Sporcularda kol ve bacak wingate testleri ile anaerobik gücün değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırma;farklı branşlar da aktif spor yapan bireylerde kol anaerobik güç, bacak anaerobik güç ve aerobik kapasitelerinin belirlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi amacı ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya farklı branşlarda elit düzeyde aktif spor yapan toplam 60 denek katılmıştır. Bu branşlar; güreş (G grup ,n:10), futbol (F grubu, n:10), bisiklet (Bİ grubu,n:10), boks (BO grubu, n:10), taekwondo (TA grubu, n:10), ve tenis (TE grubu, n:10) dır. Grupların yaş ortalamaları, G 21,70±2.35 yıl, F 21,80±1,75 yıl, Bİ 22,70±2,54 yıl, BO 22,20±2,74 yıl , TA 22,50±3,10 yıl ve TE 24,00±1,88 yıl dır. Grupların vücut ağırlığı ortalamaları, G 77,50±13,44 kg, F 70,60±6,36 kg, Bİ 72,90±4,67 kg, BO 74,20±10,56 kg, TA 73,60±7,84 kg ve TE 73,80±12,64 kg dır Grupların boy ortalamaları, G 174,20±7,05 cm F 177,90±3,84 cm Bİ 178,20±4,44 cm, BO 178,50±5,40 cm, TA 180,60±2,98 cm, ve TE 178,90±8,18 cm olarak tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksek Okulu Performans Laboratuarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anaerobik ölçümler için, Monark marka kol ve bacak iki ayrı wingate ergometresi kullanıldı. Aerobik ölçümler için shuttle run testi yapıldı. Grupların bacak wingate zirve güç düzeyleri, F 698,65 W (Watt), Bİ 775,24 W, BO 735,08 W, Ta 748,53 W, ve TE 731,81 W ortalama zirve güç düzeylerinin benzer olduğu, G grubunun zirve güç düzeyinin (857,94 W) Bİ grubu ile benzer olduğu fakat F, BO, TA ve TE gruplarından anlamlı (p<0,05) düzeyde yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmada gurupların zirve güç düzeylerinde elde edilen relatif power ortalamaları G 11,22 W/kg, F 9,90 W/kg, Bİ 10,64 W/kg, BO 9,96 W/kg, TA 10,51 W/kg, TE 9,81 W/kg olarak hesaplanmıştır. Grupların ortalama bacak anaerobik güç ortalamaları G 609,51 W, F 522,33 W, Bİ 598,14 W, BO 536,83 W, TA 571,14 W, TE 549,23 W dır. G grubunun bacak anaerobik ortalama gücü F grubundan önemli (P<0,05) düzeyde yüksek olduğu, gruplar arası diğer bacak ortalama güç düzeyleri benzerdir. Gurupların anaerobik en düşük güç ortalamaları G 338,37 W, F 305,10 W, Bİ 400,13W, BO 320,69 W, TA 336,99 W, TE 343,46 W olarak belirlenmiştir. Gruplar arası farklılıklar incelendiğinde Bİ grubunun BO ve F gruplarının minimum power ortalamalarının önemli (P<0,05) düzeyde yüksek olduğu, gruplar arası diğer farklılıkların önem arz etmediği görülmüştür. Çalışmada kol wingate test sonucu grupların; zirve güç ve relatif zirve güç düzeyleri G 675,45 W , 8,87W/kg, F 440,85W, 6,30 W/kg , Bİ 439,01 W, 6,07 W/kg, BO 649,37 W, 8,84 W/kg, TA 536,44 W, 7,32 W/kg, TE 524,89 W, 6,34 W/kg olarak bulunmuştur. Çalışmada kol wingate testi sonrası grupların anaeorobik ortalama güç düzeyleri, G 436,32 W, F 302,4 W, Bİ 303,69 W, BO 406,54 W, TA 372,06 W ve TE 337,08 W olarak tespit edilmiş olup, BO ve G grubunun F, Bİ ve TE gruplarından önemli (p< 0,05) düzeyde yüksek olduğu, G grubunun TA grubundan yüksek (p<0,05) olduğu, gruplar arası diğer farklılıkların önem arz etmediği görülmüştür. Çalışmada grupların kol ergometresi yorgunluk indeksleri, G 67,51 %, F 65,98 %, Bİ 63,23 %, BO 68,62 %, TA 66,04 % ve TE 71,06 % olarak tespit edilmiştir. Yorgunluk indeksleri düzeyleri bakımından gruplar arası anlamlı farklılık yoktur. Araştırmada shuttle run testi sonrası grupların MaxVO2 düzeyleri G 51,37 ml/kg/dk, F 48,29 ml/kg/dk, Bİ 54,06 ml/kg/dk ,BO 48,58 ml/kg/dk, TA 49,03 ml/kg/dk ve TE 45,09 ml/kg/dk dır. Gruplar arası farklılıklar incelendiğinde Bİ grubunun F, BO, TA ve TE gruplarından MaxVO2 düzeylerinin önemli (P<0,05 ) oranda yüksek olduğu, G grubunun TE grubundan anlamlı (P<0,05) düzeyde yüksek olduğu, gruplar arası diğer karşılaştırmaların benzer olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin hesaplanması ve değerlendirilmesinde SPSS for Windows 15.0 paket programı kullanılmıştır. Ölçülen parametrelerin normallik dağılımı Shapiro-Wilks testi ile tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada önemlilik düzeyi 0.05 olarak alınmıştır. Spor branşları arasındaki farklılıkların tespit edilmesinde Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Farklığın kaynığının tespitinde Post-Hoc testlerden LCD ve Dunnett?s C uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada önemlilik düzeyi 0.05 olarak alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak; performansın önemli belirteçlerinden olan aerobik ve anaerobik kapasite düzeylerinin değerlendirildiği araştırmada grupların performans, sportif tecrübe, beceri ve başarı düzeylerindeki farklılıklar elde edilen sonuçları etkilemiştir. Dolayısıyla yapılan branşın baskın olan enerji sistemine yönelik aerobik veya anaerobik kapasiteleri ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Aerobik güç; anaerobik güç; bacak wingate; kol wingate.
The research aim is determination and evaluation of (capacity of arm anaerobic power, leg anaerobic power and aerobic) on individuals? doing sports actively on different branches. There were attended totally 60 experimentals individual doing sports actively in elite level on different brunches for the research. These brunches are; wrestling (G grup ,n:10), soccer (F group, n:10), cycling (Bİ group,n:10), boxing (BO group, n:10), taekwondo (TA group, n:10), and tenis. (TE group, n:10) Groups? age avarages are, G 21,70±2.35 years, F 21,80±1,75 years, Bİ 22,70±2,54 years, BO 22,20±2,74 years , TA 22,50±3,10 years and TE 24,00±1,88 years. Groups? body weight avarages are, G 77,50±13,44 kg, F 70,60±6,36 kg, Bİ 72,90±4,67 kg, BO 74,20±10,56 kg, TA 73,60±7,84 kg ve TE 73,80±12,64 kg. Groups? height avarages are, G 174,20±7,05 cm F 177,90±3,84 cm Bİ 178,20±4,44 cm, BO 178,50±5,40 cm, TA 180,60±2,98 cm, and TE 178,90±8,18 cm. The Research was realized in School of Physical Education And Sports? Performance Laboratory at Selçuk University. Two different types of Monark Wingate Ergonometry for arm and leg was used for anaerobic measurements. There was performed Shuttle Run for Aerobic measurements. It spotted that, Groups? foot wintage peak power levels, F 698,65 W (Watt), Bİ 775,24 W, BO 735,08 W, Ta 748,53 W, ve TE 731,81 W similar to avarage peak power levels, G group?s peak power level (857,94 W) similar to Bİ group but is high significant level (p<0,05) from BO, TA and TE groups. Avarages of relative power which are obtained Groups? peak power levels on the research. (G 11,22 W/kg, F 9,90 W/kg, Bİ 10,64 W/kg, BO 9,96 W/kg, TA 10,51 W/kg, TE 9,81 W/kg) are calculated. Avarages of Groups? avarage leg anaerobic power are G 609,51 W, F 522,33 W, Bİ 598,14 W, BOE 536,83 W, TA 571,14 W, TE 549,23 W. G group?s leg anaerobic avarage power, is high significantly level(P<0,05) from F group, similar to intra-groups? other leg avarage power levels. It is determined Groups? anaerobic minimum power avarages like G 338,37 W, F 305,10 W, Bİ 400,13W, BO 320,69 W, TA 336,99 W, TE 343,46 W. When it is examined differences of between groups, it was seen not be important that between groups? other differences, is high significantly level (P<0,05) on avarages of Bİ Group?s BO and F groups? mininum power. On the research, it was founded Wingate Arm test result groups? Peak Power and Relative Peak Power Levels like G 675,45 W , 8,87W/kg, F 440,85W, 6,30 W/kg , Bİ 439,01 W, 6,07 W/kg, BO 649,37 W, 8,84 W/kg, TA 536,44 W, 7,32 W/kg, TE 524,89 W, 6,34 W/kg. On the research, it was detected that Groups? anaerobic avarage power levels after Wingate Arm Test like G 436,32 W, F 302,4 W, Bİ 303,69 W, BO 406,54 W, TA 372,06 W and TE 337,08 W. it was seen not be important that between groups? other differences, is high significantly level (P<0,05) avarages of BO and C groups? from F, Bİ and TE groups, is high significantly level G Group from TA Group.(P<0,05) On the research, it was determined Groups? Arm Ergonometry fatigue indices like, G 67,51 %, F 65,98 %, Bİ 63,23 %, BO 68,62 %, TA 66,04 % and TE 71,06 %. There aren?t a significant difference on fatigue indices in respect to levels. On the research, Groups? MaxVO2 Levels are ,after Shuttle Run Test, G 51,37 ml/kg/dk, F 48,29 ml/kg/dk, Bİ 54,06 ml/kg/dk ,BO 48,58 ml/kg/dk, TA 49,03 ml/kg/dk and TE 45,09 ml/kg/dk. When it is examined differences of between groups, it was detected that between groups? other differences, is high significantly level (P<0,05) on avarages of Bİ Group?s F, BO, TA and TE groups? MaxVO2 levels, G groups is high significantly level (P<0,05) from TE group. SPSS for Windows 15.0 packet program was used for calculation and evaluation of acquired data..Measured parameters? Normality Range was determined with Shapiro-Wilks Test. It was taken into consideration importancy level 0.05 in the research. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for determination of differences between sport branches. LCD and Dunnett?s C was performed for determination of the difference?s resource. It was taken into consideration importancy level 0.05 in the research. As a result; it affects the research results which is searched for the level of aerobic and anaaerobic capacity is a important indication on group?s performance, sportive experience, skill and the differences between success levels. Therefore, it is taken over the brunch?s the capacities of aerobic or anaerobic which is on dominant energy system.
The research aim is determination and evaluation of (capacity of arm anaerobic power, leg anaerobic power and aerobic) on individuals? doing sports actively on different branches. There were attended totally 60 experimentals individual doing sports actively in elite level on different brunches for the research. These brunches are; wrestling (G grup ,n:10), soccer (F group, n:10), cycling (Bİ group,n:10), boxing (BO group, n:10), taekwondo (TA group, n:10), and tenis. (TE group, n:10) Groups? age avarages are, G 21,70±2.35 years, F 21,80±1,75 years, Bİ 22,70±2,54 years, BO 22,20±2,74 years , TA 22,50±3,10 years and TE 24,00±1,88 years. Groups? body weight avarages are, G 77,50±13,44 kg, F 70,60±6,36 kg, Bİ 72,90±4,67 kg, BO 74,20±10,56 kg, TA 73,60±7,84 kg ve TE 73,80±12,64 kg. Groups? height avarages are, G 174,20±7,05 cm F 177,90±3,84 cm Bİ 178,20±4,44 cm, BO 178,50±5,40 cm, TA 180,60±2,98 cm, and TE 178,90±8,18 cm. The Research was realized in School of Physical Education And Sports? Performance Laboratory at Selçuk University. Two different types of Monark Wingate Ergonometry for arm and leg was used for anaerobic measurements. There was performed Shuttle Run for Aerobic measurements. It spotted that, Groups? foot wintage peak power levels, F 698,65 W (Watt), Bİ 775,24 W, BO 735,08 W, Ta 748,53 W, ve TE 731,81 W similar to avarage peak power levels, G group?s peak power level (857,94 W) similar to Bİ group but is high significant level (p<0,05) from BO, TA and TE groups. Avarages of relative power which are obtained Groups? peak power levels on the research. (G 11,22 W/kg, F 9,90 W/kg, Bİ 10,64 W/kg, BO 9,96 W/kg, TA 10,51 W/kg, TE 9,81 W/kg) are calculated. Avarages of Groups? avarage leg anaerobic power are G 609,51 W, F 522,33 W, Bİ 598,14 W, BOE 536,83 W, TA 571,14 W, TE 549,23 W. G group?s leg anaerobic avarage power, is high significantly level(P<0,05) from F group, similar to intra-groups? other leg avarage power levels. It is determined Groups? anaerobic minimum power avarages like G 338,37 W, F 305,10 W, Bİ 400,13W, BO 320,69 W, TA 336,99 W, TE 343,46 W. When it is examined differences of between groups, it was seen not be important that between groups? other differences, is high significantly level (P<0,05) on avarages of Bİ Group?s BO and F groups? mininum power. On the research, it was founded Wingate Arm test result groups? Peak Power and Relative Peak Power Levels like G 675,45 W , 8,87W/kg, F 440,85W, 6,30 W/kg , Bİ 439,01 W, 6,07 W/kg, BO 649,37 W, 8,84 W/kg, TA 536,44 W, 7,32 W/kg, TE 524,89 W, 6,34 W/kg. On the research, it was detected that Groups? anaerobic avarage power levels after Wingate Arm Test like G 436,32 W, F 302,4 W, Bİ 303,69 W, BO 406,54 W, TA 372,06 W and TE 337,08 W. it was seen not be important that between groups? other differences, is high significantly level (P<0,05) avarages of BO and C groups? from F, Bİ and TE groups, is high significantly level G Group from TA Group.(P<0,05) On the research, it was determined Groups? Arm Ergonometry fatigue indices like, G 67,51 %, F 65,98 %, Bİ 63,23 %, BO 68,62 %, TA 66,04 % and TE 71,06 %. There aren?t a significant difference on fatigue indices in respect to levels. On the research, Groups? MaxVO2 Levels are ,after Shuttle Run Test, G 51,37 ml/kg/dk, F 48,29 ml/kg/dk, Bİ 54,06 ml/kg/dk ,BO 48,58 ml/kg/dk, TA 49,03 ml/kg/dk and TE 45,09 ml/kg/dk. When it is examined differences of between groups, it was detected that between groups? other differences, is high significantly level (P<0,05) on avarages of Bİ Group?s F, BO, TA and TE groups? MaxVO2 levels, G groups is high significantly level (P<0,05) from TE group. SPSS for Windows 15.0 packet program was used for calculation and evaluation of acquired data..Measured parameters? Normality Range was determined with Shapiro-Wilks Test. It was taken into consideration importancy level 0.05 in the research. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used for determination of differences between sport branches. LCD and Dunnett?s C was performed for determination of the difference?s resource. It was taken into consideration importancy level 0.05 in the research. As a result; it affects the research results which is searched for the level of aerobic and anaaerobic capacity is a important indication on group?s performance, sportive experience, skill and the differences between success levels. Therefore, it is taken over the brunch?s the capacities of aerobic or anaerobic which is on dominant energy system.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anaerobik güç, Anaerobic power, Spor, Sports, Sporcular, Sportsmen, Wingate testi, Wingate testi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ozan, M. (2013). Sporcularda kol ve bacak wingate testleri ile anaerobik gücün değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.