Ebelik ve hemşirelik son sınıf öğrencilerinin hasta güvenliği ve tıbbi hatalar konusundaki tutumu
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Amaç: Bu betimleyici çalışma, ebelik ve hemşirelik son sınıf öğrencilerinin hasta güvenliği ve tıbbi hatalar hakkındaki bilgi ve tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Araştırma, 2009 yılında Konya'da ebelik ve hemşirelik lisans son sınıf öğrencilerinde uygulandı. Veri toplama sürecinde okulda bulunan 45 ebelik, 50 hemşirelik öğrencisi örnekleme alındı. Veriler 24 soruluk anket formu kullanılarak toplandı. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 221 idi. Ebe ve hemşire adaylarınca, kendileriyle ilgili olarak, % 37'sinin stajları sırasında tıbbi hata yaptıkları, hataların yarıdan çoğunun (% 59) ilaç hataları olduğu, yapılan hataların % 12'sinde hastaların zarar gördüğü, ancak çoğunlukla (% 71) hataları rapor etmedikleri ifade edildi. Staj arkadaşları için ise bu oranları daha yüksek olarak bildirdiler. Tıbbi hataları en sık hekimlerin yaptığı (% 38) belirtildi. Sonuç: Ebe ve hemşire adaylarının tıbbi hata yapma oranı yüksek, hata bildirimi ise düşüktür. Tıbbi hataları önlemede müfredatta hasta güvenliği eğitiminin daha fazla yer alması, hasta güvenliğine katkı sağlayabilir.
Objective: The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate the attitude of final-year students of midwifery and nursing school on patient safety and medical errors. Methods: The research was conducted on final-year midwifery and nursing students in 2009 in Konya. On the day when the data were collected, 45 midwifery and 50 nursing students were included for the research. A 24 item questionnaire form was used to collect data. Results: Average age of the students who participated in the study was 22±1. Thirty seven percent of the students said that they made medical errors during their clinical training and that 59% of the errors were pharmaceutical errors. They also reported that 12% of the errors fatal errors and that they didn't report the errors they made (71%). Students also reported higher rates for their fellows. It was also found that most frequent medical errors are made by doctors (38%). Conclusion: It was found that the error making rate of midwifery and nursing students were high. To prevent medical errors, it is necessary that education on patient safety is introduced into the midwifery and nursing school curriculum.
Objective: The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate the attitude of final-year students of midwifery and nursing school on patient safety and medical errors. Methods: The research was conducted on final-year midwifery and nursing students in 2009 in Konya. On the day when the data were collected, 45 midwifery and 50 nursing students were included for the research. A 24 item questionnaire form was used to collect data. Results: Average age of the students who participated in the study was 22±1. Thirty seven percent of the students said that they made medical errors during their clinical training and that 59% of the errors were pharmaceutical errors. They also reported that 12% of the errors fatal errors and that they didn't report the errors they made (71%). Students also reported higher rates for their fellows. It was also found that most frequent medical errors are made by doctors (38%). Conclusion: It was found that the error making rate of midwifery and nursing students were high. To prevent medical errors, it is necessary that education on patient safety is introduced into the midwifery and nursing school curriculum.
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