Abdominal cerrahi girişim geçiren hastaların ağrı deneyimleri ve ağrı kontrolüne yönelik hemşirelik girişimleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu araştırma, abdominal cerrahi girişim geçiren hastaların, cerrahi girişim sonrası ağrı deneyimlerinin ve ağrı kontrolüne yönelik yapılan hemşirelik girişimlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Tanımlayıcı türdeki araştırma; 1 Mayıs-30 Ağustos 2013 tarihleri arasında bir devlet hastanesinin cerrahi kliniklerinde (genel cerrahi, jinekoloji, üroloji) yatan 103 hasta ile gerçekleştirildi. Araştırma verileri, sosyo-demografik ve sağlık özelliklerini değerlendiren "Kişisel Bilgi Formu" ve hastaların ağrılarına yönelik hemşirelik girişimleri ile ilgili görüşlerini değerlendiren "Cerrahi Girişim Sonrası Ağrıya Yönelik Hemşirelik Girişimleri Formu" kullanılarak toplandı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, sayı, yüzde, ortalama, standart sapma, Mann-Whitney U ve Kruskall-Wallis testi kullanıldı. Cerrahi girişim sonrası dönemde, hastaların Görsel Kıyaslama Ölçeği'ne göre ortalama 4,40±2,72 şiddette ağrı deneyimlediği, 47,57'sinin deneyimlediği ağrının beklediği şiddette olduğu, %34,95'inin ise orta düzeyde bir ağrı deneyimlediği, %87,37'sinin ağrısının cerrahi girişim alanında olduğu, %57,28'inn en fazla yataktan kalkarken ağrı yaşadığı, %54,37'sinin ağrısı olması nedeniyle hareketlerinin kısıtlandığı, %89,32'sinin ağrılarını ağrı kesicilerin hafiflettiği belirlendi. Daha önce cerrahi girişim geçiren hastaların ağrı şiddetinin cerrahi girişim geçirmeyenlere göre daha yüksek olduğu saptandı. Hastaların çoğunluğunun ağrıları olduğunda rahatlıkla hemşirelerle iletişime geçtikleri, %94,17'sinin ağrısını hemşirenin değerlendirdiği, %88,35'inin hemşire tarafından ağrısı hakkında bilgilendirildiği, %99,03'ünün ağrısının varlığına hemşirenin inandığı, %98,06'inin ağrısı olduğunda hemşirenin en kısa sürede ilacını verdiği, %90,29'unun ağrıya neden olan aktiviteler sırasında neler yapması gerektiği konusunda bilgilendirildiği belirlendi. Bununla birlikte ağrı değerlendirmesinde hemşirelerin ölçek kullanmadığı ve ağrı niteliğini değerlendirmediği saptandı. Ağrının kontrol altına alınmasında hastaların %75,73'ü sessiz ve sakin bir ortam oluşturulduğunu, %78,64'ü uygun pozisyon almasına yardım edildiğini, %47,57'si ise sıcak/soğuk uygulama yapıldığını belirtirken, masaj, müzik dinleme, düşleme gibi diğer farmakolojik olmayan uygulamaların yapılmadığı belirlendi. Hastaların %96,12'si hemşirelerin uygulamadan sonra ağrılarının azalıp azalmadığını değerlendirdiğini ifade etti. Sonuç olarak, ağrının tanımlanması ve ağrı yönetilmesi hususunda eksikliklerin olduğu belirlendi. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda, akut ağrı yönetimine ilişkin standartlar geliştirilmesine yönelik çalışmalar yapılması önerilmektedir.
This research has been carried out with the aim of determining nursing interventions that have been made towards pain experiment and controlling of the pain, patients that have been experienced abdominal surgical operation at the surgical postoperative. A descriptive research was materialized with 103 patients that lie in the surgical clinics of the state hospital (department of general surgery, gynecology and urology) between on May 1th and August 30th 2013. Research datas have been gathered by using "Individual information form" which evaluates socio-demographic and health characteristics as well as "Nursing interventions form postoperative towards pain" which evaluates view of nurses interventions for the patients who have towards pain. While number, percentage, average and standard deviation tests have been used in the evaluation of the data's, Mann- Whitney U and Kruskall-Wallis test in the comparative analysis. According to "Visual comparison scale" it has been determined that patients have experienced a pain are average intensity 4,40=2,72. 47,57% of patients that have experienced a pain is to be expected intensity, 39,95% of patients have experienced a moderate pain, 87,37% of patients have experienced a pain at the surgical area, 57,28% of patients have experienced a pain best while standing up from bed, 54,37 % of patients are restricted movement's because of pain and the pain of 89,32% of patients make painkillers to relieve. Before patients that were exposed to surgical operation violence of pain is higher than were not exposed to surgical operation to be determined. Most of the patients who has pain easily communicate with the nurses, %94,17 of those indicated the nurse evaluates the pain,%88,31 of those was acknowledged about his pain, %99,03 of those patients indicates that the nurse believe that he/she has pain, %98,06 of those indicates that the nurse give medicine as soon as the patient feel pain, %90,29 of those have been acknowledged about what to do when they feel the pain or during these activities. However, it has been determined that during assessment of pain nurses neither use scale nor evaluate nature of pain. %75,73 of the patients indicates that there have been created a silent environment during the process as taking the pain under control, %78,64 of those indicates that they have been helped to get right position %47,57 of those has seen the hot/cold application, the other applications such as massage, music, rest, imagination that are not pharmacological activities have not been done. 96.12% of patients declared that after application nurses evaluated whether pain decrease or not. As a result: It obvious that there are shortages about definition and management of pain. In accordance with this result it has been recommended that doing studies for conducted of acute pain standards is to develop.
This research has been carried out with the aim of determining nursing interventions that have been made towards pain experiment and controlling of the pain, patients that have been experienced abdominal surgical operation at the surgical postoperative. A descriptive research was materialized with 103 patients that lie in the surgical clinics of the state hospital (department of general surgery, gynecology and urology) between on May 1th and August 30th 2013. Research datas have been gathered by using "Individual information form" which evaluates socio-demographic and health characteristics as well as "Nursing interventions form postoperative towards pain" which evaluates view of nurses interventions for the patients who have towards pain. While number, percentage, average and standard deviation tests have been used in the evaluation of the data's, Mann- Whitney U and Kruskall-Wallis test in the comparative analysis. According to "Visual comparison scale" it has been determined that patients have experienced a pain are average intensity 4,40=2,72. 47,57% of patients that have experienced a pain is to be expected intensity, 39,95% of patients have experienced a moderate pain, 87,37% of patients have experienced a pain at the surgical area, 57,28% of patients have experienced a pain best while standing up from bed, 54,37 % of patients are restricted movement's because of pain and the pain of 89,32% of patients make painkillers to relieve. Before patients that were exposed to surgical operation violence of pain is higher than were not exposed to surgical operation to be determined. Most of the patients who has pain easily communicate with the nurses, %94,17 of those indicated the nurse evaluates the pain,%88,31 of those was acknowledged about his pain, %99,03 of those patients indicates that the nurse believe that he/she has pain, %98,06 of those indicates that the nurse give medicine as soon as the patient feel pain, %90,29 of those have been acknowledged about what to do when they feel the pain or during these activities. However, it has been determined that during assessment of pain nurses neither use scale nor evaluate nature of pain. %75,73 of the patients indicates that there have been created a silent environment during the process as taking the pain under control, %78,64 of those indicates that they have been helped to get right position %47,57 of those has seen the hot/cold application, the other applications such as massage, music, rest, imagination that are not pharmacological activities have not been done. 96.12% of patients declared that after application nurses evaluated whether pain decrease or not. As a result: It obvious that there are shortages about definition and management of pain. In accordance with this result it has been recommended that doing studies for conducted of acute pain standards is to develop.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nursing research, Hemşirelik araştırmaları, Nursing, Hemşirelik, Nurse-patient relations, Hemşire-hasta ilişkileri, Analjezi, Analgesia, Analjezikler, Analgesics, Ağrı, Pain, Cerrahi, Surgery
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ayhan, F. (2015). Abdominal cerrahi girişim geçiren hastaların ağrı deneyimleri ve ağrı kontrolüne yönelik hemşirelik girişimleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.