Aktif atriyum elektrodu yerleştirilmesi sonrası sağ atriyum delinmesi
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Yirmi dört yaşında kadın hastaya kardiyoinhibitör senkop nedeniyle sağ taraftan çift odacıklı kalıcı kalp pili yerleştirildi. İşlemden beş gün sonra hastada göğüs ağrısı ve nefes darlığı gelişti. Minimal perikart sıvısı ve sağda hemopnömotoraks tespit edildi. Aktif atriyum elektrodunun sağ atriyum duvarını, perikardı ve plevrayı delerek sağ atriyum apendiksinin hemen üzerindeki sağ akciğer orta bölgesine girdiği görüldü. Elektrot başarılı bir şekilde çıkarılarak aynı seansta pasif bipolar atriyum elektrodu sorunsuz olarak yerleştirildi.
A 24-year-old female underwent implantation oa right-sided dual chamber permanent pacemaker for cardioinhibitory syncope with active fixation atrial lead. Five days after the procedure, the patient developed pleuritichest pain and difficulty in breathing. Minimal pericardial effusion and right hemopneumothorax were found. The atriaactive screw-in lead was visualized just above the right atriaappendage with its helix perforating the right atrial wall, pericardium and pleura, reaching the right mid-lobe. Lead extraction was performed, and a passive bipolar atrial lead waimplanted during the same session without any problems.
A 24-year-old female underwent implantation oa right-sided dual chamber permanent pacemaker for cardioinhibitory syncope with active fixation atrial lead. Five days after the procedure, the patient developed pleuritichest pain and difficulty in breathing. Minimal pericardial effusion and right hemopneumothorax were found. The atriaactive screw-in lead was visualized just above the right atriaappendage with its helix perforating the right atrial wall, pericardium and pleura, reaching the right mid-lobe. Lead extraction was performed, and a passive bipolar atrial lead waimplanted during the same session without any problems.
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