Çocuklarda obezite ilişkili kardiyovasküler risk faktörlerini öngörmede antropometrik ölçümlerin önemi
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Amaç: Çocuklarda obezite ilişkili kardiyovasküler risk faktörlerini öngörmede antropometrik ölçümlerin prognostik önemini saptamak. Gereç ve Yöntem: Obezitesi olan 6-17 yaşlarındaki 100 çocuk vaka grubuna dahil edildi. Yaş ve cinsiyet bakımından benzer 100 sağlıklı çocuk kontrol grubuna dahil edildi. Vaka ve kontrol grubundaki çocukların antropometrik ölçümleri yapıldı ve kan basınçları ölçüldü. Kan lipidleri, HbA1c, açlık glukozu ve insülin düzeyleri hem vaka hem kontrol grubunda ölçülürken, oral glukoz tolerans testi sadece vaka grubunda yapıldı. Vücut yağ oranı bioimpedans vücut analizörü kullanılarak ölçüldü. Antropometrik ölçümlerin prognostik önemi ROC eğrisi kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Vaka grubundaki çocukların ortalama yaşları 11.44 2.38 (48 kız 52 erkek), kontrol grubundaki çocuların yaş ortalamaları ise 11.46 2.33 (48 kız 52 erkek) idi. Vaka grubundaki antropometrik ölçümlerin hepsi, kontrol grubundan daha yüksek bulundu. Obezite grubunda hipertansiyon, dislipidemi ve bozulmuş OGTT sırasıyla 26, 33, 37 çocukta bulundu. Herhangi bir kardiyovasküler risk faktörünü gösteren kesim noktası değeri vücut ağırlığı standart deviasyon skoru (SDS) için 2.6, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) SDS için 1.98, vücut yağ oranı için %27.1, subskapular deri kalınlığı için 29 mm, bel/boy oranı için 0.59 ve kalça/ boy oranı için 0.93 olarak bulundu. Sonuç: Antropometrik ölçümlerden subskapular deri kalınlığı ve bel/boy oranı obezite ilişkili kardiyovasküler risk faktörlerini öngörmede kullanılabilecek en iyi parametrelerdir.
Objective: To determine the prognostic importance of anthropometrics for obesity related cardiovascular risk factors in children. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 children aged 617 years old with obesity were included in the study. Age and sex matched healthy 100 children who had not any disease were included in the control group. The anthropometrics of all children in the study and control group were taken and blood pressures were measured. Additionally the laboratory examinations lipid profile, fasting glucose and insulin performed on study and control group. Oral glucose tolerance test were performed on only study group. Body fat ratio was measure by using bioimpedence body analyzer. The prognostic importance of anthropometrics was evaluated by using ROC curve. Results: The mean ages of children were 11.44 ± 2.38 years in study group (48 girls, 52 boys), 11.46 ± 2.33 years in control group (48 girls, 52 boys). In study group, hypertension, dyslipidemia, high liver enzymes/hepatomegaly/hepatosteatosis and impaired OGTT were found in 26, 33, 37 children, respectively. The cut off value for showing any cardiovascular risk factors was found to be as 2.6 for wight SDS, 1.98 for BMI SDS, 27.1% for body fat ratio, 29 mm for suprascapular skin thickness (SST), 0.59 for waist height ratio and 0.93 for hip height ratio. Conclusion: SST and waist height ratio which can be used for predicting obesity related cardiovascular risk factors are the best anthropometrics.
Objective: To determine the prognostic importance of anthropometrics for obesity related cardiovascular risk factors in children. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 children aged 617 years old with obesity were included in the study. Age and sex matched healthy 100 children who had not any disease were included in the control group. The anthropometrics of all children in the study and control group were taken and blood pressures were measured. Additionally the laboratory examinations lipid profile, fasting glucose and insulin performed on study and control group. Oral glucose tolerance test were performed on only study group. Body fat ratio was measure by using bioimpedence body analyzer. The prognostic importance of anthropometrics was evaluated by using ROC curve. Results: The mean ages of children were 11.44 ± 2.38 years in study group (48 girls, 52 boys), 11.46 ± 2.33 years in control group (48 girls, 52 boys). In study group, hypertension, dyslipidemia, high liver enzymes/hepatomegaly/hepatosteatosis and impaired OGTT were found in 26, 33, 37 children, respectively. The cut off value for showing any cardiovascular risk factors was found to be as 2.6 for wight SDS, 1.98 for BMI SDS, 27.1% for body fat ratio, 29 mm for suprascapular skin thickness (SST), 0.59 for waist height ratio and 0.93 for hip height ratio. Conclusion: SST and waist height ratio which can be used for predicting obesity related cardiovascular risk factors are the best anthropometrics.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, antropometrik, anthropometrics, kardiyovasküler risk, cardiovascular risk
Van Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Cesur, Y., Kaba, S., Doğan, M., Başaranoğlu, M., Bala, K. A., Arı, S. Y., Sal, E. (2016). Çocuklarda Obezite İlişkili Kardiyovasküler Risk Faktörlerini Öngörmede Antropometrik Ölçümlerin Önemi. Van Tıp Dergisi, 23(4), 324-329.