Taze ve olgunlaşmış tavuk gübresinin biyo-fiziksel yarayışlılığına zeolit kullanımının etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışma, taze tavuk gübresi (TTG) ve olgun tavuk gübresinin (OTG) biyo-fiziksel yarayışlılığına zeolit (Z) kullanımının etkisini belirlemek amacıyla tarla şartlarında yapılmıştır. Araştırmadaki deneme konuları; kontrol, Z (150 kg da-1), TTG (1000 kg da-1), OTG (1000 kg da-1), TTG+Z (1000 kg da-1+150 kg da-1) ve OTG+Z (1000 kg da-1+150 kg da-1) şeklinde olmuştur. Deneme tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre dört tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Test bitkisi olarak Pioneer-3394 at dişi melez mısır çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Zeolit, taze ve olgun tavuk gübre uygulamalarının toprak yüzeyinden amonyak şeklinde meydana gelen azot kayıpları, toprağın fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri, mısır bitkisinin verim, yaprağının besin elementi içeriği, dane protein miktarı ile uygulamaların buğday bitkisinin verim, yaprağının besin elementi içeriği, dane protein miktarı üzerine bakiye etkileri belirlenmiş ve sonuçlar istatistiki olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Her iki yılda da zeolit uygulamasının toprak yüzeyinden meydana gelen azot kayıplarını istatistiksel olarak önemli ölçüde etkilediği saptanmıştır. İlk yıl Z ve OTG+Z uygulamaları birinci sulama sonrası toprak yüzeyinden meydana gelen azot kaybını, % 28,87 ve % 16,96 oranlarında; ikinci sulama sonrası % 19,51 ve % 31,98 oranlarında azaltmışlardır. İkinci yıl ise; Z ve OTG+Z uygulamaları birinci sulama sonrası toprak yüzeyinden meydana gelen azot kaybını, % 11,58 ve % 29,91 oranlarında; ikinci sulama sonrası % 30,14 ve % 23,65 oranlarında azaltmışlardır. Yapılan uygulamalar toprağın fiziksel, kimyasal özellikleri ile mısır ve buğday bitkisinin verim-verim unsurlarını olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. İlk yıl en yüksek mısır verimi, (1296,3 kg da-1), ikinci yıl (1877,3 kg da-1) OTG uygulamasında; ilk yıl en yüksek buğday verimi (108,44 kg da-1) OTG+Z uygulamasında, ikinci yıl (240,36 kg da-1) TTG uygulamasında elde edilmiştir.
This study was carried out to determine the effect of zeolite (Z) on the bio-physical availability of fresh poultry manure (FPM) and composted poultry manure (CPM) İNthe field conditions. The research was a randomized plot design with four replications. The treatments were Z (150 kg da-1), FPM (1000 kg da-1), CMP (1000 kg da-1), FPM+Z (1000 kg da-1+150 kg da-1), CPM+Z (1000 kg da-1+150 kg da-1). In the experiment; ?Pioneer-3394? variety of corn (Zea mays L.) and tried. The effects of treatments on ammonia nitrogen losses, soil physical and chemical properties, corn yield and plant nutrition content of leaf, crude protein contents of seed, wheat yield and plant nutrition content of leaf, crude protein contents of seed were determined and results were compared. In both years, zeolite application significantly decreased nitrogen losses by ammonia (NH3) from soil surface. In the first year, following first irrigation, Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 28,87 % and 16,96 %, respectively; and following second irrigation Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 19,51 % and 31,98 %, respectively. In the second year, after first irrigation, Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 11,58 % and 29,91 %, respectively, and after the second irrigation Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 30,14 % and 23,65 %, respectively. The treatments positively affected soil physical and chemical properties and yield and yield components of corn and wheat plants. At the first and second years, the highest corn yield occurred at the application of FPM+Z and CPM as 1296 kg da-1 and 1877,3 kg da-1, respectively, and the highest wheat yield was obtained from the application of CPM+Z and FPM as 108,44 kg da-1 and 240,36 kg da-1, respectively
This study was carried out to determine the effect of zeolite (Z) on the bio-physical availability of fresh poultry manure (FPM) and composted poultry manure (CPM) İNthe field conditions. The research was a randomized plot design with four replications. The treatments were Z (150 kg da-1), FPM (1000 kg da-1), CMP (1000 kg da-1), FPM+Z (1000 kg da-1+150 kg da-1), CPM+Z (1000 kg da-1+150 kg da-1). In the experiment; ?Pioneer-3394? variety of corn (Zea mays L.) and tried. The effects of treatments on ammonia nitrogen losses, soil physical and chemical properties, corn yield and plant nutrition content of leaf, crude protein contents of seed, wheat yield and plant nutrition content of leaf, crude protein contents of seed were determined and results were compared. In both years, zeolite application significantly decreased nitrogen losses by ammonia (NH3) from soil surface. In the first year, following first irrigation, Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 28,87 % and 16,96 %, respectively; and following second irrigation Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 19,51 % and 31,98 %, respectively. In the second year, after first irrigation, Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 11,58 % and 29,91 %, respectively, and after the second irrigation Z and CPM+Z treatments decreased NH3-N losses by 30,14 % and 23,65 %, respectively. The treatments positively affected soil physical and chemical properties and yield and yield components of corn and wheat plants. At the first and second years, the highest corn yield occurred at the application of FPM+Z and CPM as 1296 kg da-1 and 1877,3 kg da-1, respectively, and the highest wheat yield was obtained from the application of CPM+Z and FPM as 108,44 kg da-1 and 240,36 kg da-1, respectively
Anahtar Kelimeler
Azot kaybı, Zeolitler, Tavuk gübresi, Toprak özellikleri, Nitrogen losses, Zeolites, Poultry manure, Soil properties
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Gümüş, İ. (2011). Taze ve olgunlaşmış tavuk gübresinin biyo-fiziksel yarayışlılığına zeolit kullanımının etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.