Selçuk Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Acil Polikliniğine başvuran travma dışı adli vakaların değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı bir tıp fakültesi hastanesi acil servisine başvuran çocuk adli olguların demografik epidemiyolojik özelliklerini ortaya koymak, başvuru nedenlerini, başvuru zamanlarını, yatış ve ölüm oranlarını belirlemektir. Böylece kliniğimizde sık karşılaşılan adli olguların nitelikleri ve sonuçları hakkında ulusal ve uluslararası karşılaştırma yapabilmek için veri tabanı oluşturmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Çocuk Acil Ünitesine 01.01.2016 ile 01.01.2019 tarihleri arasında 3 yıl boyunca başvuran 0- 18 yaş arasında olup, adli vaka olarak kabul edilen 1104 vaka geriye yönelik olarak incelendi. 4 Ekim 2016- 1 Ocak 2019 tarihleri arasında başvuran adli vakalar adli vaka defteri incelenerek tespit edildi. 1 Ocak 2016- 4 Ekim 2016 arasında başvuran adli vakalar, ENLIL sisteminden elektronik dosya raporlar kısmından hasta kartı, labaratuar sonuçları, medikal raporları, epikriz alt sekmeleri incelenerek yaşı, cinsiyeti, başvuru saati-günü-ayı, başvuru şekli, izlendiği yer, geliş nedenleri, ikametgahları ve istenen tetkikler ve sonuçları yönlerinden çalışmaya alındı. Çalışma sonucu elde edilen veriler, tanımlayıcı yöntemler (ortalama standart sapma), student t test ve ki-kare testleri kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Sonuçlar %95 güven aralığında ortalama±SD olarak verildi, anlamlılık p<0.05 düzeyinde değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 1104 hasta dahil edildi. 1 hasta acil serviste bronkopnömoni nedenli tedavi alırken yataktan düşme sonrası adli vaka olması ve adli vaka defterinde olmasına rağmen neden travma olduğu için çalışma dışında bırakıldı. Erkeklerin yaş ortalaması yıl ve standart sapması 57,86±55,10 ay iken; kızların yaş ortalaması ve standart sapması 81,43±70,57 ay saptandı. Cinsiyete göre yaş ortalaması istatistiksel olarak incelendiğinde anlamlı bir fark tespit edildi (p:0,001). Hastaların 538'i (%48,7) kız, 566'sı (%51,3) erkek idi. 0-6 yaş grubu hasta sayısı (n=731, %66,2) diğerlerine oranla fazla saptandı. Çalışmanın olduğu 3 yıl içerisinde 406 hasta ile en fazla hastanın geldiği yıl 2016 yılıydı. Yaz mevsimi başvuruların en sık gözlendiği mevsim idi. En sık başvuru yapılan saat dilimi 16:00-23:59 arası saptandı. Yaş gruplarında yaş azaldıkça hastaneye başvuru süresinin kısaldığı tespit edildi. En sık başvuru nedeni zehirlenme (n=855, %77,1) ikinci sırada ise sindirim yolunda yabancı cisim (n=112, %10,5) saptandı. Hastanemiz çocuk acil polikliniğine başvuran olguların 1025'i (%92,8) il içinden, 52 'si (%4,7) il dışından gelmiştir. Zehirlenme vakalarında %2,8 oranda (n:24) psikiyatrik hastalık bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Çalışmamızda ölüm oranı %0,27 saptandı. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda adli vakaların büyük kısmıını (n=732, %66,2) 0-6 yaş grubunda kaza nedenli meydana gelen adli vakalar oluşturmuş ve bu vakaların tedbir alınarak, dikkatli olarak önlenebileceği görülmüştür. Buna istinaden ilaç ve temizlik ürünlerinin çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerde saklanmalıdır. Ev içinde güvenlik tedbirlerine önem verilmesi ve buna yönelik eğitim verilmesi zehirlenme sıklığını azaltabileceği düşünüldü. Erken müdahale ve tedavi ile ölüm oranlarının düşük olduğu saptanmış olup, sağlık personelinin zehirlenme konusunda bilgilerinin güncellenmesi acil ünitelerinin güçlendirilmesi gerektiği düşünüldü.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to reveal the demographic epidemiological features and to determine the reasons for the admittence, admittence time, length of hospital stay and mortality rate. So we wanted to increase awareness of pediatric forensic cases and create database in order to make national and international comparisons on characteristics and consequences of pediatric forensic cases which admitted to Selcuk University Medical Faculty Hospital. Material and Method:1104 pediatric forensic cases who applied to Selcuk University Medical Faculty Hospital Pediatric Emergency Unit between 01.01.2016 and 01.01.2019 and patients up to 18 years old were analyzed retrospectively. Forensic cases were determined by the ENLIL system, where the patient information and records were stored electronically. Each case, the patient card, laboratory results, medical reports, epicrisis sub-tabs are analyzed from the ENLIL system from the electronic file reports section to study in terms of age, gender, application hour-day-month, method of application, location, arrival reasons, residences and desired examinations and results. received. The data that obtained from study results were evaluated using methods of descriptive methods, t test and chi-square test were calculated by statistical analysis. Results were expressed as mean ±SD of confidence interval. Results: 1104 patients were included in this study. One patient was excluded from the study because of a traumatic case after falling from bed while being treated for bronchopneumonia in the emergency room and why it was in the forensic case book. While the mean age of the boys was 57,86 and their standard deviation was 555,10 months, the mean age of the girls was 81,43 months and their standard deviation is 70,57 months. When the average age according to gender was analyzed statistically, a significat difference was found (p:0.001). 538 patients (48,7%) were females, 566 (51,3%) were male. The number of patients aged 0-6 years (n=731, 66,2%) were more than other patients. Most of the admittances were in the summer. The most frequently admittance time zone was determined between 16:00-23:59. The first reason of the admittance was intoxication (n=855, 77,1%) and second one was foreign body in the digestive tract (n=112, 10,5%). 1025 (92,8%) cases who applied to our Hospital Pediatri Emergency Unit through the province and 52 cases (4,7%) applied from outside the province. It was determined that 2.8% (n: 24) of intoxication cases had psychiatric diseases. In our study, the mortality rate was found to be 0.27%. Conclusion: In our study, the majority of forensic cases who were at 0-6 age group admitted to hospital by accident (n=731, 66,2%) and it had been realized these cases showed that these cases could be prevented by being careful and taking precautions. Therefore, drugs, household cleaning products should be kept out of the reach of childrens. The health care personnel should be educated about update knowledge about intoxication and Emergency Units should be equipped by healthcare facilities.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to reveal the demographic epidemiological features and to determine the reasons for the admittence, admittence time, length of hospital stay and mortality rate. So we wanted to increase awareness of pediatric forensic cases and create database in order to make national and international comparisons on characteristics and consequences of pediatric forensic cases which admitted to Selcuk University Medical Faculty Hospital. Material and Method:1104 pediatric forensic cases who applied to Selcuk University Medical Faculty Hospital Pediatric Emergency Unit between 01.01.2016 and 01.01.2019 and patients up to 18 years old were analyzed retrospectively. Forensic cases were determined by the ENLIL system, where the patient information and records were stored electronically. Each case, the patient card, laboratory results, medical reports, epicrisis sub-tabs are analyzed from the ENLIL system from the electronic file reports section to study in terms of age, gender, application hour-day-month, method of application, location, arrival reasons, residences and desired examinations and results. received. The data that obtained from study results were evaluated using methods of descriptive methods, t test and chi-square test were calculated by statistical analysis. Results were expressed as mean ±SD of confidence interval. Results: 1104 patients were included in this study. One patient was excluded from the study because of a traumatic case after falling from bed while being treated for bronchopneumonia in the emergency room and why it was in the forensic case book. While the mean age of the boys was 57,86 and their standard deviation was 555,10 months, the mean age of the girls was 81,43 months and their standard deviation is 70,57 months. When the average age according to gender was analyzed statistically, a significat difference was found (p:0.001). 538 patients (48,7%) were females, 566 (51,3%) were male. The number of patients aged 0-6 years (n=731, 66,2%) were more than other patients. Most of the admittances were in the summer. The most frequently admittance time zone was determined between 16:00-23:59. The first reason of the admittance was intoxication (n=855, 77,1%) and second one was foreign body in the digestive tract (n=112, 10,5%). 1025 (92,8%) cases who applied to our Hospital Pediatri Emergency Unit through the province and 52 cases (4,7%) applied from outside the province. It was determined that 2.8% (n: 24) of intoxication cases had psychiatric diseases. In our study, the mortality rate was found to be 0.27%. Conclusion: In our study, the majority of forensic cases who were at 0-6 age group admitted to hospital by accident (n=731, 66,2%) and it had been realized these cases showed that these cases could be prevented by being careful and taking precautions. Therefore, drugs, household cleaning products should be kept out of the reach of childrens. The health care personnel should be educated about update knowledge about intoxication and Emergency Units should be equipped by healthcare facilities.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocuk Acil Polikliniği, Adli Vaka, Çocuk Hasta, Zehirlenmeler, Pediatric Emergency Department, Forensic Case, Pediatric Patient, Intoxication
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şen, S. (2020). Selçuk Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Acil Polikliniğine başvuran travma dışı adli vakaların değerlendirilmesi. (Uzmanlık Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Konya.