Genç erkek futbolcularda hazırlık döneminde yapılan alt ekstremite kuvvet antrenmanlarının bazı fizyolojik motorik ve teknik parametrelere etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmanın amacı; 8 haftalık hazırlık dönemi süresince uygulanan, futbol antrenmanları ve ek olarak yapılan alt ekstremite kuvvet antrenmanlarının genç erkek futbolcuların; bacak kuvveti, anaerobik ve aerobik güç, sürat, esneklik, pas verme, şut atma ve top sürme parametrelerine olan etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla araştırma kapsamında genç futbolculara bazı motorik ve teknik testler uygulanmış ve araştırmanın problemine çözüm aranmıştır. Araştırmaya Kırklareli Trakya Fener Spor Kulübünde oynayan 30 futbolcudan; 15'i 1. deney grubu (yaş = 1,33 ± 0.72 yıl, boy uzunluğu = 170,60 ± 4,64 cm, vücut ağırlığı = 67,96 ± 10,51 kg), 15'i 2. deney grubu (yaş = 16,66 ± 0,48 yıl, boy uzunluğu = 170,13 ± 6,55 cm, vücut ağırlığı = 64,16 ± 7,93 kg) ve 15 sedanter (yaş = 16,53 ± 0,51 yıl, boy uzunluğu = 168,73 ± 4.43 cm, vücut ağırlığı = 63,19 ± 3,20 kg) toplam 45 öğrenci katılmıştır. Fiziksel özellikleri belirlemek için vücut ağırlığı ve boy uzunluğu ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Motorik yetenekleri belirlemek için bacak kuvveti, dikey sıçrama, esneklik, 20m sürat ve mekik koşusu testleri yapılmıştır. Futbola özgü yetenek düzeylerini tespit etmek için ise top sürme, pas ve şut testlerini içeren Mor ve Christian futbol yetenek testi uygulanmıştır. Verilerin normal dağılım gösterip göstermediğine One–Sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov testiyle bakılmıştır. Grup içi karşılaştırmalarda Paired–Samples T Testi, gruplar arası karşılaştırmalarda Varyans Analizi, farkın hangi gruptan kaynaklandığının tespiti için ise Tukey HSD çoklu karşılaştırma testi kullanılmıştır. Farkın anlamlılığı için 0.05–0.01 seviyesi kabul edilmiştir. Sezon öncesi uygulanan 8 haftalık hazırlık dönemi antrenmanlarının grup içi ön test ve son test değerleri bakımından; 1. ve 2. deney gruplarında, bacak kuvveti, anaerobik güç, MakVO2, esneklik ve şut parametrelerinde, ayrıca 1. deney grubunda pas ve 20m sürat parametresinde, kontrol grubunda ise sadece 20m sürat parametresinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmiştir(P<0,05). Top sürme parametresinde ise tüm gruplarda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilememiştir (P>0,05). Gruplar arası karşılaştırmalarda ise 1. ve 2. deney gruplarıyla kontrol grubu arasında; bacak kuvveti, anaerobik güç ön test ve son test parametrelerinde, sürat, şut, pas ve esneklikte ise ön test parametrelerinde anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca 1. deney grubunun 2. Deney grubu ve kontrol grubundan, 2. Deney grubunun da kontrol grubundan; MakVO2, sürat, esneklik, pas ve şut parametrelerinde son test değerlerine göre gruplar arası anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmiştir(P<0,05). Buna karşın vücut ağırlığı ve top sürmede ön test ve son test değerlerinde, MakVO2'de ise sadece ön test değerinde gruplar arası anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilememiştir (P>0,05). Sonuç olarak; 8 haftalık sezon öncesi antrenmanların motorik özellikler üzerine olumlu etkileri olduğu söylenebilir. Ayrıca alt ekstremite kuvvet antrenmanlarının futbolda pas ve şut isabeti üzerinde etken olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tüm bu sonuçlar, performansla teknik yetenek düzeyinin yakın ilişki içerisinde olduğunu göstermektedir.
The purpose of this study is examining effects of soccer training and lower extremity strength training done in addition to it during 8 weeks of preparation period on leg strength, anaerobic and aerobic power, speed, flexibility, passing the ball, shooting the ball and dribbling parameters of young male soccer players. For this purpose, some motoric and technical tests were applied to young soccer players and solution was sought for research's problem within the scope of research. Totally 45 students consisting of 15 sedentary (age= 16,53 ± 0,51 years old, height = 168,73 ± 4,43 cm, body weight = 63,19 ± 3,20 kg) and 30 soccer players who play in Trakya Fener Sports Club; 15 of them 1st experimental group (age= 17,33 ± 0,72 years old, height = 170,60 ± 4,64 cm, body weight = 67,96 ± 10,51 kg), 15 of them 2nd experimental group (age= 16,66 ± 0,48 years old, height = 170,13 ± 6,55 cm, body weight = 64,16 ± 7,93 kg) took part in research. Body weight and height measurements were made to determine the physical properties. Leg strength, vertical jump, flexibility, 20m speed and shuttle run tests were conducted to determine the motoric abilities. Mor ve Christian soccer ability skill test consisting of dribbling, passing and shooting tests was conducted to determine ability levels particular to soccer. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were conducted to determine whether data shows normal distribution or not. Paired–Samples T Test was used in in-group comparisons, Variance Analysis was used in intergroup comparisons, Tukey HSD multiple comparison test was used to determine from which group difference result. Level 0.05–0.01 was accepted for relevance of difference. With respect to in-group pre-test and post-test values of 8 weeks preparation period trainings done in preseason; statistically significant difference was found in leg strength, anaerobic power, MakVO2, flexibility and shooting parameters in 1st and 2nd experimental groups, also in passing and 20m speed parameters in 1st experimental group and just in 20m speed parameter in control group (P<0,05). However, in dribbling parameter, statistically significant difference was not found in all groups (P>0,05). In intergroup comparisons, statistically significant difference was found in leg strength, anaerobic power in the pre-test and post-test parameters and statistically significant difference was found in speed, shooting, passing and flexibility in pre-test parameters between 1st, 2nd experimental groups and control group. Also intergroup significant difference of 1st experimental group from 2nd experimental group and control group and difference of 2nd experimental group from control group in MakVO2, speed, flexibility, passing and shooting parameters according to values in the final test (P<0,05). In contrast, in pre-test and post-test values in body weight and dribbling, intergroup significant difference was not determined in just pre-test value in MakVO2 (P>0,05). In conclusion, it can be said that 8 weeks preseason training has positive effect on motoric characteristics. Also, it was determined that lower extremity strength training is effective on passing and shooting hits. All results show that performance and the level of technical ability are in close relationship.
The purpose of this study is examining effects of soccer training and lower extremity strength training done in addition to it during 8 weeks of preparation period on leg strength, anaerobic and aerobic power, speed, flexibility, passing the ball, shooting the ball and dribbling parameters of young male soccer players. For this purpose, some motoric and technical tests were applied to young soccer players and solution was sought for research's problem within the scope of research. Totally 45 students consisting of 15 sedentary (age= 16,53 ± 0,51 years old, height = 168,73 ± 4,43 cm, body weight = 63,19 ± 3,20 kg) and 30 soccer players who play in Trakya Fener Sports Club; 15 of them 1st experimental group (age= 17,33 ± 0,72 years old, height = 170,60 ± 4,64 cm, body weight = 67,96 ± 10,51 kg), 15 of them 2nd experimental group (age= 16,66 ± 0,48 years old, height = 170,13 ± 6,55 cm, body weight = 64,16 ± 7,93 kg) took part in research. Body weight and height measurements were made to determine the physical properties. Leg strength, vertical jump, flexibility, 20m speed and shuttle run tests were conducted to determine the motoric abilities. Mor ve Christian soccer ability skill test consisting of dribbling, passing and shooting tests was conducted to determine ability levels particular to soccer. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were conducted to determine whether data shows normal distribution or not. Paired–Samples T Test was used in in-group comparisons, Variance Analysis was used in intergroup comparisons, Tukey HSD multiple comparison test was used to determine from which group difference result. Level 0.05–0.01 was accepted for relevance of difference. With respect to in-group pre-test and post-test values of 8 weeks preparation period trainings done in preseason; statistically significant difference was found in leg strength, anaerobic power, MakVO2, flexibility and shooting parameters in 1st and 2nd experimental groups, also in passing and 20m speed parameters in 1st experimental group and just in 20m speed parameter in control group (P<0,05). However, in dribbling parameter, statistically significant difference was not found in all groups (P>0,05). In intergroup comparisons, statistically significant difference was found in leg strength, anaerobic power in the pre-test and post-test parameters and statistically significant difference was found in speed, shooting, passing and flexibility in pre-test parameters between 1st, 2nd experimental groups and control group. Also intergroup significant difference of 1st experimental group from 2nd experimental group and control group and difference of 2nd experimental group from control group in MakVO2, speed, flexibility, passing and shooting parameters according to values in the final test (P<0,05). In contrast, in pre-test and post-test values in body weight and dribbling, intergroup significant difference was not determined in just pre-test value in MakVO2 (P>0,05). In conclusion, it can be said that 8 weeks preseason training has positive effect on motoric characteristics. Also, it was determined that lower extremity strength training is effective on passing and shooting hits. All results show that performance and the level of technical ability are in close relationship.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antrenman, Training, Fizyolojik parametreler, Physiological parameters, Futbolcular, Football players, Kas kuvveti, Muscle strength, Kuvvet antrenmanı, Strength training
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özdemir, İ. (2014). Genç erkek futbolcularda hazırlık döneminde yapılan alt ekstremite kuvvet antrenmanlarının bazı fizyolojik motorik ve teknik parametrelere etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.