Sultandağı (Afyon) yöresi cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) seleksiyon yoluyla ıslahı üzerine araştırmalar
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Afyon-Sultandağı yöresinde yapılan bu seleksiyon ıslahı çalışması 2010-2012 yılları arasında tohumdan yetişen ceviz ağaçlarının oluşturduğu popülasyon içerisinden çeşit olmaya aday üstün özellikli tipleri belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada 122 ağaçtan meyve örneği alınmış, bu tiplerde önemli meyve, ağaç ve kimyasal özellikler incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda 28 ceviz tipi ümitvar olarak seçilmiştir. Seçilen tiplerde meyve ağırlığı 7.72-13.37 g, iç ağırlığı 4.07-7.13 g, iç oranı % 44.74-61.08, kabuk kalınlığı 0.98-1.51 mm arasında değişmiş; kabuk rengi duyusal analizle 1 tipte koyu, 10 tipte esmer, 17 tipte açık; mekanik analizde L*: 48.78-60.16, C*: 20.42-28.79, h*: 61.34-70.16; iç rengi ise duyusal analizle 17 tipte açık sarı, 9 tipte koyu sarı, 2 tipte kahverengi; mekanik analizde L*: 43.09-59.81, C*: 28.37-35.67, h*: 63.52-74.85 olarak belirlenmiştir. Seçilen 28 tipin 23’ü protandri ve 5’i protogeni çiçeklenme göstermiştir. Ümitvar tipler içerisinden iç oranı % 55’in üzerinde olan 8 tip belirlenmiş ve kimyasal özellikler saptanmıştır. Nem, su aktivitesi, kül, protein, yağ, peroksit, enerji oranları sırasıyla % 2.38-5.77, 0.51-0.68 aw, % 0.91-2.01, % 11.86-16.22, % 59.25-67.48, 7.12-13.72 meq/kg, 636.22-693.455 kcal olarak belirlenmiştir. Linoleik, oleik, linolenik, palmitik, stearik, doymamış yağ, doymuş yağ, çoklu doymamış yağ, tekli doymamış yağ, Omega 3, Omega 6 oranları ise sırasıyla % 57.52-62.92, % 16.62-18.92, % 10.45-17.23, % 4.23-7.01, % 1.28-2.53, % 91.12-92.97, % 7.05-8.97, % 73.02-75.04, % 16.67-18.98, % 10.46-17.26, % 57.57-62.92 olarak belirlenmiştir.
This selection breeding study was performed to determine the types with candidate to be species of superior properties among the population of seedling walnut trees between 2010 and 2012 in Afyonkarahisar Sultandağı location. In this study fruit samples were collected individually from 122 trees, then these types were evaluated for fruit, tree and chemical properties. Twenty eight walnut types with fruit weight varied between 7.72 g and 13.37 g, interior weight between 4.07 g and 7.13 g, the interior ratio between 44.74 % and 61.08 %, shell thickness between 0.98 mm and 1.51 mm were selected as promising. On the other hand, the shell color was determined by sensory analysis as dark in 1 type, tawny in 10 types and yellow in 17 types; by mechanical measurement between L*: 48.78-60.16, C*: 20.42-28.79 and h*: 61.34-70.16 also. The inner color was found by sensory analysis as light yellow in 17 types, dark yellow in 9 types and brown in 2 types; by mechanical measurement between L*: 43.09-59.81, C*: 28.37-35.67 and h*: 63.52-74.85 also. Nine types showed protandrous blooming and 5 types displayed protogenous blooming. Among the promising types, eight types, having more than 55 % interior ratio, were selected and analyzed for their chemical characteristics. Their fruits averagely contained 2.38-5.77 % moisture, 0.51-0.68 aw water activity, 0.91-2.01 % ash, 11.86-16.22 % protein, 59.25-67.48 % total fat, 7.12-13.72 meq/kg peroxide and 636.22-693.455 kcal energy. Their fruits averagely contained 57.52-62.92 % linoleic, 16.62-18.92 % oleic, 10.45-17.23 % linolenic, 4.23-7.01 % palmitic, 1.28-2.53 % stearic, 91.12-92.97 % unsaturated fatty, 7.05-8.97 % saturated fatty, 73.02-75.04 % polyunsaturated fatty, 16.67-18.98 % monounsaturated fatty, 10.46-17.26 % Omega 3, 57.57-62.92 % Omega 6.
This selection breeding study was performed to determine the types with candidate to be species of superior properties among the population of seedling walnut trees between 2010 and 2012 in Afyonkarahisar Sultandağı location. In this study fruit samples were collected individually from 122 trees, then these types were evaluated for fruit, tree and chemical properties. Twenty eight walnut types with fruit weight varied between 7.72 g and 13.37 g, interior weight between 4.07 g and 7.13 g, the interior ratio between 44.74 % and 61.08 %, shell thickness between 0.98 mm and 1.51 mm were selected as promising. On the other hand, the shell color was determined by sensory analysis as dark in 1 type, tawny in 10 types and yellow in 17 types; by mechanical measurement between L*: 48.78-60.16, C*: 20.42-28.79 and h*: 61.34-70.16 also. The inner color was found by sensory analysis as light yellow in 17 types, dark yellow in 9 types and brown in 2 types; by mechanical measurement between L*: 43.09-59.81, C*: 28.37-35.67 and h*: 63.52-74.85 also. Nine types showed protandrous blooming and 5 types displayed protogenous blooming. Among the promising types, eight types, having more than 55 % interior ratio, were selected and analyzed for their chemical characteristics. Their fruits averagely contained 2.38-5.77 % moisture, 0.51-0.68 aw water activity, 0.91-2.01 % ash, 11.86-16.22 % protein, 59.25-67.48 % total fat, 7.12-13.72 meq/kg peroxide and 636.22-693.455 kcal energy. Their fruits averagely contained 57.52-62.92 % linoleic, 16.62-18.92 % oleic, 10.45-17.23 % linolenic, 4.23-7.01 % palmitic, 1.28-2.53 % stearic, 91.12-92.97 % unsaturated fatty, 7.05-8.97 % saturated fatty, 73.02-75.04 % polyunsaturated fatty, 16.67-18.98 % monounsaturated fatty, 10.46-17.26 % Omega 3, 57.57-62.92 % Omega 6.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Afyon, Ceviz, Genotip, Islah, Seleksiyon, Walnut, Genotype, Breeding, Selection
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aslansoy, B. (2012). Sultandağı (Afyon) yöresi cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) seleksiyon yoluyla ıslahı üzerine araştırmalar. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.