Bazı organik gübrelerin tohumdan baş soğan (Allium cepa L.) üretiminde verim ve kaliteye etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, bazı organik gübre uygulamalarının direk tohumdan baş soğan üretimindeki verim ve bazı kalite unsurlarına etkilerini ortaya koymak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma 2011 yılında Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Delice Meslek Yüksekokulu deneme parsellerinde dört tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Uygulamada Sığır gübresi (1.5 ton/da, 3 ton/da ve 4.5 ton/da), Tavuk gübresi (1 ton/da, 2 ton/da, 3 ton /da), Organoplus (20 kg/da, 40 kg/da, 60 kg/da), Algovital Plus (0.2 l/ da, 0.4 l/da, 0.6 l/ da), Greenline (50 g/da, 100 g/da 150g/ da), Agrilife (100 kg/ da, 200 kg/da ve 300 kg/da) organik gübreleri ile NPK (N 5 kg/da, 10 kg/ da, 15 kg/da; P ve K 8 kg/da, 16kg/da, 24 kg/da ) gübreleri uygulanmıştır. Soğanlarda, yetiştirme dönemi ve hasattan sonra tesadüfen seçilen 10 adet bitkilerde; bitki boyu, yaprak sayısı, baş eni, baş boyu, ortalama baş ağırlığı, boyun çapı, soğan baş sertliği, şekil indeksi (çap/boy), etli yaprak kalınlığı, toplam verim, etli yaprak ve dış kabuk sayısı, tohuma kalkma ve C vitamin değerleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuçta ortalama baş ağırlığı açısından Organoplus 20 kg/da dozu ; verim açısından 3 ton/da sığır gübresi uygulaması ön plana çıkmıştır. Organoplus organik gübrenin 60 kg/da doz uygulaması ile en yüksek baş sertliği (15,03 kg) sağlanmıştır. Ortalama baş ağırlığı (167,77 g) ve etli yaprak sayısı (7,80 adet/bitki) bakımından Organoplus organik gübrenin 20 kg/da dozu en yüksek sonuçları vermiştir. En yüksek toplam verim 3 ton/da sığır gübresi uygulaması (6053,48 kg/da) ile elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, incelenen diğer kriterler yönünden bulgular, gübreler ve dozlarına göre değişim göstermiş olup, Organoplus gübresinin 20 kg/da dozu uygulamasının tohumdan baş soğan üretmek için tavsiye edilebileceği kanaatine varılmıştır.
This study has been carried out to determine effects on yield and quality of some organic fertilizer which are used in growth of bulb onion (Allium cepa. var. Valencia) from seed according to randomized complete block design as a 4 repeats in Kırıkkale University Delice vocational high school. Organic manures which is stable manure (15 ton /ha, 30 ton /ha and 45 ton/ha), Chicken manure (10 ton/ha, 20 ton/ha, 30 ton /ha), Organoplus (200 kg/ha, 400 kg/ha, 600 kg/ ha), Algovital Plus ( 2 l/ ha, 4 l/ha, 6 l/ha), Greenline (500 g/ ha, 1000 g/ ha and 1500 g/ ha), Agrilife (1000 kg / ha, 2000 kg/ha and 3000 kg/ha) and NPK, (N 50 kg/ha, 100 kg/ ha, 150 kg/ha; P and K 80 kg/ha, 160 kg /ha, 240 kg /ha) have been applied in specified doses. Cultivation period (growing period) and after harvest, plant height, number of leaves, bulb width, bulb length, average bulb weight, bulb diameter, thickness of scale, total yield, number of scales, number of fleshy leaves, bolting, ascorbic acid content, number of growing point, bulb firmness have been determined in onions.As a result this research, of application of Organoplus 200 kg/ha dose in terms of average bulb weight and application of stable manure 3 ton/ha in terms of yield have been come into prominence. The highest bulb hardness (15,03 kg) has been achieved with application of Organoplus organic manure 60 kg/da dose. It has been achieved the highest produce in application of Organoplus organic manure 20 kg/da dose in terms of average bulb weight (167,77 kg) and number of fleshy leaves (7.80 pc/plant). The highest total yield (6053,48 kg/da) has been achieved from application of stable manure 3 ton/da.Consequently, results in terms of the other surveyed criteria have been changed according to fertilizer and their doses. It has been reached the conclusion that it can be recommended application of Organoplus organic manure 20 kg/da in order to produce bulb onion from seed.
This study has been carried out to determine effects on yield and quality of some organic fertilizer which are used in growth of bulb onion (Allium cepa. var. Valencia) from seed according to randomized complete block design as a 4 repeats in Kırıkkale University Delice vocational high school. Organic manures which is stable manure (15 ton /ha, 30 ton /ha and 45 ton/ha), Chicken manure (10 ton/ha, 20 ton/ha, 30 ton /ha), Organoplus (200 kg/ha, 400 kg/ha, 600 kg/ ha), Algovital Plus ( 2 l/ ha, 4 l/ha, 6 l/ha), Greenline (500 g/ ha, 1000 g/ ha and 1500 g/ ha), Agrilife (1000 kg / ha, 2000 kg/ha and 3000 kg/ha) and NPK, (N 50 kg/ha, 100 kg/ ha, 150 kg/ha; P and K 80 kg/ha, 160 kg /ha, 240 kg /ha) have been applied in specified doses. Cultivation period (growing period) and after harvest, plant height, number of leaves, bulb width, bulb length, average bulb weight, bulb diameter, thickness of scale, total yield, number of scales, number of fleshy leaves, bolting, ascorbic acid content, number of growing point, bulb firmness have been determined in onions.As a result this research, of application of Organoplus 200 kg/ha dose in terms of average bulb weight and application of stable manure 3 ton/ha in terms of yield have been come into prominence. The highest bulb hardness (15,03 kg) has been achieved with application of Organoplus organic manure 60 kg/da dose. It has been achieved the highest produce in application of Organoplus organic manure 20 kg/da dose in terms of average bulb weight (167,77 kg) and number of fleshy leaves (7.80 pc/plant). The highest total yield (6053,48 kg/da) has been achieved from application of stable manure 3 ton/da.Consequently, results in terms of the other surveyed criteria have been changed according to fertilizer and their doses. It has been reached the conclusion that it can be recommended application of Organoplus organic manure 20 kg/da in order to produce bulb onion from seed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Soğan, Organik gübre, Onion, Organic fertilizer, Tarım, Agriculture
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koca, N. (2013). Bazı organik gübrelerin tohumdan baş soğan (Allium cepa L.) üretiminde verim ve kaliteye etkileri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.