Haydi, hadi, hayda kelimeleri üzerine
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Türkçede zaman içerisinde bazı kelimelerin ses, yapı, anlam ve tür bakımından değişikliklere uğradıkları görülür. Bu yazıyla incelediğimiz haydi kelimesi ve fonetik türevleri de bize göre fiil iken edata dönüşmüş kelimelerimizdendir. Kelimenin kökeni hakkında dört görüş ileri sürülmüştür: 1. Yabancı kökene dayanır. 2.haydi- yapısından ortaya çıkmıştır.3. haydi yapısından oluşmuştur. 4.hayda- fiiline dayanır. Kelime hakkında daha önce ileri sürülen görüşlerde kelimenin diğer Türk topluluklarında kullanılıp kullanılmadığı üzerinde durulmaksızın, Türkiye Türkçesindeki şekli üzerinden sonuca ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu araştırmada diğer Türk lehçelerindeki şekilleri de göz önünde bulundurularak kelimenin hayda- fiiline dayandığı ispat edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
In Turkish some words have changed in time in terms of voice, structure, meaning and kind. In our opinion, the word “haydi” and phonetic derivatives which we analyze in this article is one of our words that turned into adverb from verb. About this word four opinions have been suggested. 1. It is based on a foreign origin. 2. It has emerged from the structure haydi. 3. It has been formed from the structure haydi. 4. It is based on the verb hayda. Inpreviously suggested opinions about the word, it has been tried to reach a conclusion on its form in TurkeyTurkish without considering whether the word has been used in other Turkish societies or not. In this research, considering its forms in otherTurkish dialects it is tried to prove that the word is based on the verb hayda.
In Turkish some words have changed in time in terms of voice, structure, meaning and kind. In our opinion, the word “haydi” and phonetic derivatives which we analyze in this article is one of our words that turned into adverb from verb. About this word four opinions have been suggested. 1. It is based on a foreign origin. 2. It has emerged from the structure haydi. 3. It has been formed from the structure haydi. 4. It is based on the verb hayda. Inpreviously suggested opinions about the word, it has been tried to reach a conclusion on its form in TurkeyTurkish without considering whether the word has been used in other Turkish societies or not. In this research, considering its forms in otherTurkish dialects it is tried to prove that the word is based on the verb hayda.
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