Türkiye’nin Sakin Şehirlerinde Permakültürel Koruma, Planlama, Yönetim ve Eğitim Pratikleri

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Selçuk Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



Şehirler enerji konusunda oburdur; aydınlatma, ısınma, serinleme ve ulaşım için sürekli daha fazla enerji ister. Diğer taraftan şehirler, daha yeşil bir yaşamın umut kaynağıdır; insan faaliyetlerini bir yerde yoğunlaştırmaları sayesinde, geriye kalan alanlar üzerindeki etkiyi hafiflettikleri gibi, yeniliklere uygun bir ortam sunar. Bu bağlamda şehirlerin, dünyamızın büyüme sancılarına en iyi çözüm olacağı öngörülmektedir. Daha fazla şehirleşme bir çözüm olabilir. Bununla birlikte, hızlı şehirleşme süreci, yerele, geleneksele ve doğal dokuya saygılı sakin şehirlerin cazibesini her geçen gün daha da artırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, doğa dostu şehirlerin dünyadaki ve Türkiye’deki örneklerini oluşturan sakin şehirlerde sürdürülen permakültürel yaşam tarzı değerlendirilerek bu şehirlerdeki koruma, planlama, yönetim ve eğitim pratikleri gözden geçirilmektedir.
Cities are voracious settlements of energy; they need more and more energy for illumination, heating, cooling and transportation. On the other hand, cities are hope for more eco-friendly life; they moderate the load on the remaining places thanks to concentration of human activities in one place. Moreover, they provide a suitable environment for innovation. In this context, it has been predicted that the cities will be the best solution to our world’s growth pain. More urbanization may be the solution. However, the process of rapid urbanization has increased the attractiveness of cittaslow regarding local, traditional and natural structure. In this paper, first, permacultural lifestyle of cittaslow, which are environmentalist patterns in Turkey, is evaluated. Second, conservation, planning, management and educational practices in these cities are reviewed. With the effect of globalization, it is not possible to stop the social cultural, economic, political and technological changes and their effects caused by rapid erosion process in today’s urban echosystems which are turning out to be homogenious locations. But yet, it is possible to preserve natural and cultural values against the fatal effects of change by evaluating city echosystems with cultural and biological capacity. The most important principal of this totalitarian protection and planning approach is to keep original identity, characteristic properties and differences of cities alive in order to provide them healthy development. The idea of protection is the total of expediences, including the way of these expediences, to preserve natural, archaeological, historical and architectural values that reflects the cities’ past social, economical and cultural properties. The basic aim of this protection which is a cultural activity with its economical, political and social aspects, is to form healthy surroundings by uniting cultural values without losing their originalities with changing values and keep them for the population. Protection activity contains the past, the future and the recent. Because of this, it contributes to the continuity of history and culture. Protection of cities or parts of the cities provides indispensable contribution regarding quality and aesthetic. CittàSlow net was a communion formed in 1999, in Italy by the leadership of average sized cities and towns to prevent the disappearance of quality, urbanites, standardization of living styles and local identity because of globalization. The name of the communion is formed by the composition of the words città (city) in Italian and slow in English. CittàSlow communion was not formed just for protection activity; during conformity period to globalized world, before cities lost their souls, it became useful in period of questioning necessities. In city planning CittàSlow net which aims to bring “CittàSlow activity” to life, reached 147 members in 24 countries. More than half of the quiet cities like Greve in Chianti, Orvieto, Positano, San Vincenzo, Penne, Levanto, Altomonte, Preci, Bra are in Italy, the number of countries which are in the communion like Turkey, Norway, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Holland, U.K, Poland, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Canada, Australia and New Zeland increases continuously. The principals that routes the quiet city life stands on the increasing living standards of urbanites and visitors and sharing of information, idea and experiences among countries in the communion on national and international level. The leading principal is to stand against fast living. However, it is not quite right to think that urbanites lead a slow motion life because slowing down does not mean behaving slow; being away from technological cause means finding stability between them by slowing down or speeding up when necessary. “CittàSlow activity” that quiet cities seized on, insists on resisting against loss of identity and culture, showing respect to local traditions and requires working and producing instead of slowing down working speed. But people who work suitable to human and nature call that as living not working. The precursor of Slow City net idea is the founder of Slow Food activity Carlo Petrini who is against canin traditional restaurants with fast food restaurants in Europe or in most cities of the world. Slow Food activity that stands on echo- gastronomic philosophy, focuses on preperation, servicing and consumption of food and its effect on the rest of the world. The production model of total nutrients used in preparing slow food are defined as agriculture practices that are friendly to ecosystem. Cities which aim to increase quality and follow substructure policy, use new technologies in order to amend city style, support production of total nutrients and protect local production are named as quiet cities and if these cities can bring their measures into life, they can take part in CittàSlow net. Among the basic ideas of Renneissance period “festina lente” means being careful while living fast; forming balance by speeding up or slowing down when necessary. 60 criterions of being a Slow City was stood on “festina lente” principal and is cathegorized under six titles: Environment policies, infrastructural policies, local hospitality, protecting local production, taste and alimentation education and awareness. The five members of CittàSlow act who gave the first CittàSlow logo to Greve in Chianti, are in Turkey. These Slow Cities are Seferihisar (İzmir),Yenipazar (Aydın), Akyaka (Muğla), Gökçeada (Çanakkale) and Taraklı (Sakarya). Before 2013 CittàSlow General Council which Seferihisar is organizing, four of the cities among five is definetely getting CittàSlow logo. Those cities are Perşembe (Ordu), Yalvaç (Isparta), Vize (Kırklareli) ve Halfeti (Şanlıurfa). The fifth one is going to be among those: Kaman (Kırşehir), Kaş (Antalya), Samandağ (Hatay) and Gevaş (Van). The target of Slow Cities is to use slow philisophy inspired from Slow Food act to city policy. City planning in planning applications of Slow Cities, inspired from new urbanization movement. New urbanization movement is one that designs parts of the cities available to walker areas, support local economical activities, respectful to cultural heritage and having environmental principals . In the cathegory of supporting local economic activities, supporting of ecological agriculture activities are important. During city planning period reconstruction is one of the discussion subjects to bring out cultural characteristics and social construction period. In Europe a kind of artitectual movement was started named as Europe City Reneissance and supported by many city planners and scientists. In these projects it is underlined that European cities must be organized according to traditional elements to strengthen designing principals and city quality. In this context, it is thought that many CittàSlow criteria like supporting buildings that carry historical characteristics, increasing roads for bicycles, encouraging public transportation, leading on bioartitecture and increasing gren areas, are identified by new city movement. As CittàSlow movement strengthens the connection between designing principals and city quality, beyond city designing ideology, it also becomes important in today’s world as an act of accessing five senses which unites with the consumption elements of capitalism. Because the power of global culture threatens the cultural difference and standardize the rythm of life, this brings out populations using slow philosophy and show resistance to similarity duration with Slow Cities. CittàSlow movement is the product of a level of globalization in city scales. This level must be put forth by building new original locations respectful to nature and artitectual characteristics and by lessening measures the theme of CittàSlow must be subjected by local measures. Turkey in today is not an usual touristic destination. With its history, culture, natural beauties, sincere and hospitable people, folklore, delicious food, it became one of the most important tourism countries of Mediterrenean and Eurasian geography. Turkey has all the characteristics of changing tourist profile of 21st century want, who searches different taste and colour. One of the basic element that leads Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 is forming theme destinations by trademarking cities which have rich cultural and natural values, and the other one is evaulating natural, cultural, historical and geographical values of Turkey in protection-usage balance and using tourism in economy by developing tourism alternatives like ecotourism. Against the investments on global level, as the local characteristics are identified with the help of policies which support good agriculture in local level and ecotourism and as those locations gain value, the unique tourism potential of Turkey without considering sustainability property, can be carried to tourism sector on global level.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Hızlı şehirleşme, permakültürel yaşam tarzı, sakin şehirler, sürdürülebilir şehir planlaması, ekoturizm, Rapid urbanization, permacultural lifestyle, cittaslow, sustainable urban planning, ecotourism


Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

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Bilgi, M. G., (2013). Türkiye’nin Sakin Şehirlerinde Permakültürel Koruma, Planlama, Yönetim ve Eğitim Pratikleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 29, 45-59.