analysed in our study. Data used in this study were obtained from SCI-Expanded Database as part of Web of Science developed by Thomson Reuters Company (Links: <>;>). Totally 529 publications (473 full articles, percentage of full article is 89.41 %) originated from Turkey published in mentioned journals and percentage totally contribution of Turkey is 1 % and percentage of full article is 1.07 %. Number of publications and percentage of articles originated from USA, Germany, The Netherlands, France and England are below. USA: Number of all publications are 10725, only full articles are 9357, percentage contribution is for all publications is 20.25 %, percentage contribution is for only full article is 21.08 %, percentage of full article: 87.24 %; Germany: number of all publications are 4126, only full articles are 2878, percentage contribution is for all publications is 7.79 %, percentage contribution is for only full article is 6.48 %, percentage of full article: 69.75 %; the Netherlands: number of all publications are 2258, only full articles are 1763, percentage contribution is for all publications is 4.26 %, percentage contribution is for only full article is 3.97 &, percentage of full article: 78.08 %; France: Number of all publications are 2806, only full articles are 2223, percentage contribution is for all publications is 5.30%, percentage contribution is for only full article is 5.01 %, percentage of full article: 79.22 %; England: Number of all publications are 2854, only full articles are 2314, percentage contribution is for all publications is 5.39 %, percentage contribution is for only full article is 5.21 % and USA + Germany + + The Netherlands + France + England = 22769 publications totally, percentage contribution of all publications is 42.99 %, 18535 full articles, percentage contribution of full articles is 41.75 %, percentage of full article: 81.40%. Number of total publications in all twenty-seven journals are 52963 as of the date of 05.08.2015 (number of full article are 44391, percentage of full article is 83.82 %). The most publications originated from Turkey were appeared (the first five journals) in Mycoses (184 publications, 121 full articles), Mycotaxon (128 publications, 127 full articles), Mycopathologia (65 publications, 61 full articles), Medical Mycology (53 publications, 48 full articles) and Yeast (23 publications, 12 full articles), respectively. Percentage 74.07% of twenty-seven mycology journals are originated from USA (8 journals), England (7 journals) and The Netherlands (5 journals). These are the three journals (below) that have high impact factors among twenty-seven mycology journals covered by JCR: Studies in Mycology (13.25), Fungal Diversity (6.22) Persoonia (5.30). The average impact factor of 24 mycology journals (Impact factors of three journals were did not publish for 2014) for 2014 is 2.70. So, Studies in Mycology have the highest impact factor as 13.25 than the average value among mycology journals covered by JCR. There is no any Turkish mycology journal yet in mentioned database.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDOI: 10.15318/Fungus.2016118349en_US
dc.identifier.citationAsan, A . (2016). SCI-Expanded kapsamındaki 27 mikoloji dergisinde çıkan Türkiye adresli yayınların analizi, 1.1.1900-5.8.2015. Mantar Dergisi, 7 (1), 1-17. Retrieved from
dc.publisherSelçuk Üniversitesi, Mantarcılık Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Müdürlüğüen_US
dc.relation.ispartofMantar Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Kategori Belirleneceken_US
dc.subjectMikoloji dergilerien_US
dc.subjectWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.subjectMycology journalsen_US
dc.titleSCI-Expanded kapsamındaki 27 mikoloji dergisinde çıkan Türkiye adresli yayınların analizi, 1.1.1900-5.8.2015en_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalyses of publications originated from Turkey published in 27 mycology journals covered by SCI-Expanded Database, 1.1.1900-5.8.2015en_US


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