Muhali̇f Bi̇r Gazeteci̇ ve Yazar Olarak Zekeri̇ya Sertel
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türk basın tarihinin önemli isimlerinden birisi olan Zekeriya Sertel gazeteci/yazar/memur
gibi sıfatlarla Türk modernleşmesinin yakın tanıklarından birisidir. Şahsına münhasır 90 yıllık
yaşamında İkinci Meşrutiyet devrinden 12 Eylül 1980 Askeri Darbesi öncesi koşullara
varıncaya kadar birçok önemli olaya şahitlik etmiş, çeşitli meseleler hakkında yazılar kaleme
almıştır. Gazete yazılarıyla, kitaplarıyla Türk modernleşmesine katkıda bulunmaya çalışmıştır.
Dönem dönem Türkiye sınırlarının dışına taşan serüveniyle 20. yüzyıla tanıklık eden Zekeriya
Sertel’in biyografisi bir bakıma 20. yüzyıl Türk ve dünya tarihinin bir panoraması özelliğini
Bu biyografik çalışmada Zekeriya Sertel’in yaşam serüveni ve fikir hayatı bir bütün
olarak ele alınmıştır. Gazeteci-yazar-memur gibi çeşitli sıfatlarla sürdürdüğü yaşamı ve
faaliyetleri, başından geçenlerin yanı sıra yazılarında savunduğu fikirler konu edinilmiş,
görüşleri çeşitli açılardan incelenmiştir. Farklı dönemlerdeki Zekeriya Sertel portreleri
incelenerek onun şahsında 20. yüzyıl bir Türk aydınının farklı tarihsel, sosyal, siyasal vs.
koşullar altında nasıl bir yol izlediği takip edilmiş, düşünce hayatındaki değişimler veya
süreklilikler gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Zekeriya Sertel, who is one of the important personalities in Turkish press history, was one of the close witnesses of Turkish modernization as a journalist, author and state officer. In his 90 years of life, he witnessed many important processes from the second constitutional period to the conditions before the military coup of 1980. He wrote many articles, books etc. during these periods. He worked on Turkish modernization throughout his life. The adventure of Zekeriya Sertel overflows outside the borders of Turkey. The way he witnessed the 20th century offers a panorama of the Turkish and World history, in a way. In this biographical study, the life adventure and intellectual activities of Zekeriya Sertel have been handled as a whole. His various identities as a journalist, author and state officer, his experiences, as well as the ideas he defended in his writings were taken as the subject and his views were elaborated from various positions. By examining the portraits of Zekeriya Sertel in different periods, how Turkish thought was shaped, the changes and continuities in the intellectual realms were tried to be shown.
Zekeriya Sertel, who is one of the important personalities in Turkish press history, was one of the close witnesses of Turkish modernization as a journalist, author and state officer. In his 90 years of life, he witnessed many important processes from the second constitutional period to the conditions before the military coup of 1980. He wrote many articles, books etc. during these periods. He worked on Turkish modernization throughout his life. The adventure of Zekeriya Sertel overflows outside the borders of Turkey. The way he witnessed the 20th century offers a panorama of the Turkish and World history, in a way. In this biographical study, the life adventure and intellectual activities of Zekeriya Sertel have been handled as a whole. His various identities as a journalist, author and state officer, his experiences, as well as the ideas he defended in his writings were taken as the subject and his views were elaborated from various positions. By examining the portraits of Zekeriya Sertel in different periods, how Turkish thought was shaped, the changes and continuities in the intellectual realms were tried to be shown.
Anahtar Kelimeler
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Scopus Q Değeri
Kara, S., (2021). Muhali̇f Bi̇r Gazeteci̇ ve Yazar Olarak Zekeri̇ya Sertel. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.