Dinler tarihine göre Cemaleddin Afgani'nin İslâm ve diğer dinler ile ilgili görüşleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Seyyid Cemaleddin Afgani 19. yüzyılda yaşamış ve tarihe iz düşürmüş olan müslüman fikir adamlarından biridir. İslâm dünyasının yanı sıra batının da ilim ve kültür merkezlerinin çoğunu dolaşmıştır. Yaşadığı hareketli hayatı ve kendine özgü düşünce sistemiyle dikkat çekmeyi başaran Afgani, düşüncelerini yazıdan ziyade irad ettiği nutuklarında dile getirmiştir. Gittiği yerlerde öğrenci yetiştirerek liberal ve özgürlükçü hareketlere zemin hazırlamak suretiyle İslâm düşünce tarihinde yeni bir dönem başlatmıştır. Afgani, emperyalist batının kıskacında olan İslâm ve doğu dünyasına mukavemet ruhu aşılamaya çalışarak İslâm düşünce sistemine tesirleri daha uzun yıllar sürecek olan bir dinamizm kazandırmıştır. İslâm dünyasında liberal devletlerin meydana gelmesi gerektiğini her seferinde dile getiren Afgani Pan-İslâmist yaklaşımları ve batıya karşı koyabilen yekvücut bir müslüman âlemi uğrunda yorulmak bilmeyen çabalarından dolayı müslüman aydınların gönüllerinde taht kurmayı bilmiştir. Afgani'yi mercek altına alan eserler daha ziyade biyografik mahiyettedir. Siyasi, felsefi ve kelami görüşleri araştırma konusu yapıldıysa da iyi düzeyde bir dinler tarihi bilgisine sahip olan Afgani'nin bu alandaki düşüncelerini konu edinen eserlere rastlamak neredeyse mümkün değildir. İşte bu yüzden bizim ?Dinler Tarihine Göre Afgani'nin İslâm ve Diğer Dinler İle İlgili Görüşleri? adlı araştırmamız Afgani'nin bu alandaki bilgisini gözler önüne serme denemesidir. Afgani'nin dinler tarihi sahasındaki bilgisinin tam olarak gün ışığına çıkması için daha fazla araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Sayyid Jamaluddin Afghani is one of those great muslim thinkers who lived in 19. century. In addition to Islamic world he travled to some important westren centers of science and culture. Afghani, who managed to draw all attention through his vibrant life and distinctive thought system, has utteranced his thoughts through his speeches rather than his writings. By training some magnaficent students he has prepared ground for liberal movments in Islamic world and in this way he has made important contributions to the history of Islamic thought. Afghani, by trying to instill the spirit of resistence to both Islamic and eastern world which was in the grip of imperyalist west, has brought a new dynamism to the system of İslamic thoughts which effects will continue to last for many coming years. He worked hard to express that liberal states should emerge as soon as possible in Islamic world. Afghani has won the hearts of muslim intellectuals due to his Pan-Islamic approches and tireless efforts for establishment of a mono-body Islamic world against the west. From one hand most of studies about Afghani own a bibliyographic nature and from other hand the lack of sources researching his thought system and doctrines is drawing attention. Afghani had a remarkable knowledge of history of religions; although some reseaches have been done on his political, philosophical and theological opinions but it is almost impossible to find studies focusing on his thoughts of history of religions. Because of this our research named ?According to History of Religions Sayyid Jamaluddin Afghani?s Thoughts Related to Islam and Other Faiths? is an effort to shed light on Afghani?s knowledge of this field. More researches are required to know more about Afghani?s knowledge related to history of religions.
Sayyid Jamaluddin Afghani is one of those great muslim thinkers who lived in 19. century. In addition to Islamic world he travled to some important westren centers of science and culture. Afghani, who managed to draw all attention through his vibrant life and distinctive thought system, has utteranced his thoughts through his speeches rather than his writings. By training some magnaficent students he has prepared ground for liberal movments in Islamic world and in this way he has made important contributions to the history of Islamic thought. Afghani, by trying to instill the spirit of resistence to both Islamic and eastern world which was in the grip of imperyalist west, has brought a new dynamism to the system of İslamic thoughts which effects will continue to last for many coming years. He worked hard to express that liberal states should emerge as soon as possible in Islamic world. Afghani has won the hearts of muslim intellectuals due to his Pan-Islamic approches and tireless efforts for establishment of a mono-body Islamic world against the west. From one hand most of studies about Afghani own a bibliyographic nature and from other hand the lack of sources researching his thought system and doctrines is drawing attention. Afghani had a remarkable knowledge of history of religions; although some reseaches have been done on his political, philosophical and theological opinions but it is almost impossible to find studies focusing on his thoughts of history of religions. Because of this our research named ?According to History of Religions Sayyid Jamaluddin Afghani?s Thoughts Related to Islam and Other Faiths? is an effort to shed light on Afghani?s knowledge of this field. More researches are required to know more about Afghani?s knowledge related to history of religions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cemaleddin Afgani, Dinler tarihi, History of religions
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Hanif, M. A. (2011). Dinler tarihine göre Cemaleddin Afgani'nin İslâm ve diğer dinler ile ilgili görüşleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.