Nazi Almanya’sı Döneminde Nazizm İdeolojisindeki Antisemitist Propaganda Mitlerinin Eğitime Yansıması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
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Nasyonal Sosyalist Alman İşçi Partisi'nin (NSDAP), 1933 yılında Almanya'da iktidara gelmesinden sonra Naziler, Nazizm ideolojisinin antisemitist fikirlerinin ülke genelinde hâkim olmasına çalışmakta, bu amaçla Yahudilere yönelik nefret söylemi içeren yayınlar yapılmaya başlanmaktadır. Bu yayınlar içerisinde en dikkat çekenlerden biri NSDAP'nin önde gelen siyasetçilerinden biri olan Julius Streicher tarafından yayınlanan ve özellikle Almanya'daki okullarda Yahudi karşıtı algıların inşa edilmesinde kullanılmaya çalışılan Zehirli Mantar (Der Giftpilz) isimli hikâye kitabı olmaktadır. Çalışmada Zehirli Mantar kitabı içerisinden seçilen sekiz hikâye üzerinden Nazizm ideolojisinin Alman toplumunda inşa etmek istediği mitlerin ortaya konulması ve inşa edilen mitler ile neyin hedeflendiğinin açıklanması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaçla belirlenen hikâyelerde yer alan yazılı ve görsel kodlar, göstergebilimsel analize tabi tutularak incelenmektedir. Elde edilen bulgular kapsamında, hikâye kitabı üzerinden "Yahudilerin Alman toplumunu ekonomik yönden sömürdüğü", "Yahudilerin yalnızca kendi çıkarların için çalıştığı" ve "Yahudilerin Alman toplumu için tehdit oluşturduğu" şeklinde Yahudi karşıtı mitlerin inşa edildiği görülmektedir. İnşa edilen mitler yoluyla Alman toplumunda Yahudilere yönelik nefret söylemi inşa edilerek, Yahudilerin Alman toplumundan dışlanmasının amaçlandığı ortaya çıkarılmaktadır
Nazis tried to dominate antisemitist ideas of the Nazism ideology throughout the country after National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) came to power in Germany in 1933. For this purpose, publications containing hate speech towards Jews were started to be published. One of the most notable among these publications was the story book Poisonous Mushroom (Der Giftpilz), published by one of the leading politicians of NSDAP, Julius Streicher. Poisonous Mushroom tried to be used in building anti-Jewish perceptions, especially in schools in Germany. In the study, it was aimed to reveal the myths that Nazism ideology wanted to build in German society and explain what was targeted with the built myths through eight stories selected from Poisonous Mushroom. Written and visual codes in the stories determined for this purpose were examined semantically. Within the scope of the findings obtained, it was observed that "Jews economically exploit German society", "Jews work only for their own interests" and "Jews pose a threat to German society" anti-Jewish myths were constructed through the story book. By constructing hate speech towards Jews in German society through built myths, it was revealed that Jews were intended to be excluded from German society
Nazis tried to dominate antisemitist ideas of the Nazism ideology throughout the country after National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) came to power in Germany in 1933. For this purpose, publications containing hate speech towards Jews were started to be published. One of the most notable among these publications was the story book Poisonous Mushroom (Der Giftpilz), published by one of the leading politicians of NSDAP, Julius Streicher. Poisonous Mushroom tried to be used in building anti-Jewish perceptions, especially in schools in Germany. In the study, it was aimed to reveal the myths that Nazism ideology wanted to build in German society and explain what was targeted with the built myths through eight stories selected from Poisonous Mushroom. Written and visual codes in the stories determined for this purpose were examined semantically. Within the scope of the findings obtained, it was observed that "Jews economically exploit German society", "Jews work only for their own interests" and "Jews pose a threat to German society" anti-Jewish myths were constructed through the story book. By constructing hate speech towards Jews in German society through built myths, it was revealed that Jews were intended to be excluded from German society
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antisemitizm, Eğitim, Yahudi, Nazizm, Mit, Antisemitism, Education, Jewish, Nazism, Myth
Selçuk İletişim
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Scopus Q Değeri
Keskin, Y. Y., Çakı, C., Kazaz, A. (2020). Nazi Almanya’sı Döneminde Nazizm İdeolojisindeki Antisemitist Propaganda Mitlerinin Eğitime Yansıması. Selçuk İletişim, 13, (3), 1-33.