İslam Borçlar ve Ceza Hukuku Açısından trafik kazalarından doğan sorumluluk
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Trafik kazaları hem borçlar hem de ceza hukukunu ilgilendiren konulardandır. Konuyu İslam hukuku açısından tetkik ederken Türk borçlar ve ceza hukukuyla da mukayeselerde bulunduk. Trafik kazarlını haksız fiiller kapsamında ele almak gerekir. Bu fiilden doğan mesuliyetten bahsedebilmek için fiil, zarar ve illiyet bağının bulunması gerekir. İslam hukuku açısından bakıldığında trafik kazalarına cinayet ve tazminat hükümleri uygulanır. Trafik kazaları mal ve canı ilgilendirdiğinden bu fiil mübaşereten ve tesebbüben meydana gelmesine göre farklı sonuçlar doğurur. Burada şuna işaret etmek gerekir ki mala gelen zararların tazmini için kasıt unsuru aranmazken tesebbüp halinde kusur şartı aranmaktadır. Bedene gelen zararlarda ise hata ve kasıt ayrımı yapılmaktadır. Hataen meydana gelen trafik kazalarındaki ölüm ve yaralamalarda kusur oranlarına göre diyet, kasten meydana gelen kazalarda ise kısas söz konusudur. Fiilin kasıtla işlenmesinden dolayı buna kaza denemez ise de trafikte gerçekleştiği için böyle bir ifade kullanılmıştır. Konuyla ilgisinden dolayı şuna da işaret etmeliyiz ki usulüne uygun olarak yasama organınca çıkarılan trafik kurallarına uymak aynı zamanda dini bir vecibedir. Çünkü bu tür kuralların konulması ve ihlali durumunda cezalarının belirlenmesi zaman ve zeminin ihtiyacına göre yasama organının (ülü'l-emr) takdirine bırakılmıştır. Trafik sigortasını da bu çerçevede değerlendirmek gerekir.
Traffic accidents are of the matters concerning both criminal law and law of obligations. While examining the matters from Islamic law point of view, we also made comparisons with the Turkish law of obligations and criminal law. It is necessary to consider the traffic accidents in the scope of wrongful acts. In order to be able to mention about the responsibility resulted from this action, the action, harm and causal link should be existent. When regarding to Islamic law, the decisions of murder and compensation are applied to traffic accidents. Since traffic accidents are interested in goods and life, this action emerges different results according to its occurring from beginning (mübaşareten) and causing (tesebbüp). Here, it is necessary to point out that while mistake of intension is not sought, the condition of mistake in causing is sought. In the harms to the body, the differentiation of intension is made. In the death and injuries in the traffic accidents occurring unintentionally, diyet (pound of flesh) is under consideration according to the rate of mistake and kısas (retaliation) is under consideration in the accidents occurring intentionally. Due to the fact that action is intentionally committed, this cannot be called as accident, but such an expression was used because it passed in the traffic. Because of its relation to thee matter, we must point out that to comply with the traffic rules put by the legislative in due form is also a religious obligation. Because, in case of putting and violating these kind of rules, determining penalties was left to legislative?s (ülü?l-emr) discretion according to the time and space. It is necessary to evaluate the traffic insurance in this context.
Traffic accidents are of the matters concerning both criminal law and law of obligations. While examining the matters from Islamic law point of view, we also made comparisons with the Turkish law of obligations and criminal law. It is necessary to consider the traffic accidents in the scope of wrongful acts. In order to be able to mention about the responsibility resulted from this action, the action, harm and causal link should be existent. When regarding to Islamic law, the decisions of murder and compensation are applied to traffic accidents. Since traffic accidents are interested in goods and life, this action emerges different results according to its occurring from beginning (mübaşareten) and causing (tesebbüp). Here, it is necessary to point out that while mistake of intension is not sought, the condition of mistake in causing is sought. In the harms to the body, the differentiation of intension is made. In the death and injuries in the traffic accidents occurring unintentionally, diyet (pound of flesh) is under consideration according to the rate of mistake and kısas (retaliation) is under consideration in the accidents occurring intentionally. Due to the fact that action is intentionally committed, this cannot be called as accident, but such an expression was used because it passed in the traffic. Because of its relation to thee matter, we must point out that to comply with the traffic rules put by the legislative in due form is also a religious obligation. Because, in case of putting and violating these kind of rules, determining penalties was left to legislative?s (ülü?l-emr) discretion according to the time and space. It is necessary to evaluate the traffic insurance in this context.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ceza Hukuku, Criminal Law, Sorumluluk hukuku, Law of Obligations, Trafik kazaları, Traffic accidents, İslam Borçlar Hukuku, Islamic Law of Debts, İslam Ceza Hukuku, Islamic Criminal Law
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Atalay, İ. (2011). İslam Borçlar ve Ceza Hukuku Açısından trafik kazalarından doğan sorumluluk. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.