Mâder-i Mevlânâ Mümine Hatun’a Yazılan Manzumeler
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
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Hz. Mevlânâ (ö. 1273) ve eserleri Osmanlı toplumuna derinden tesir etmiş, bu etki klasik Türk edebiyatına da yansımış, Mevlevî olsun ya da olmasın birçok divan şairi eserlerini Mevlevîlik unsurları ile süslemiştir. Bunun yanı sıra Mevlânâ için methiyeler yazılmış, bu şiirlerde Mevlânâ’nın yakın çevresi ve aile fertlerinden de bahsedilmiştir. Mevlevî şairler Mevlânâ’nın annesi Mümine Hatun’u tıpkı Mevlânâ’yı andıkları gibi anıp övmüş, Mâder-i Mevlânâ’ya hürmetlerini şiirle ifade etmişlerdir. Mevlevî şeyh ve edibi Ahmet Midhat Beytur (ö. 1971) Mümine Hatun için bir kıta yazmış, son dönem Mevlevî şeyh ve şairlerinden Ahmed Remzi Akyürek (ö. 1944) Bir Günlük Karaman Seyahatnamesi içinde geçen beş beyitlik bir tegazzülü Karaman Mevlevîhanesi’ni ziyareti esnasında Mâder-i Mevlânâ’nın manevi huzuruna sunmuştur. Zira Mevlevî adabına göre bir “berg-i sebz” ile de olsa hediye vermek gerekir. Mevlevîlikte kutsal sayılan 9 ve 18 sayıları hediyeleşirken de geçerli olmuştur. Mâder-i Mevlânâ için 18 beyitten oluşan bir kaside kim olduğunu tespit edilemeyen Gâlib (ö. ?) mahlaslı Mevlevî bir şaire aittir. Gâlib’in talik hatlı levha şeklindeki kasidesini görüp çok beğenen Hattat Giritli Şükrü (ö. ?) önce bu kasidenin sonuna nesih hatla 4 beyit eklemiş, ardından kendisi de 19 beyitlik nesih hatlı ayrı bir kaside yazmıştır. Bu levha günümüzde Karaman Mevlevîhânesi’ndedir. Eldeki çalışmada Mâder-i Mevlânâ hakkında kaynaklarda yer alan kısıtlı bilgi verildikten sonra onun için yazılmış dört manzume bir araya getirilmiştir. İncelenen şiirlerin tamamında Mevlânâ’nın annesinin çeşitli sıfatlarla övüldüğü, annelik vasfı ve dinî unsurlar ile kendisinden himmet, yardım, merhamet istendiği görülmüştür.
Hz. Mevlânâ (d. 1273) and his works deeply influenced the Ottoman society. This effect was reflected in classical Turkish literature and many Dîvân poets decorated their works with Mevlevî elements whether they were Mevlevî or not. Eulogies were written for Mevlânâ and the close circle of Mevlânâ. His family members were also mentioned in those poems. Mevlevî poets commemorated and praised Mümine Hatun, the mother of Mevlânâ, just like they commemorated him and they expressed their respect to Mâder-i Mevlânâ in poetry. Ahmet Midhat Beytur (d. 1971), a Mevlevî sheikh and scholar, wrote a stanza for Mümine Hatun. Ahmed Remzi Akyürek (d. 1944), one of the last-period Mevlevî sheikhs and poets, presented a five-couplet tegazzul from A Day-Long Karaman Travel Book to the special presence of Mâder-i Mevlânâ during his visit to the Karaman Mevlevî Lodge. According to Mevlevî manners, it is necessary to give a gift, albeit with a “berg-i sebz”. Numbers 9 and 18 considered sacred in Mevlevîyeh were also valid when giving a present. An 18-couplet euology written for Mâder-i Mevlânâ belongs to a Mevlevî poet, who has a pseudonym as Gâlib (d. ?), who couldn’t be identified. Calligrapher Şükrü from Crete (d. ?), who saw and admired the eulogy of Gâlib that was understood to be a plate with talik calligraphy, first added 4 couplets with naskh calligraphy to the end of this eulogy, and then wrote himself a separate 19-couplet eulogy. This plate is now in the Karaman Mevlevî Lodge. After limited information in the sources about Mâder-i Mevlânâ was given in the current study, four poems written for Mümine Hatun, the mother of Mevlânâ, were brought together. In all of the poems reviewed, it was seen that the mother of Mevlânâ was praised with various attributes, and she was asked for help, compassion and mercy with the qualities of motherhood and religious elements.
Hz. Mevlânâ (d. 1273) and his works deeply influenced the Ottoman society. This effect was reflected in classical Turkish literature and many Dîvân poets decorated their works with Mevlevî elements whether they were Mevlevî or not. Eulogies were written for Mevlânâ and the close circle of Mevlânâ. His family members were also mentioned in those poems. Mevlevî poets commemorated and praised Mümine Hatun, the mother of Mevlânâ, just like they commemorated him and they expressed their respect to Mâder-i Mevlânâ in poetry. Ahmet Midhat Beytur (d. 1971), a Mevlevî sheikh and scholar, wrote a stanza for Mümine Hatun. Ahmed Remzi Akyürek (d. 1944), one of the last-period Mevlevî sheikhs and poets, presented a five-couplet tegazzul from A Day-Long Karaman Travel Book to the special presence of Mâder-i Mevlânâ during his visit to the Karaman Mevlevî Lodge. According to Mevlevî manners, it is necessary to give a gift, albeit with a “berg-i sebz”. Numbers 9 and 18 considered sacred in Mevlevîyeh were also valid when giving a present. An 18-couplet euology written for Mâder-i Mevlânâ belongs to a Mevlevî poet, who has a pseudonym as Gâlib (d. ?), who couldn’t be identified. Calligrapher Şükrü from Crete (d. ?), who saw and admired the eulogy of Gâlib that was understood to be a plate with talik calligraphy, first added 4 couplets with naskh calligraphy to the end of this eulogy, and then wrote himself a separate 19-couplet eulogy. This plate is now in the Karaman Mevlevî Lodge. After limited information in the sources about Mâder-i Mevlânâ was given in the current study, four poems written for Mümine Hatun, the mother of Mevlânâ, were brought together. In all of the poems reviewed, it was seen that the mother of Mevlânâ was praised with various attributes, and she was asked for help, compassion and mercy with the qualities of motherhood and religious elements.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, Mümine Sultan, Manzume, Methiye, Poem, Eulogy
Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koyuncu, Z. (2021). Mâder-i Mevlânâ Mümine Hatun’a yazılan manzumeler. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (45), 253-270. doi: https://doi.org/10.21497/sefad.944085