Kalp yetersizliğinde nebivolol ve bisoprololün kalp hızı değişkenliği üzerine etkisi
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Amaç: Azalmış kalp hızı değişkenliği (HRV), kalp yetmezliği (KY) hastalarında kardiyak mortalite, ani ölüm ve aritmik olayların güçlü bir belirleyicisidir. Beta bloker (BB) tedavisinin KY hastalarında HRV’yi artırdığı gösterilmiştir. Çalışmamızda ikinci kuşak selektif bir BB olan Bisoprolol ile nitrik oksit salınımı gibi ilave özelliklere sahip, üçüncü kuşak bir BB olan Nebivolol’ün KY hastalarında HRV üzerine etkilerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya yeni KY tanısı konan, BB tedavi almayan, ejeksiyon fraksiyonu %40'ın altında olan 40 hasta alındı. Hastalar iki gruba randomize edildi. Birinci grup standart KY tedavisine ek olarak nebivolol, ikinci gruba standart KY tedavisine ek olarak bisoprolol tedavisi başlandı. Tüm hastalara BB tedavisinden önce ve tolere ettikleri maksimum BB dozuna ulaştıktan bir ay sonra 24 saat holter kaydı yapıldı. HRV değişkenlerinden zaman-alan analizi için; R-R aralıklarının standart sapması (SDNN), kayıttaki 5 dakikalık segmentlerin ortalama R-R aralıklarının standart sapması (SDANN), komşu R-R aralıklarının arasındaki farkların karelerinin top- lamı alındıktan sonraki ortalamanın kare kökü (rMSSD); frekans-alan analizi için düşük frekans (LF), yüksek frekans (HF), LF/HF değerleri kullanıldı. Bulgular: Ortalama BB dozu nebivolol için 8,91,9 mg ve bisoprolol için 8,52,2 mg olarak hesaplandı. SDNN ve rMSSD’de her iki grupta da başlangıç ölçümlere göre anlamlı artış izlendi (nebivolol ve bisoprolol için p0,05). LF ve HF değerleri nebivolol grubunda başlangıç ölçümlere göre anlamlı olarak artarken (sırasıyla p0,05, p0,01), bisoprolol grubunda ise anlamlı değişiklik izlenmedi. SDANN ve LF/HF oranları açısından gruplar arası anlamlı fark tespit edilmedi. Sonuç: Nebivolol ve bisoprolol, orta ve ileri KY hastalarında HRV’nin zaman ve frekans alan indekslerinde benzer ölçüde artış sağlamaktadır.
Aim: Decresed heart rate variability (HRV) is a potent predictor of the cardiac mortality, sudden cardiac death and arythmic events. It has been shown that beta blocker (BB) treatment increases the HRV in patients with heart failure. The aim of this study is to com- pare the effects on the HRV parameters of bisoprolol which is a second class selective BB and nebivolol, a third class BB which has also additional effects such as the synthesis of nitric oxide. Material and Method: This study enrolled 40 patients who were recently diagnosed as heart failure, who had not been taken BB treatment previously, who have ejection fraction below %40. Patients were randomized into two groups. In the first group, patients were admistered nebivolol and in the second group, patients were administered bisoprolol in addition to the standart heart failure treatment. 24 hours holter recordings for HRV analyses were performed in all patients before beta blocker treatment and after 1 mounth of the maximal BB doses well tolerated by the patients. Among the HRV parametres, standard deviation of R-R intervals (SDNN), standard deviation of 5-min averaged R-R intervals (SDANN) and square of mean squared difference of successive R-R inter- vals (rMSDD) were used for the time domain analysis and low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), LF/HF measures were used for the frequency domain analysis. Results: Mean dose of BB was calculated as 8.9±1.9 mg in nebivolol group and 8.5±2.2 in bisoprolol group at the end of the study. It is found that SDNN and RMSSD which increased significantly with treatment compared to basal values in both groups (p<0.05 for both nebivolol and bisoprolol). LF and HF which parameters of frequency domain increased significantly with treatment compared to basal values in nebivolol group (p<0.05, p<0.01 respectively) whereas did not change significantly in bisoprolol group. Intergroup changes for the SDANN, LF/ HF did not reached to statistical significance. Conclusion: Nebivolol and bisoprolol provide similar increases in the time domain and frequency domain indexes of HRV parametres in the patients with heart failure.
Aim: Decresed heart rate variability (HRV) is a potent predictor of the cardiac mortality, sudden cardiac death and arythmic events. It has been shown that beta blocker (BB) treatment increases the HRV in patients with heart failure. The aim of this study is to com- pare the effects on the HRV parameters of bisoprolol which is a second class selective BB and nebivolol, a third class BB which has also additional effects such as the synthesis of nitric oxide. Material and Method: This study enrolled 40 patients who were recently diagnosed as heart failure, who had not been taken BB treatment previously, who have ejection fraction below %40. Patients were randomized into two groups. In the first group, patients were admistered nebivolol and in the second group, patients were administered bisoprolol in addition to the standart heart failure treatment. 24 hours holter recordings for HRV analyses were performed in all patients before beta blocker treatment and after 1 mounth of the maximal BB doses well tolerated by the patients. Among the HRV parametres, standard deviation of R-R intervals (SDNN), standard deviation of 5-min averaged R-R intervals (SDANN) and square of mean squared difference of successive R-R inter- vals (rMSDD) were used for the time domain analysis and low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), LF/HF measures were used for the frequency domain analysis. Results: Mean dose of BB was calculated as 8.9±1.9 mg in nebivolol group and 8.5±2.2 in bisoprolol group at the end of the study. It is found that SDNN and RMSSD which increased significantly with treatment compared to basal values in both groups (p<0.05 for both nebivolol and bisoprolol). LF and HF which parameters of frequency domain increased significantly with treatment compared to basal values in nebivolol group (p<0.05, p<0.01 respectively) whereas did not change significantly in bisoprolol group. Intergroup changes for the SDANN, LF/ HF did not reached to statistical significance. Conclusion: Nebivolol and bisoprolol provide similar increases in the time domain and frequency domain indexes of HRV parametres in the patients with heart failure.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kalp ve Kalp Damar Sistemi
MN Kardiyoloji
WoS Q Değeri
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