19.yüzyılda Osmanlı Çiftlikleri (Selanik Örneği)
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Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Osmanlı ekonomisi tarıma dayalı bir ekonomidir. Hem sosyal hem siyasal
sisteminin yanı sıra Osmanlı tarımı da timar sistemine dayanmaktadır. Bunun yanında
zirai üretim yapılan farklı yapılarında mevcut olduğu bilinmektedir. Literatürdeki
tartıĢmalara baktığımızda, bu farklı yapıların her yönüyle açıklığa kavuĢmadığı
ortadadır. Buradaki problem, devletin zirai üretim yapılan bütün birimleri çiftlik olarak
adlandırmasından kaynaklandığını düĢünmekteyiz. Bu yapılardan biri, ortakçılık temelli
iĢletme esasına dayanan çiftlikler idi. Celali isyanlarıyla hız kazanan süreçte timar
sisteminin etkinliğini kaybedip bir kısmının çiftliklere bir kısmının da malikane
arazilere dönüĢmesi bu çiftliklerin büyümesine sebep olduğu mantıklı görünmektedir.
Haddizatında, zaman içinde bu çiftliklerin miktar ve saha olarak büyümüĢ, taĢrada
ayanların etkinlik kazanmasıyla birlikte de önemli bir zirai iĢletme haline geldikleri
doğrudur. Hal böyle iken, Osmanlıda çiftlik sistemiyle ilgili dar alanlarda yapılmıĢ çok
sayıda çalıĢma vardır. Ancak sistemin kökeninden 19. yüzyılın sonuna kadar bütün bir
Ģekilde ele alan araĢtırma söz konusu değildir. Bu araĢtırma çiftlikler üzerine, kökeninin
ne olduğu, iĢletmenin nasıl çalıĢtırıldığı, kimlerin görev aldığı, vergilendirmelerin nasıl
yapıldığı, üretim unsurları, çiftliklerin yönetimi, çiftliklerin 19. yüzyıldaki Osmanlı
sosyal, ekonomik ve siyasal hayatındaki rolü vb. konuları ele alarak 600 yıllık Osmanlı
tarihi boyunca bir çiiftlik monoğrafisi hazırlamaya çalıĢılmıĢtır.
Bu araĢtırma, her ne kadar iĢletmenin bütüncül yönünün ele alarak konunun
anlaĢılmasına katkıda bulunmasına hizmet edecek olsa da konu oldukça büyüktür.
Osmanlı coğrafyasında çiftliklerin toplam büyüklükleri, toplam üretim miktarı, istihdam
kapasitesi ve ekonomik büyüklüğü gibi ilk akla gelen temel sorunlar araĢtırmacıları
bekleyen konulardır.
The Ottoman economy was based on agriculture. In addition to its social and political systems, Ottoman agriculture was also based on the timar system. In parallel to this, it is known that there were different structures where agricultural products were carried out. Looking at the literature, it is clear that these various structures have not been clarified in all aspects. We think that the problem stems from the fact that the state refers to all agricultural production units as farms. One of these structures was shareholding-based farming. It seems logical that the loss of effectiveness of the timar system in the process accelerated by the Celali rebellions and the transformation of some of them into farms and some of them into malikane lands caused the growth of these farms. In this sense, it is true that these farms grew in size and area over time and became important agricultural enterprises as the Ayans gained influence in the countryside. Thus, there are numerous studies on the Ottoman farm system in narrow areas. However, there is no research that deals with the system as a whole from its origins until the end of the 19th century. This study aims to prepare a monograph on farms spanning 600 years of Ottoman history by addressing the role of farms in 19th century Ottoman social, economic, and political life through farms, such as their origins, how they were run, employed, taxed, the elements of production, and farm management. Although his research will contribute to the understanding of the subject by addressing the holistic aspect of the business, the subject is quite large. The main problems that come to mind, such as the total size of the farms, the total amount of ix production, employment capacity, and economic size in Ottoman geography, are the issues that await prospect researchers.
The Ottoman economy was based on agriculture. In addition to its social and political systems, Ottoman agriculture was also based on the timar system. In parallel to this, it is known that there were different structures where agricultural products were carried out. Looking at the literature, it is clear that these various structures have not been clarified in all aspects. We think that the problem stems from the fact that the state refers to all agricultural production units as farms. One of these structures was shareholding-based farming. It seems logical that the loss of effectiveness of the timar system in the process accelerated by the Celali rebellions and the transformation of some of them into farms and some of them into malikane lands caused the growth of these farms. In this sense, it is true that these farms grew in size and area over time and became important agricultural enterprises as the Ayans gained influence in the countryside. Thus, there are numerous studies on the Ottoman farm system in narrow areas. However, there is no research that deals with the system as a whole from its origins until the end of the 19th century. This study aims to prepare a monograph on farms spanning 600 years of Ottoman history by addressing the role of farms in 19th century Ottoman social, economic, and political life through farms, such as their origins, how they were run, employed, taxed, the elements of production, and farm management. Although his research will contribute to the understanding of the subject by addressing the holistic aspect of the business, the subject is quite large. The main problems that come to mind, such as the total size of the farms, the total amount of ix production, employment capacity, and economic size in Ottoman geography, are the issues that await prospect researchers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çiftlik Sahibi, Subaşı, Ortakçı, Çiftlik, İşletme, Farmer, Subaşı, Sharecropper, Farm, Business
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Orhan, M., (2022).19.yüzyılda Osmanlı çiftlikleri (Selanik örneği). (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.