İmalat sanayiindeki KOBİ'lerin sorunları ve 2008 küresel krizden etkilenme düzeyleri üzerine bir araştırma: Kırşehir ili örneği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
KOBİ?ler ve araştırmanın esasını teşkil eden KOBİ niteliğindeki imalat işletmeleri sahip oldukları esneklik, istihdam imkânları ve ülke sathına yayılmışlıkları gibi artılarına karşılık içinde barındırdıkları sorunlar nedeniyle de ekonomik krizlerden en fazla etkilenen kesimlerden biridir. KOBİ?lerin ve özellikle de imalatçı KOBİ?lerin ülke ekonomisinde kapsadığı yer ve önem nedeniyle bu açıdan dikkatle analiz edilmesi ekonomilerin istikrarı ve büyümesi açısından büyük öneme sahiptir.Bu çalışmada KOBİ?lerin Türkiye ekonomisindeki yeri, sorunları konu edilmekte ve 2008 küresel finans krizinin genelde ekonominin bütününü, özelde ise imalatçı KOBİ?leri nasıl etkilediği konu edilmiştir. Sorun finansal nitelikli olmakla beraber Türkiye?de etkisi özellikle reel kesimde kendini göstermiştir. Büyük çoğunluğu KOBİ çapında olan imalat sanayi krizden en fazla etkilenen kesim olmuştur.Bu amaçla Kırşehir İli imalat sanayini içeren bir alan araştırmasıyla etkiler daha yakından gözlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Uygulanan anket yardımıyla elde edilen bulgular SPSS 20 ile analiz edilmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar çeşitli başlıklar halinde analize tabi tutulmuştur. Bu kapsamda oluşturulan çapraz tablolar yardımıyla kıyaslamalar yapılırken aynı zamanda araştırma kapsamında kurulmuş olan hipotezler test edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: KOBİ, İmalat, Sanayi, Kriz, Türkiye Ekonomisi
SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) and similar industrial enterprises, which form the basis of this study, are among the sectors mostly affected by economic crises due to the problems they have although they also enjoy advantages such as flexibility, employment opportunities, and being expanded all over the country. Concerning the place and significance of the SMEs and specifically manufacturer SMEs in the economy of a country, careful and thorough analyses of these enterprises play crucial roles with regard to the stability and development of economies. The aim of this study is to identify the significance and the problems of SMEs in the economy of Turkey and to clarify how 2008 global economic crises affected the economy in general and manufacturer SMEs in particular. Although the problem was mainly financial, the main impact was primarily on the real sector in Turkey. The manufacturing industries, most of which are on the scale of SMEs, were among the mostly affected enterprises in 2008. A field research in the manufacturing industry in Kırşehir was carried out to examine these impacts of the crisis more closely. Data obtained through a questionnaire was analyzed by means of SPSS 20 and the results were analyzed under separate titles. While the comparisons in this content were made by the help of crosstabs, hypotheses developed within the context of the study were tested as well. Keywords: SME, Manufacturing, Industry, Crisis, Turkey?s Economy ?
SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) and similar industrial enterprises, which form the basis of this study, are among the sectors mostly affected by economic crises due to the problems they have although they also enjoy advantages such as flexibility, employment opportunities, and being expanded all over the country. Concerning the place and significance of the SMEs and specifically manufacturer SMEs in the economy of a country, careful and thorough analyses of these enterprises play crucial roles with regard to the stability and development of economies. The aim of this study is to identify the significance and the problems of SMEs in the economy of Turkey and to clarify how 2008 global economic crises affected the economy in general and manufacturer SMEs in particular. Although the problem was mainly financial, the main impact was primarily on the real sector in Turkey. The manufacturing industries, most of which are on the scale of SMEs, were among the mostly affected enterprises in 2008. A field research in the manufacturing industry in Kırşehir was carried out to examine these impacts of the crisis more closely. Data obtained through a questionnaire was analyzed by means of SPSS 20 and the results were analyzed under separate titles. While the comparisons in this content were made by the help of crosstabs, hypotheses developed within the context of the study were tested as well. Keywords: SME, Manufacturing, Industry, Crisis, Turkey?s Economy ?
Anahtar Kelimeler
KOBİ, SME, İmalat, Manufacturing, Sanayi, Industry, Kriz, Crisis, Türkiye Ekonomisi, Turkey’s Economy
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aktürk, O. (2013). İmalat sanayiindeki KOBİ'lerin sorunları ve 2008 küresel krizden etkilenme düzeyleri üzerine bir araştırma: Kırşehir ili örneği. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.