Çevre sorunları ve dindarlık ilişkisi "Kayseri örneği"
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Çevre sorunları günümüz dünyasının en önemli ve güncel sorunu haline gelmiştir. Din, insanın toplumsal ve fiziksel çevresiyle ilişkilerinde, en önemli etkenlerden biridir. Çünkü insanın davranışlarına yön veren sahip olduğu inanç dünyasıdır. Bu nedenle, insanın çevreyle ilişkilerini dinden bağımsız düşünmek, anlamaya çalışmak mümkün değildir. Bu araştırmanın konusu, teorik düzeyde çevre sorunları ve din, pratik düzeyde hızlı bir değişim süreci geçiren Kayseri'de dini inanç tutum ve davranışların çevre duyarlılığına etkileridir. Bu bağlamda çevrenin korunmasına yönelik davranışlarla ve bu davranışlara etki eden faktörlerin din sosyolojisi bakımından incelenmesidir. Araştırma iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde araştırmanın yöntemi ve kavramsal çerçevesi, çevrenin tanımı, çevre bilinci, çevre sorunları ve sebepleri, modernleşme sürecinde değişen çevre anlayışı, çevre din ilişkileri, dinlerin çevreye yaklaşımı, İslam'ın fiziksel çevre sorunlarına bakışı, Türk kültüründe çevre anlayışı incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise araştırmanın bulguları verilmiştir. Bu bölümde çevre din ilişkisi bağlamında Kayseri'de din, örneklemin fiziksel çevreye ilişkin algılamaları ve değerlendirmeleri, fiziksel çevreye ilişkin davranışları, dindarlık durumuna göre fiziksel çevreye ilişkin duyarlılığı ele alınmıştır. Sonuçta ise; 1- Öğrenim durumu yüksek olan katılımcıların çevre sorunlarına duyarlılık düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu, 2- Kadınların çevre sorunları konusundaki duyarlılığı erkeklere oranla daha yüksek çıktığı, 3- Katılımcıların yaşları yükseldikçe çevre sorunlarına duyarlılığın artmakta olduğu, 4- Katılımcıların çevre sorunları konusunda yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadıkları, 5- Çevre sorunlarının diğer toplumsal sorunlar içerisinde fazla önemsenmediği, 6- Çevre sorunlarının çözümünü devletten ve çeşitli kuruluşlardan bekleyenlerin yüksek oranda olduğu, 7-Katılımcıların geri dönüşüm işaretini yüksek oranda bilmelerine rağmen alış verişte bu işarete fazla dikkat etmedikleri, 8-Allah'a inanç durumuna göre çevre sorunlarına duyarlık konusunda farklılık olmadığı, 9-Katılımcıların çevrenin temiz tutulması konusunda yeterli dini bilgiye sahip olmadıkları, 10-Katılımcıların dini bilgi düzeyi yükseldikçe çevre sorunlarına duyarlılık düzeyinin artmakta olduğu, 11-Kendilerini dindar olarak niteleyen katılımcıların çevre sorunları konusunda daha duyarlı oldukları tespit edilmiştir.
Environmental problems of today's world has become the most important and current issues. Religious, social and physical environment of people in relation to the most important factor. Because it gives direction to human behavior is its belief world. For this reason, people think the relationship with the environment regardless of their religion, to try to understand it is impossible. The subject of this research, theoretical level, environmental issues, and religion, a practical level, the process of undergoing a rapid change in religious beliefs and attitudes of Kayseri to environmental effects. In this context, for the protection of the environment affects behavior and this behavior is to examine the factors in terms of the sociology of religion. Research of two parts. The first part of the research methodology and conceptual framework, the environment definition, environmental awareness, environmental pollution and the causes of modernization in the process of changing environmental sense, religions and environment approach to environmental relations between religion, Islam's physical environment problems overview investigated. In the second part The findings of the research are given. In this section, environmental religious relations in the process in Kayseri, religion, sample the physical environment-related perceptions and evaluations were discussed and the physical environment-related behaviors, religiosity, status, and physical environmental awareness is considered. Consequently, the level of knowledge about subjects as environmental pollution themselves are inadequate. Religion of the rules in order to keep a clean environment are not well known. In religious matters of the environment were found to be more sensitive. In the result; 1- Case-study participants with a high sensitivity to environmental issues levels are high, 2 - Women's awareness of environmental issues higher than men the exit, 3 - Participants' age increases sensitivity to environmental issues is increasing, 4 - Participants do not have enough knowledge about environmental issues and 5 - Environmental problems in being members of other social problems, 6 - Environmental problems and the various institutions of the state of those who expect a high the extent, 7- Seventh-highest percentage of respondents know that despite the recycling point in the exchange did not pay attention to these signs, 8-Allah, according to beliefs about the differences in sensitivity to environmental problems not, 9-Participants in keeping the environment clean enough religious knowledge they are not, 10-Participants' religious knowledge to environmental problems by increasing the level of awareness is increasing, 11 Participants who described themselves as religious people about environmental issues. They were identified as sensitive.
Environmental problems of today's world has become the most important and current issues. Religious, social and physical environment of people in relation to the most important factor. Because it gives direction to human behavior is its belief world. For this reason, people think the relationship with the environment regardless of their religion, to try to understand it is impossible. The subject of this research, theoretical level, environmental issues, and religion, a practical level, the process of undergoing a rapid change in religious beliefs and attitudes of Kayseri to environmental effects. In this context, for the protection of the environment affects behavior and this behavior is to examine the factors in terms of the sociology of religion. Research of two parts. The first part of the research methodology and conceptual framework, the environment definition, environmental awareness, environmental pollution and the causes of modernization in the process of changing environmental sense, religions and environment approach to environmental relations between religion, Islam's physical environment problems overview investigated. In the second part The findings of the research are given. In this section, environmental religious relations in the process in Kayseri, religion, sample the physical environment-related perceptions and evaluations were discussed and the physical environment-related behaviors, religiosity, status, and physical environmental awareness is considered. Consequently, the level of knowledge about subjects as environmental pollution themselves are inadequate. Religion of the rules in order to keep a clean environment are not well known. In religious matters of the environment were found to be more sensitive. In the result; 1- Case-study participants with a high sensitivity to environmental issues levels are high, 2 - Women's awareness of environmental issues higher than men the exit, 3 - Participants' age increases sensitivity to environmental issues is increasing, 4 - Participants do not have enough knowledge about environmental issues and 5 - Environmental problems in being members of other social problems, 6 - Environmental problems and the various institutions of the state of those who expect a high the extent, 7- Seventh-highest percentage of respondents know that despite the recycling point in the exchange did not pay attention to these signs, 8-Allah, according to beliefs about the differences in sensitivity to environmental problems not, 9-Participants in keeping the environment clean enough religious knowledge they are not, 10-Participants' religious knowledge to environmental problems by increasing the level of awareness is increasing, 11 Participants who described themselves as religious people about environmental issues. They were identified as sensitive.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Islam religion, İslam dini, Din sosyolojisi, Religious sociology, Dindarlık, Faiths, İnançlar, Environmental problems, Çevre sorunları, Clean liness, Temizlik, Kayseri, Religiousness
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ünal, V. (2010). Çevre sorunları ve dindarlık ilişkisi "Kayseri örneği". Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.