Diş hekimliği öğrencileri tarafından yapılan kök kanal tedavilerinin teknik kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi
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Bu retrospektif çalışmanın amacı, Selçuk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Endodonti Kliniği'nde 2018-2019 yılları arasında 5. sınıf stajyer diş hekimleri tarafından yapılmış kök kanal tedavilerinin periapikal radyograf üzerinde teknik kalitesini incelemek, yapılan iyatrojenik hataları tespit etmek ve bu hataların olası sebeplerini incelemek ve tedavi kalitesinin arttırılmasına katkıda bulunmaktır. Çalışmamızda 2018 Eylül-2019 Haziran tarihleri arasında 5. sınıf stajyer diş hekimlerinin paslanmaz çelik eğelerle, lateral kondenzasyonla yapmış olduğu 1235 dişe ait kök kanal tedavisinin radyografik teknik kalitesi değerlendirilmiştir. Kök kanal tedavileri; kök kanal dolum uzunluğu ve radyolojik apeks arasındaki mesafe 0-2 mm ise, kök kanal dolumu homojen, kök kanal dolumu kurondan apekse doğru daralarak konik bir formda izleniyorsa ve kök kanal tedavisi gerçekleştirilmiş diş alet kırığı, basamak oluşumu, zipping, strip perforasyon gibi iyatrojenik hatalar içermiyorsa yeterli-başarılı kabul edilmiştir. Kök kanal dolgu kalitesi ile diş grupları arasındaki ilişkinin istatistiksel değerlendirmesi ki-kare testi kullanılarak yapılmıştır (p=0.050). Kök kanalının eğimli veya düz olması da değerlendirilmiştir. Kabul edilir başarılı kök kanal dolumu 1235 dişten 780 (%63,2) dişte görülmüştür. Maksilladaki dişler (%67,8), mandibuladaki dişlerden (%58) daha başarılı (p<0,050) bulunmuş ve her iki çenede molar dişlerin başarısı (%47), anterior (%84,9) ve premolar (%80,8) bölgedeki dişlerin başarısından düşük bulunmuştur (p<0,050). Toplam dişlerin %13,5 inde iyatrojenik hata görülmüştür. Eğimli kök kanallarında iyatrojenik hata oranının arttığı (%68,6) ve yeterli kök kanal dolum oranının (%17) azaldığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışmamızda, 5. sınıf stajyer öğrenciler tarafından yapılan kök kanal tedavilerinin radyografik teknik kalitesini etkileyen en önemli faktörler; dişin ağız içinde bulunduğu lokalizasyon ve kök kanallarının eğimli olması bulunmuştur.
The aim of this retrospective study is to examine the technical quality of root canal treatments performed by 5th year dental students between 2018-2019 at the Selcuk University Faculty of Dentistry Endodontics Clinic to detect iatrogenic errors and to examine the possible causes of these errors and to treat them and to contribute to increase the quality. In our study, the radiographic technical quality of the root canal treatment of 1235 teeth, which was performed by the 5th year dental students using stainless steel files and lateral condensation between 2018 September- 2019 June, was evaluated. Root canal treatments; if the distance between the root canal filling length and the radiological apex is 0-2 mm, the root canal filling is homogeneous, the root canal filling is observed in a conical form by narrowing from the crown to the apex, and if it does not contain iatrogenic errors such as dental instrument fracture, step formation, zipping, strip perforation with root canal treatment. It has been considered sufficient-successful. Statistical evaluation of the relationship between root canal filling quality and tooth groups was made using the chi-square test (p = 0.050). Root canal curved or straight was also evaluated. Acceptable successful root canal filling was seen in 780 (63.2%) teeth out of 1235. Teeth in the maxilla (67.8%) were found to be more successful (p <0.050) than teeth in the mandible (58%), and the success of molar teeth in both jaws (47%), anterior (84.9%) and premolar (80.8%) has been found to be lower than the success of the teeth in the area (p <0.050). Iatrogenic error was observed in 13.5% of the total teeth. It was observed that the rate of iatrogenic error in curvature root canals increased (68.6%) and the rate of adequate root canal filling (17%) decreased. In this study, the most important factors affecting the radiographic technical quality of root canal treatments performed by 5th year dental students are; the localization of the tooth in the mouth and the curvatur of the root canals were found.
The aim of this retrospective study is to examine the technical quality of root canal treatments performed by 5th year dental students between 2018-2019 at the Selcuk University Faculty of Dentistry Endodontics Clinic to detect iatrogenic errors and to examine the possible causes of these errors and to treat them and to contribute to increase the quality. In our study, the radiographic technical quality of the root canal treatment of 1235 teeth, which was performed by the 5th year dental students using stainless steel files and lateral condensation between 2018 September- 2019 June, was evaluated. Root canal treatments; if the distance between the root canal filling length and the radiological apex is 0-2 mm, the root canal filling is homogeneous, the root canal filling is observed in a conical form by narrowing from the crown to the apex, and if it does not contain iatrogenic errors such as dental instrument fracture, step formation, zipping, strip perforation with root canal treatment. It has been considered sufficient-successful. Statistical evaluation of the relationship between root canal filling quality and tooth groups was made using the chi-square test (p = 0.050). Root canal curved or straight was also evaluated. Acceptable successful root canal filling was seen in 780 (63.2%) teeth out of 1235. Teeth in the maxilla (67.8%) were found to be more successful (p <0.050) than teeth in the mandible (58%), and the success of molar teeth in both jaws (47%), anterior (84.9%) and premolar (80.8%) has been found to be lower than the success of the teeth in the area (p <0.050). Iatrogenic error was observed in 13.5% of the total teeth. It was observed that the rate of iatrogenic error in curvature root canals increased (68.6%) and the rate of adequate root canal filling (17%) decreased. In this study, the most important factors affecting the radiographic technical quality of root canal treatments performed by 5th year dental students are; the localization of the tooth in the mouth and the curvatur of the root canals were found.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kök Kanal Tedavisi, Radyografik Teknik Kalite, Stajyer Diş Hekimi, Root Canal Treatment, Radiographic Technical Quality, Dental Students
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Duru, A. (2021). Diş hekimliği öğrencileri tarafından yapılan kök kanal tedavilerinin teknik kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi. (Uzmanlık Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Konya.