Futbolcuların kulübe bağlılıklarında antrenörlerin liderlik özelliklerinin rolü
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Dünyada milyonlarca insanın ilgisini çeken futbol oyununda görev alanların basında antrenörler ve futbolcular gelmektedir. Antrenörlerin görevlerini, futbolcularında oyun geregi kabiliyetlerini basarılı bir sekilde sergilemelerinde birçok faktör yer almaktadır. Antrenörlerin liderlik özelliklerini, futbolcularına tatmin edici düzeyde yansıtması, birlikte çalısma istegini dogal olarak da futbolcuların kendilerini kulübe bagımlı hissetmelerini saglayacaktır. Antrenörler, belirli amaçları gerçeklestirmek için, futbolcuların fizyolojik, duygusal ve sosyal davranıs gelisimleri ile kulübe sadakat ve tutumunu gelistirir. Arastırma konusu ; antrenörlerin liderlik özelliklerinin, futbolcuların kulübe baglılıklarını ve performansa etkilerini belirlemektir. Hazırlanan anket sorularına 8 Türkcell Süper Lig kulübünden toplam 158 futbolcu cevap verdi. Arastırmada 21 hipotez test edildi. Örgütsel Baglılık için, Allen ve Meyer tarafından gelistirilen Örgütsel Baglılık Ölçegi kullanıldı. Liderlik için Conger ve Kanungo'nun (1994) gelistirdigi Liderlik Ölçegi kullanıldı. Performansı ölçmek üzere 4 sorulu bir ölçek kullanıldı. Tümü bes basamaklı Likert tipinde geçerliligi ve güvenilirligi kanıtlanmıs ölçeklerden faydalanılarak hazırlanan 52 sorudan elde edilen veriler SPSS 11.0 for Windows adlı istatistik paket programıyla degerlendirildi. Bulunan sonuçlara göre; antrenörlerin vizyon belirlemesi ile futbolcuların duygusal ve devamlılık baglılıkları arasında anlamlı bir iliski bulunamadı, normatif baglılıkları ile anlamlı bir iliski bulundu. Antrenörlerin çevresel duyarlılıkları ile devamlılık ve normatif baglılık arasında anlamlı bir iliski bulunamadı, duygusal baglılık ile anlamlı bir iliski bulundu. Antrenörlerin sıra dısı davranıslar sergilemesi ile duygusal baglılık arasında anlamlı bir iliski bulunamadı, devamlılık ve normatif baglılık ile anlamlı bir iliski bulundu. Antrenörlerin kisisel risk üstlenmesi ile devamlılık ve normatif baglılık arasında anlamlı bir iliski bulunamadı, duygusal baglılık ile anlamlı bir iliski bulundu. Antrenörlerin üye ihtiyaçlarına duyarlılık göstermesi ile normatif baglılık arasında anlamlı bir iliski bulunamadı, duygusal ve devamlılık baglılıgı ile anlamlı bir iliski bulundu. Antrenörlerin statükoyu sürdürmemesi ile duygusal, devamlılık ve normatif baglılıkları arasında ise anlamlı bir iliski bulunamadı. Baglılık türleri ile performans arasındaki iliskilerin degerlendirilmesinde ise normatif baglılık ile performans arasındaki olumlu iliskiye ragmen duygusal ve devamlılık baglılıgı ile performans arasında bir iliski tespit edilemedi. Literatüre göre olumlu örnekler ele alındıgında antrenörlerin liderlik özelliklerinin futbolculara olumlu yansıması sonucu kulüplerdeki baglılık düzeyinin gelisecegi ve bununda performansa olumlu yansıması görülecektir.
Trainers and footballers come first among people who have the duty of realizng football game which attracts millions of people all araund the world. There are many factors for trainers to accomplish their duties successfully and for footballers to show their abilities. Reflecting the leadership specialities of trainers as a group leader will make the footballers desire to work together and feel naturally closer with the club. Trainers in general terms are helpers of sportsmen to improve their physicological, mental,socialand emotional capacity to realize specific aims and improve logalty and positive behaviours towards the club. The subject of this research is to find out the trainers leadership specialities effects on footballers logalty towads the club and their performance. 158 footballer from 8 Turkcell Super League club answered the survery. In this research, 21 hypothesis were tested. Organizational affirmation scale which was developed by Allend and Meyer was used to evaulate the organizational affirmation. Leadership scale which was developed by conger and kanungo (1994) was used to evaulate the leadership. A scale with four questions was used to evaulate performance. All conducted data of 52 questions with five steps and Likert type which were proved to be realible and thrustable, were evaluated under statistic program SPSS 11.0 for windows. According to the results;a meaningfull relation between trainers? missions and footballers lagalty couldn?t be found. A meaning full relationh between trainers? environmental sensivity and normativ logalty couldn?t be found top, on the other hand a meaningfull relation with emotional logalty was found. No relation was able to found between trainers in orolinary behaviors and emotional logalty, but a meaningfull relation was found with cotinuity and normativ logalty. No relation was able to found between trainers? bearing personnal risk and continuity, normativ logalty. No meaningfull realtion was able to found between trainers? sensivity about members? needs and normativ logalty,but a meaningfull relation was found with continuity and emotional logalty. No meaningfull relation between trainers sustainable statusquo and emotional,contiunity and normativ logalty. Event there was a positive relation between normative logalty and performance in evaluouting logalty types and performance,a relation between emotional and continuity logalty with performance wasn?t able to found. When positive samples are evaluouted according to literature logalty will imparove as a result of the positive reflection of trainers? leadership specialities to footballers and it will be seen that this will reflect positively to the performance.
Trainers and footballers come first among people who have the duty of realizng football game which attracts millions of people all araund the world. There are many factors for trainers to accomplish their duties successfully and for footballers to show their abilities. Reflecting the leadership specialities of trainers as a group leader will make the footballers desire to work together and feel naturally closer with the club. Trainers in general terms are helpers of sportsmen to improve their physicological, mental,socialand emotional capacity to realize specific aims and improve logalty and positive behaviours towards the club. The subject of this research is to find out the trainers leadership specialities effects on footballers logalty towads the club and their performance. 158 footballer from 8 Turkcell Super League club answered the survery. In this research, 21 hypothesis were tested. Organizational affirmation scale which was developed by Allend and Meyer was used to evaulate the organizational affirmation. Leadership scale which was developed by conger and kanungo (1994) was used to evaulate the leadership. A scale with four questions was used to evaulate performance. All conducted data of 52 questions with five steps and Likert type which were proved to be realible and thrustable, were evaluated under statistic program SPSS 11.0 for windows. According to the results;a meaningfull relation between trainers? missions and footballers lagalty couldn?t be found. A meaning full relationh between trainers? environmental sensivity and normativ logalty couldn?t be found top, on the other hand a meaningfull relation with emotional logalty was found. No relation was able to found between trainers in orolinary behaviors and emotional logalty, but a meaningfull relation was found with cotinuity and normativ logalty. No relation was able to found between trainers? bearing personnal risk and continuity, normativ logalty. No meaningfull realtion was able to found between trainers? sensivity about members? needs and normativ logalty,but a meaningfull relation was found with continuity and emotional logalty. No meaningfull relation between trainers sustainable statusquo and emotional,contiunity and normativ logalty. Event there was a positive relation between normative logalty and performance in evaluouting logalty types and performance,a relation between emotional and continuity logalty with performance wasn?t able to found. When positive samples are evaluouted according to literature logalty will imparove as a result of the positive reflection of trainers? leadership specialities to footballers and it will be seen that this will reflect positively to the performance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Futbolcular, Football players, Antrenörler, Football coach
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ulukan, M. (2006). Futbolcuların kulübe bağlılıklarında antrenörlerin liderlik özelliklerinin rolü. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.